
Voodoo Too

"Whoa, seriously?"David looked at me wide eyed as I nodded uncrossing from Indian style on my bed to get up for a second.
"Don't say anything to anyone ok?"
"I promise I won't,"He nodded,"You ok with it?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged,"I mean I do like him but I don't know if he got caught up in the moment and then it just happened or what."
"Well don't let it run your life, everyone will for real will catch on."
"I know,"I sighed as I pulled out swimsuits,"Since it's going to be warm, black and red bikini or black and sliver?"
"Both,"Davind laid back on my bed,"You can rotate."
"Thanks,'I smiled at him tossing it to him.

As I packed things, there was a knock on my door, I turned my head to see Pierre standing there.
"Hey, I was just coming to check on JD, make sure she's ok."
"Fine,"I smiled at him,"Just trying to get all my packing done."
"Everyone's pretty much gone,"Pierre sat on my computer chair,"I can kick David out if you want me too."
"I thought you said he wouldn't,"I stuck my tongue out at David.
"I'm hurt,"David looked at Pierre as I just rolled my eyes,"But I should be getting home to get some sleep."
"Ok,"I nodded at him,"I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Of course, you're stuck with me for the longest time,"He laughed.
"Tu n'amustant pas,"I glared.
"Je t'aime,"David smiled at me as I just rolled my eyes at him walking out my door.

"You two are crazy,"Pierre shook his head as he looked at me.
"Of course,"I smiled,"We keep things interesting around here. Of course if you get the two of us together on the road, it's chaos."
"I'm so stoked you're coming with us."
"So am I,"I smled lightly at him,"Lord knows I need it."
"Well hey, I'm going to let you get back to packing."
"Alright,"I nodded,"Night Pierre."
"Sweet dreams,"He smiled at me.

Finished packing, I still couldn't sleep since of what had happened between me and Seb. So I decided to go online to see if anything could keep my mind off it. As I sat there, I couldn't think straight, I seen that Seb was online too but I didn't go to him, I waited to see if he'd send me a message which he didn't. So instead, I spent the rest of my night, taking a shower, then watching videos on line. That and talking to old friends inbetween the things. I needed up falling asleep in the bean bag chair next to my computer with the radio still on for only a few hours until Pierre went to get me back up.
"Come on JD, the bus is going to be here in 20 minutes."
"I'm up,"I stretched as I got up to put the last of my things in my bag then headed downstairs.

Once the bus got there, it turned out that we were the second to last ones to get on the bus since we still had to pick up Jeff. Dragging my bag onto the bus and claiming a buink, it was still cold on the bus which was something that I wasn't really into right now. That and I was dead tired as I headed to the backroom where Seb, David and Chuck were now sitting. Taking a seat next to David, I stole a glance at Seb but didn't do much, I could see him steal a glance but he got up then headed to the bunk room.

"See,"I mentioned to David who just gave me a faint smile.
"You two are just the most complicated people in the entire world."
"Are not."
"Wait sorry, he's confused and you're stubborn."
"I am not."
"Yes you are,"Chuck threw at me even though he didn't know what we were talking about.
"It's true, let's ask Pierre."
"Ask me what?"asked Pierre as he stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee.
"JD's stubborn."
"As an ox,"Pierre smiled at me.
"You guys are annoying,"I rolled my eyes to stand up mumbling in French as I headed to the bunk room to find where Seb's bunk was. Pulling back the curtain, he wasn't even sleep as I looked at him.
"Can I talk to you?"
Seb moved over as I climbed into his bunk to talk to him.