
I've Got a Crush On You

Watching Seb crack jokes with Pierre, it was like I was in some sort of movie watching from the outside. How I wish I could just be the only one in the room with him not with everyone else.

"Have you told him?"I heard in my ear, turning to see Jeff standing next to me.
"What?"I asked as I looked at him.
"Have you told Seb that you've got a crush on him?"He smirked a bit.
"No,"I crossed my arms around me.
"And why not?"asked Jeff as he nugded me.
"Maybe I'm a bit shy to say so,"I shrugged.
"You shy?"
"Shut up, ok?"I hissed,"I can't help it I'm nervous around him."
"It's why you two are perfect for each other,"Jeff smiled.
"Yeah,"I rolled my eyes.
"Just watch,"He smiled and walked to the fridge to get a drink.

I just sat on a bar stool as I watched them thinking to myself when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Which honestly caught me off guard as I sat there, causing me to jump.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you,"Seb laughed.
"I was just thinking."
"Really want to know?"I looked at him.
"Of course,"He smiled then his phone rung,"Hold on a second."
"Mon Dieu,"I mumbled when I felt his arms leave me and him start talking.

Wanna know who he was talking to exactly? Yeah, neither do I but I do know. If that makes sense, his girlfriend. Shocking, isn't it? We flirt like crazy yet he's got someone else of his own, it makes a girl like crap. I got off the bar stool to walk into my room to get my cd collection to head down to the basement to dance. I needed to get away from everyone, just to be alone for a while. As I was walking that way, Seb stopped me, smiling which naturally I couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"Where are you going?"he asked.
"To dance,"I sighed,"No you can't come with me. I need to be alone right now."
"Ok, but I'm heading out with Adelle later if you want to come,"He suggested.
"Oh yeah, sounds like fun, me going out with you and your girlfriend,"I mumbled.
"Is that a yes?"
"No!"I yelled as I walked down the stairs into the basement.

After dancing I came back up to the kitchen to find that Pierre was the only one home now. Not that I was bothered by it but still. I kinda felt bad for blowing off Seb like that. I mean I've got a crush on him but watching him hold someone else or be with someone else just wasn't my idea of fun right now. I took a gulp of water before setting it down and running my hands through my hair.

"JD, don't be like that,"Pierre barely looked at me from him laptop.
"Beat yourself up over him."
"I'm not."
"You are too,"He looked at me,"Besides I know somethingt that would make you happy."
"And that is?"I asked looking at him.
"You'll see eventually,"He smiled then got up from his seat,"I'm taking a shower."

I just nodded as I walked to his laptop to see he was still on line. I logged him off then got online to get a message from Seb. I opened it to read :
"Hey, I want to text to you, tell me when you get this or something."

I sighed and took out my phone.
'Are you mad at me?'
'No, what's up?'
'I got to tell you something.'
'Tell me what?'
'It's a secret that you've got to promise you'll tell no one'
'Promise me JD'
'I promise'
'Ok, here it goes'
'A blank message wow'
I rolled my eyes at the thought until another message popped back up on the screen.
'I've got a crush on you'

With that I just looked at the screen and couldn't do anything. I mean what do you say or do to that?
'Meet me at our secret spot in 15 minutes' was what he sent next
Needless to say, that's what I was going to do.

I mean I had to figure out what was going on, make sure it wasn't some cruel joke or something. But something in my heart knew it wasn't. So that's why when I finally found our secret spot where we always went when we needed to talk to get away from things, in the park not far from Pierre's house, I found Seb standing there, with his hands in his pockets, looking cold.