An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 1

You were lying on your bed, listening to the ticking sound of the clock. It was morning already, but you were just too lazy to get up earlier than you needed to. It’s not like you were not a morning person; you just liked to sleep in a bit. The alarm went off and you slowly reached out your hand to shut it off.

"Rise and shine..." You whispered, getting up.

You showered and grabbed a bite to eat before the kitchen was rampaged by your never growing up brothers. Well, they actually were even older than you, but usually they acted just like little kids. Your two brothers, Yuri and Miki, were twins and that only added to your troubles as they enjoyed teasing you all the time. You picked up an apple and as you bit it, you already heard noise upstairs. You shook your head and quickly dashed to the backdoor, grabbing your bag on the way. As you ran off, you heard your brothers shout your name, but you didn’t stop.

"Waah, Aya! Wait uuuup..."

"As if!" You scoffed and jogged to school.

School was as boring as ever, you hardly listened to your teachers, mainly dozing off, looking through the window. You weren’t too smart, but you weren’t a complete idiot either. Just somewhere in the middle and that was enough for you. You were an ordinary girl of 17, soon going on 18. You never asked for more than you had – you had a family and friends. Your grades were average and your appearance didn’t catch anyone’s eyes either. You were well built, had light colored skin and black eyes. Your hair was black too, a bit past your shoulders. You led quite a normal life, but, unbeknownst to you, that was soon going to change.

As school ended, you said goodbye to your friends, and headed home. You were just about to cross the street, when you heard a screeching sound. You turned towards it and shrieked, when you saw a car heading straight into you at high speed. You felt as if time stopped for a moment as your brains tried to find a solution and you body stood motionless. In a matter of seconds, just before the car hit you, you somehow regained control of your body and jumped sideways out of danger. The vehicle hit the wall of the building, crashing into it full force. You felt your knees shake as you thanked God for your good reflexes. Well, having brothers like yours, it was common sense to be athletic or you would have been traumatized long ago. Your bothers always dragged you into their boyish games and fights, so you could stand up for yourself if needed. You sighed in relief having avoided such an accident and took a step backwards, but suddenly felt yourself falling as your feet slipped on something. You hit your head hard on the concrete of the street and felt darkness engulf you...

You felt your conscious slowly return, as you tried opening you eyes. It was bright. You blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light. You saw white ceiling over your head and slowly turned your head to the right. You were in a room, probably a hospital one. Everything around you seemed white, even a bit too white. It hurt your eyes a bit. Your head was pounding like crazy and you felt weak. You tried moving your arm a bit, but it was as heavy as lead. Your throat felt dry, but as you tried to call out, no sound came out. You tried again, but only a silent moan was heard. Horrified you closed your eyes again, trying to gather your strength. You didn’t want to think of worst cases. As you opened your eyes again, trying to calm yourself, you saw a young blond woman bowing down towards you. You saw surprise in her face when your eyes met, but then she smiled kindly:

"Don’t worry, miss. You’re safe and sound. This is a hospital," her voice had a nice ring to it, not too loud to hurt your ears, "Everything will be fine, I’ll be right back."

You slowly nodded, as the nurse disappeared, probably to call the doctor. You heard the creak of the doors and quickened footsteps. You felt tired again, as you closed your eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

When you woke up again, you saw the room was dim now, so you figured it was evening already. You felt a bit better now and your head was lighter. It didn’t hurt so much anymore either. You noticed something move with the corners of your eyes and turned your head to the right. There, a tall man stood, holding a glass with water. He looked at you with surprise, and then joy. You narrowed your eyes, trying to remember his face, but could not.


The man exclaimed as he ran to you. You watched him a bit puzzled. 'Yuki? Who is that?.. No, who is he?..' The man put the glass on the table and knelt down beside your bed, caressing you hand.

"Oh... Yuki, dear..."

Shocked you saw tears gathering in his eyes as he suddenly rose up and hugged you tightly. You felt something wet on you shoulder. 'Is he... crying?'

"My dear... my dear Yuki... Oh, God, I’m so glad, so happy..."

"Ummm..." You managed to give out a sound, "Who... are you?" You whispered weakly, stirring beneath him, as the first shock passed and now you were feeling simply uncomfortable and a bit scared.

The man let you go of his hug, now his hand caressing your cheek.

"Don’t worry, my little girl. Everything will be fine, you’ll see."

He leaned towards you face and now you really freaked out as you felt his lips touch your forehead. You shrieked and pushed the man away with all your strength. Maybe due to your shock or the man’s surprise, he almost fell as you strongly pushed him. At the same time you tried getting further away, but ended up falling off the bed onto the ground. You groaned from hurt. The man ran to you:


He tried hugging you again, but you started to scream, trying to fight your way out, punching and kicking, even though your limbs didn’t exactly listen to your brain.

