Gina Files

Young Fears

She screamed and pounded on the door above her head, feeling her knuckles tareing and bleeding into the rough wood. The smell of musty dirt wafted around her, as her screams grew horse and finally silent. She had been at this for over two hours before she gave up and turned slowly.

It was dark. Darker than the night with no moon. But she knew what was down here. She fumbled forwards, shuddering as something crawled over her hand, a spider as big as her fist. She whimpered and jerked her hand away and continued to search for something blindly.

This is what it felt to be enclosed in darkness. She felt bad for the blind man in the woods, always in the dark, not knowing what was there in front, behind or beside him.

But then her hand brushed a mettle thing and she let out a relieved sigh as she grasped it. Fumbling beside it she picked up the flint and started striking it until sparks showered over the lamp and light it. Finally having some light she forced herself not to look at the ceiling, shuddering as she imagined the scuttling of spiders above.

She picked up the lamp and held it up in her small fist and looked around. The walls were tinted a blood red color in patches, taking shape of handprints and streaks. She edged forwards a bit until she came to a small room, a cellar almost. Shelves lined the walls with bottles of slimy things in it. The smell of evil reeked off these jars, keeping Ragina well away from the room.

She stayed at the opening, trembling violently as the flame sputtered from the small draft coming from the room. Something clutched at her heart, causing her to step back, shaking her head.

“No…No… Go away!” she shouted dropping the lamp and plunging The Box into darkness, renewed screams sounding near the floor.
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I am awair that it is short