Gina Files

Spark of Madness

Ragina was in a thick forest, darkness pressing down around her, saplings smacking her bare flesh.

She didn’t mind it, it didn’t hurt. The fact that she was nude didn’t bother her either. Her mind was one of a savage beast, stalking a large buck that was near by.

Her mouth watered and her teeth lengthened as she slowed her gait and crouched, slowly drawing near to the beast. She paused only long enough to rub dirt on her skin to mask her scent, which oddly smelled like roses.

It took her half a second to do that simple task and in the next the muscles in her legs rippled before she sprang and latched onto the animals’ neck, already draining it.

Her claws sank into its flesh, shredding it as she growled. Her eyes were void of anything but animalistic passion for the hunt.

She lifted her head when she heard a howl of pain. It called to her, begging her for help.

How could she ignore such an order? It was one of her kinfolk.

She dropped the corpse of the elk and dashed off, howling herself as she ran. ‘Don’t worry pack sister, I’m coming’ it said.

She didn’t even realize she had changed until the pounding of her black shaggy paws beat the earth mercilessly.

She howled again and barreled through the trees into a clearing.

She halted, her hackles raising as a group of humans looked up, a silver wolf in the middle of the circle, tied and trapped.

They shouted in their strange voices and aimed their weapons at her and fired.

The bullets sent her flying back and crashing to the ground. She panted and got back up. Now she was pissed off.

They shot again and then screamed when she lunged at them, ripping every single one to shreds before she limped over to the silver wolf. She lowered her head and carefully freed her.

The wolf slowly stood up and before her eyes changed into a human. She glowed with a silvery light, her whole being white and enthrall.

She smiled and patted Ragina’s head. “Thank you young one, for helping me.”

“I see great things from you. If you accept, I would like you to be the guardian of my forest, the Forest of Eldenya. Can you do that young one?”

She bowed her head.

The lady smiled then sighed sadly. “You have things to do young one, you must go back. Come” she said turning and drifting towards a lake.

She followed her, fascinated by this being. What was she? She smelled like a wolf.. But wasn’t a wolf. How could that be?

As they approached the water the lady stopped. She turned of her. “Now, stop this foolish behavior young one.” she said thumping her between the eyes.

For some reason Ragina couldn’t growl at her, if she did she would not like he outcome.

“Look in the water and see what you are, remember. This forest will protect you as long as you do all you can to protect what’s in it. More than simple creatures depend on you now my child. Now look, remember who you truly are, not what you have become. Live with compassion in your heart not hate. Never kill those who are innocent.”

With that the woman sank into the water. It glowed faintly in the night, never rippling.

Ragina looked down and saw a dirt-covered woman in the reflection. She hissed at it, and it hissed back. It was taunting her!

She growled and ran into the water and looked for that mocking woman until her eyes glowed silver, her movements slowing.

Memories flashed in her mind as well as power. Power so raw it hurt. Her mind cleared and slowly she had a sense of who she was. Blinking she frowned, looked around and walked out of the Lake of Memories.