"What is going on?!" You hear a man’s voice, "Mr. Straton? What has happened? "

The man lets go of you and you scramble away till you feel the wall behind you. You breathe hard as you look up and notice a man in a white coat.

"Help... please," you whisper, tears gathering in your eyes. You just woke up in a hospital to be attacked by some weird man. That was a bit much for your nerves.

The doctor bends down to you:

"Now, now. Miss Straton, no need to be scared."

His voice sounds kind, but you watch him carefully.

"My name is Carlo, and I’m your doctor. See?" He points to a card on his chest and you nod, "Now, I’m sure you’re confused, but let’s get up first, alright?"

You look behind him at the man from before. He’s standing with a worried expression on his face. The doctor follows your glance.

"You see, your father is here with you, no need to be scared."

"F-Fa-ther?.." You ask confused.

"Yes, your father," the doctor smiles warmly, but that only freaks you out more.

"I-I... I... don’t have... a father..." tears start rolling down your cheeks, "He’s... dead..."

The doctor and the man behind him, as well as the nurses look at you shocked.
The man starts panicking:

"Yuki! What... what are you saying?! I’m your daddy!"

You just shake your head vigorously.
The doctor sighs, as he motions the nurses out of the room.

"Mr. Straton, calm down," he glares strictly at the man and he nods, looking at you worriedly.

"Now, miss Straton, let’s first get you up on the bed again, alright?"

You nod, and with the help of the doctor, you soon find yourself comfortably sitting on the bed again. You silently watch the man from before, whom the doctor called Mr. Straton. You then remember that the doctor kept calling you miss Straton too. What could that mean?

"Now, miss, would you mind answering a few simple questions? Just some formalities."

You nod, averting your gaze to the doctor now.

"What is your name, miss?"

"My... name?" You look at the doctor confused.

"It’s just formalities," the doctor smiles at you warmly.

You try to smile as well, as you nod:

"Aya. Aya Kronsten."

The doctor looks at you weirdly, then directs his glance at Mr Straton. Then he looks at you again.


You nod.

"Then... do you know this man?" The doctor motions to Mr, Straton.

You shake you head.

"No, I’ve never seen him."

"I see," the doctor smiles at you.

You hear the man stir, but try to ignore him.

"Do you remember anything that happened before you woke up here?" The doctor asks you again.

You keep silent for a while, as you try to recall the past events.

"Umm... I was walking home... then... a car accident..." You stop thinking carefully, "I fell, I think," you raise you hand and touch you head, "Hit my head."

The doctor nods.

"Good. You seem to remember well. Then... Aya, right?"

You nod. The man breaths in loudly.

"What can you tell us about your family?"

"My family?" Surprised you look at he doctor, "Um... I live with my mother... and two brothers. Yuri and Miki. My dad is dead..."

You stop thinking what to say more, as the doctor sighs.

"This isn’t good."

He gets up and walks to Mr. Straton, patting on his shoulder. He then turns to you, looking somewhat grim.

"I want you to listen very well to what I’m about to say. This will come as a huge shock to you, but just don’t panic."

He sits on your bed again.

"We’re all here for you," he pressed you hand reassuringly as you watch him confused.

"You see, when you hit your head, some... certain... processes were blocked. Your name isn’t Aya, it is Yuki. And this man is your father. I’m afraid you are suffering from partial amnesia."

You look at the doctor shocked, and then laugh nervously.

"I... I don’t have amnesia. I remember everything perfectly."

The doctor shakes his head sadly.

"I’m afraid it is not so."

"NO! I don’t have amnesia! "

The doctor gets up.

"Just rest a bit, I know this might be hard to accept. It’s quite a shock. We’ll let you rest for today and talk in the morning."

Before you think of what to say, the doctor exits the room, taking the man with him.

You sit on the bed, trying to understand what has happened. Strangely enough, nothing makes sense. Either you or the doctor and that man have gone mad. Yet, you know you haven’t lost you memories. After all, you remember everything so clearly. You shake your head slightly and just now you notice that you hair are longer and tied in a loose bun. You let your hair out, feeling them fall on you back. Surprised you take one flock of it and notice it is brown and very long. 'Brown?.. Why is it brown?..' You carefully get up and look around. You have noticed before there was a sink and a mirror by the wall, so you slowly make your way towards it. You look at the mirror and gasp.

"What... what is this?.."

You touch the cold material only to feel normal glass. But in the mirror there stands an unfamiliar girl of light tanned skin, brown eyes and brown hair. A very pretty girl, actually, but...

"This... this isn’t... me..."

You stare at the mirror shocked as a face of a complete stranger looks back at you...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is my first story, so, please, be kind. ^^ It starts up a bit slow, but after a few chapters I'll throw in a bit more of an action, mystery and hot guys, so, hopefully, it turn out interesting. Comments and criticism is welcome!