
I'd Do Anything

Stupid, stupid, stupid, I kept saying to myself as I hit my head lightly against the table in my room. I swear it would've been harder but Pierre came in and made me stop.

"So um, what was up with that?"Pierre looked at me,"I thought you wanted that."
"I did, I do, I don't know,"I sighed letting my head fall again.
"JD, has anyone ever told you you're confusing,"Pierre shook his head at me.
"More times than I can count,"I mumbled.
"Hey, I'm going to bed,"Pierre got up,"I better not hear you bashing your head anymore tonight."
"I won't,"I smiled lightly back to him.
"Night,"He smiled back as he left my room.

I threw myself onto my bed just staring at the ceiling, there was no way that I could get to sleep now. No matter how hard I tried, it wasn't happening. I rolled onto my side with sigh looking at the stupid alarm clock that was laughing at me. I got out of bed, knowing where I was going now, I had to, it was the only thing that would let me sleep now. I grabbed Pierre's extra set of keys as I walked out to his car. I swear this night felt like it was never going to end.

Driving for a while I finally found where I wanted to be. I got out of the car then walked up to the door. Knocking lightly, I waited for a few minutes before the door was opened. There stood Seb looking a bit down as I stood in front of him.

"What?"He glared at me,"Do you want your keys back? Here."
He held keys in front of me as I looked back at him,"That's not why I'm here."
"Then why?"
"To fix things,"I looked at him,"Can I come in?"
"Make it quick,"He let me in,"It is 3 am."

I walked into his house, seeing he hadn't been sleeping either, so he couldn't lie and say he was. I stopped next to his couch as he sat down then looked up at me.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to do it."
"Sorry? You know how stupid I felt?"Seb looked at me.
"I know,'I sighed sitting down,"It's just it's what I wanted for the longest time but I pushed you away."
"I don't get you,"Seb looked at me.
"Truth is, I messed up this time and want to make it up to you. I swear I'd do anything,'I looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"Anything?"He looked at me.
"Anything,"I nodded.
"Stay with me tonight,"He looked at me seriously.
"Stay with me, tonight,"He repeated.
"Ok,"I looked at him,"But I do have Pierre's car."
"He'll understand."
"So are we ok?"I looked at him.

Seb leaned over to kiss me then smiled once he pulled back,"what do you think?"

I smiled as he led me to his bedroom where we both fell asleep almost instantly. It felt good to finally fall asleep with someone like him. That is until the morning when I heard the sounds of Patrick and Chuck in the house somewhere. Now I was wondering how he planned to explain this to them, or if they would ever care. Then dinner tonight before going on tour was going to be still interesting since I don't think we could hide whatever it is we had anymore