Dead or Alive

1 week later

1 week later)

I remember the first few days of ‘training’, how it tired me to the point where all I wanted was to collapse and die. But this wasn’t allowed. Barely anything I did was right. The lessons in combat were particularly difficult, fighting against Wraith wasn’t an easy task, I may have been stronger (this is common for newer vampires to be stronger) but he had experience on his side and seemed to anticipate my moves before I had even made the one before.

Alumit had taken a dislike to Ray almost at once and went out of his way to make Ray’s life harder than it already was. He would make Ray carry trees on his back whilst he ran and spat obscenities his way. But Ray wasn’t one to care too much about this.

It had been 3 days I the camp when it happened.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I sat upright, a strange scent crossing my path. I had been walking for at least half an hour; I had gotten out of the camp to clear my head. I still couldn’t believe what had happened and still hoped that I was dreaming. But I knew I wasn’t. I would just have to get used to this.

The scent lead me to a little side path which headed west, presumably towards a village. It was a new scent, it was a rusty type smell, but sweeter and as soon as I smelt it I craved it. I had never needed something so badly in my life and I broke into a run in its direction. Ten minutes later I heard voices not far off and slowed my pace. As I came nearer I realised there were two people on the path, two women. I was confused at first. Where was the smell coming from? I needed to know!

The two women I soon realised were having an argument;

“Well done Jess! You do realise this is all your fault!”

“How is it my fault?!” Jess asked, more like screamed.

“It’s that dog!” she literally spat back. “He matters more than anything else. When it comes to that man there is nothing you won’t do.”

“Your just jealous because someone loves me and not you! I saw you that night he saved us. You wanted him too, but he didn’t want you, that’s what this is all about!”

“You bitch!” Jess’s friend screeched!

At that point Jess’s hand flew and hit her friends face dead on. Her friend recoiled and her hand flew up to her nose. It was bleeding. The burning desire exploded in my stomach and it was at that moment I realised what the scent was. Blood
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comment!!! please i have like up to chapter 12 written and will post if i get more comments!