Gina Files

Once Happy

A horse trotted in the night with two figures perched on it, one sitting sidesaddle and clinging onto the other, a young man. He laughed at something she said and, griping her wrist, he lowered her down from the horse before getting off himself. "Okay, almost there, keep your eyes closed, no peaking!"

The young girl giggled. "Tarquinn what are you doing? The festivals isn’t even over yet!"

"This is much better than any silly spring solstice. Okay, watch your footing." He said, wrapping his arms around her waist and leading her towards the water.

"Is that water?" She asked starting to peek, only to have Quinn cover her eyes. "I hear water."

He chuckled. "Yes, its water." he said stopping at the lakes edge. The moon rose slowly, casting a reflection into the pool. " them!" He said removing his hand

She opened them and gasped, putting one hand on her throat. "Oh Quinn its beautiful!" she smiled up at him adoringly before bending over and taking her slippers off and stepping into the water, loving how it rippled and made the reflection fuzzy. She gasped again as a swan elegantly landed into the pool, tucking its head under its wing.

"I knew you’d like it. Oh hey I got something,” he said jogging to the horse, which grazed on the grass. He opened the saddle sacks and pulled out a bottle and a couple glasses. "A treat. I snuck it from my father’s cellar."

She laughed and walked out of the water. "You’re going to be in so much trouble if he finds out."

"Yeah but its worth it, anyway the way he drinks I doubt he’ll know some of its gone." he said pouring her a glass of rich red wine and handing it to her before pouring his own, corking the bottle and putting it back in the bag.

"Hum..." she grinned impishly and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She held the glass up. " And beauty and love in the world."

"Agreed" He said grinning and downing the cup.

"You’re supposed to savor it Quinn."

"I did. Just quickly"

"Mm" She said, sipping it before swallowing it whole, making a face

He bellowed a laugh and patted her back as she glared at him.

"Hahaha funny! That was...ugh. I’ll stick to Champaign thank you." She said turning and wading into the water.

He laughed and followed, shucking his boots before stopping behind her and slipping his arms around her tiny waist, threading his fingers into hers and resting his chin on top of her head. They swayed as he sang to her in Romanian before turning her slowly, peering down at her intently

She smiled and looked up at him

He smiled softly and cupped her face into his hand, slowly lowering his head until he slanted his lips against hers, kissing her tenderly

She blinked before closing her eyes and kissing him back, pressing her hands against his chest.

"I love you." He murmured

She smiled "I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
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