

"Seb what are you doing out here?"I walked towards him,"It's freezing."
"I'm showing you, I wasn't lying,"He shivered a bit.
"Mon dieu, you could've dressed warmer,"I rolled my eyes.

I walked towards Seb as I sat on a swing next to him feeling the wind blow through me which really was like ice right now. It was silent as we sat there for a while til I realized we're getting no where.

"So, what exactly did you bring me here for?"I looked at him out of the corner of my eye.
"I broke up with Adelle,"He mumbled at his shoes.
"Why?"I looked at him more this time only still afraid to know the answer.
"I fell for someone else and it wasn't fair to her or the other girl I fell for,"Seb moved his beautiful eyes to me a bit,"And it wasn't fair that I kept pushing my feelings aside for her."
"For who?"
"The girl I fell for."
"Which is you,"Seb looked at me and I hide my smile from him by looking down at my shoes now.
"Yeah,"He sighed,"I mean, it's just I have for a while but I couldn't let myself fall for you since we've always been good friends and I didn't want to lose you over something so stupid."

I stood up from the swing then held my hand out to Seb who took it to stand up. I pulled myself into him which he shivered a bit from my touch but as cold as he was, he still was warm against me. I looked up at him when our faces almost came into each other when I looked away and towards my car.

"Let's get you somewhere warm."

Getting into my car, it was silent only it wasn't an awkward silent thing. When I got back to the house, Pierre was still somewhere in the house, maybe in bed or still in the shower, who knows but it was quiet and we were alone. I went to make some hot water for tea, coffee, whatever as Seb stood in the kitchen. I went to turn around when he was directly behind me. I bumped into him as he lifted my chin up his him then placed his cold lips against mine. At first I wanted to pull away from him but I found myself settling into the kiss which intensified as it went. Seb pushed me into the counter edge as we were in a heated make out sessions. That is until Pierre cleared his throat from the stairway.

We both broke apart fixing whatever needed to be fixed before looking towards Pierre.

"Am I interputing something?"Pierre asked as he walked towards the two of us.
"No,"I looked away from him,"Seb just needed a ride back here but he was just leaving."
"Oh,"Pierre looked at him.
"He's taking my car for the time being,"I handed Seb the keys as he gave me a strange look.
"I'll see you later,"Seb mumbled then nodded towards Pierre.

As soon as Seb left I turned back to the counter and sighed. I had no idea what I was doing but I felt bad for sending him away. I mean it's what I wanted right? If it is, then why did I just push him away from me that way? And how would this effect the tour I was about to go with them on? Hell how would it change things tomorrow when we were all supposed to go a dinner?