Dead or Alive

The first taste

Stephanie’s POV

My hand instinctively flew up to my face and I tried desperately to hold back the tears with little luck. I was a one woman waterworks and I couldn’t stop, I just stood there sobbing. But that’s not the part that hurt most. My best friend was shooting me dagger looks and I swear they made all of this so much worse. Why couldn’t she see he was changing her? She had the slash marks down her back from when he lost control. I couldn’t bear to see it, even though I knew he loved her, he was too dangerous. Of course Jess didn’t see this.

Suddenly I heard a screech echo through the trees and spun around to try and locate the origin. I didn’t have to look far, a man around 5”9 standing just inside the trees. Something was wrong, very wrong. His skin eyes were blood red against his ghostly pale skin and the dark circles under his eyes added to the look. He looked mental and like he was trying to gain control over himself. I wanted to run but my feet were glued to the path and so I stayed in the danger zone, he looked as if he would pounce any second.

“Stephanie!! Run!” I heard Jess’s screams get quieter as she made her getaway but I couldn’t move. She seemed to stop and look back some way away her pleading screams becoming more and more urgent. But by the time I had regained self control it was too late. His lips had closed around my neck as if to kiss me but at the last moment his razor teeth cut through my skin, allowing a few drops of blood to trickle down my neck. This seemed to excite him further. This is the last thing I remember, the pain and my best friends wailing in the background.

Jess’s POV

Holy shit! NO! Not Stephanie! I had no idea that the argument I had just had with her would be the last time we ever spoke. Like a coward I turned to run, screaming all the way to the village. I needed to find Liam. NOW!

Gerard’s POV

My first taste of blood. The sweet liquid oozed slowly out of her neck and I couldn’t control myself, I drained her body before even stopping to think of the other. She had seen me. The elders would go beserk! I had just put us all in danger, I needed to get out with the rest of my former human friends. Tonight.
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comment please!!!! i will love you forever!!! it gets better i promise!