Talking Bird


I stood inside my new house which was still empty, and sighed. The white walls made the beautiful house look so dull, dead, and boring. The house was filled with the aroma of smoke. I couldn't wait to settle in and plug in air refresheners in every room. I wanted this house to smell and feel like as if you were walking in a field of roses. Beautiful, gentle, and romantic.

I grabbed my handbag and decided to treat myself to a cup of coffee at Starbucks that was just down the street.

I looked up at the cloudless dark sky and smiled, it was so beautiful outside. The stars shone brightly as well as the half moon. This place was amazing. Perfect place to start a new chapter of my life and leave the other ones behind, closed behind locked doors.

I opened the door to Starbucks and inhaled the sweet scent of coffee. I couldn't be any happier than what I was at the moment. I smiled at the employee behind the counter and ordered a coffee with double shots of espresso.

"That'll be four fifty." The woman said, punching in the five dollar bill I had given her. She gave my change back while I kindly put the rest of the change in her tip cup. The employee kindly smiled at me as I walked away. It was too nice outside to stay inside. I wanted to feel the soft wind blow against my skin.

I walked towards the big illuminated water fountain and sat on a bench, alone. I didn't mind sitting alone, I liked it. I had space to think. Clear my head.

I enjoyed the silence around me until a man decided to take a seat on my bench. Not that it really bothered me, but there were other benches around the fountain. I turned my head and took a small peek at the man beside me. Black hair, electric green eyes, and tattoos covering both his arms. He looked bad ass and charming at the same time. I shrugged and looked back at the fountain, somewhat now enjoying the silent company of this stranger.

No words were spoken between us, and I was content with that. It's not that I didn't want to converse with him, I just didn't feel the need to. I felt as if we were both in an understanding that the silence was not awkward but relaxing, instead.

The man took out a cigarette case from his leather jacket and offered me one, without speaking. I politely declined his offer and shook my head. I hadn't had a cigarette in five months, and I didn't plan on having one anytime soon. I was fine with not having to breathe in any dangerous chemicals in my system anymore.

As I finished my coffee, the man stood up. He threw the bud of his cigarette on the asphalt and crushed it with his foot. He looked at me and smiled, nodding his head, his way of saying good-bye. I waved him goodbye without a word and averted my eyes to the fountain once more. He was quite mysterious, that tattooed man. He was an attractive man who was the complete opposite of what I usually found attractive in a man. I liked a man with a nice beard, a great body and a pair of muscular thighs. Gerard Butler was a perfect candidate to describe the kind of men I found attractive. The mysterious charming man, he didn't have a beard,- just a little pinch of hair below his bottom lip and above his chin- he didn't have a great body, - just an average one- and he didn't seem to have strong muscular thighs. But somehow, I found myself exceptionally attracted to this tattooed man who had just happened to share a half hour of silence in my company.

This new chapter in my life, I was very content with how it was going.
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There you go, first chapter of my second story. I actually like this chapter. Feedback, please :)