An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 12

Your POV:

The creatures kept attacking relentlessly and you looked at Leiru worriedly. He was holding them back by making a round shield of light and at the same time attacking them with energy bolts. Still, you couldn’t even imagine how he could win against so many. After all, he was all alone…

You heard another angry howl and raised your head to see a huge shadowy creature leap straight at you. Involuntarily, you screamed and ducked, Leiru immediately appearing in front of you, blocking the creature and sending it flying onto the ground. You heaved a sigh of relief, but then, you heard familiar voices calling your name and turned around surprised, your heart beating fast.

Rounding a corner of the street, Kyo ran out, his left eye burning with reddish color. You gasped. What was he doing here? No, wait. That’s not the point. Why is his eye… RED?! You stared at Kyo in wonder as he ran up to you, his eyes peering into yours worriedly.

“Are you alright, Yuki?” He breathed out. “Don’t worry, I’m here now.”

“As if another demon would actually help her,” you heard a sarcastic voice and surprised saw how Asiel hopped down from a nearby rooftop. “Don’t listen to that demon, Yuki, I’ll save you.”

You blinked a few times in disbelief. Did he just jump down from a 5 storey building?!

“If you two have time for chatting, would you mind actually HELPING out?” Leiru angrily shouted as he repelled another attack of shadowy demons.

Kyo only scoffed as he conjured a ball of reddish light and you saw how Asiel blushed in embarrassment. You averted your gaze back to Kyo and the red ball of light that he sent towards some nearby demons. The ball burst like a bomb and the demons hissed in pain as they crawled back. You shook your head for you realized not only Asiel was inhuman. It seems that Kyo was a demon all along as well. Great, just great. At least now you know such gorgeous men don’t really exist. So, it’s true when they say – if a man is handsome, he’s either taken or gay. Or a demon.

You looked at Asiel, who suddenly jumped up into the air, grinning, “Time to get serious!”

Your eyes widened as you saw huge black wings sprout from his back and a black bladed scythe appear in his hand. Asiel smiled, his eyes glinting with a light, icy blue color as he dashed down and slashed with his scythe at the demons. The latter ones cringed and hissed, wriggling in pain.

“What the?!” Kyo screamed. “You’re a fucking angel?”

“Hey, mind your language, demon!” Asiel hissed angrily.

“Tch, angels should just go back to heavens and play their harps!”

“Ha-ha-harps?!” Asiel stuttered shocked.

“As if you could do something else!” Kyo scoffed.

“Oh really?!” Asiel glared at him angrily. “I’m not some heavenly angel watching over children as they sleep! I’m a warrior angel!”

“Ha, warrior angel! I bet I can take down more of these demons than you ever could!” Kyo scoffed.

Asiel hissed back in anger, “Fine, the bet is on!”

Your brow twitched in slight annoyance, as you watched the two beat up demons, each time shouting out a number.


“Ha! 23!”

“Lame, that’s 35th for me!” Kyo stuck his tongue out mockingly.

“Cheater!” Asiel hissed at him.



“Liar!!! That was your 41st!” Kyo glared at Asiel.

“Angels don’t lie!!! And it WAS 42nd!”

“52! Take that!”

You stood silent as the two went on, slashing the demons. You peered carefully at Leiru, who never left your side, always staying within an arm’s reach away from you. After Kyo and Asiel showed up though, the demons directed their full attention to them and it seemed as if you were completely forgotten.

“I can’t believe these two…” you sighed. “They’re like little kids.”

“It’s kind of amusing, actually,” Leiru noted, watching Kyo and Asiel blast away the demons.

“Take that, you bastards!” Kyo shouted as he sent red orbs at a bunch of shadowy creatures.

You merely shook your head in slight disapproval. He seemed to be having fun with all this. Either way, you had to admit they were a great help, as now the majority of the demons were gone. You looked around, searching for the leader, but he was nowhere to be seen. Did he leave the battle? It might be so, yet, you had a very bad feeling this was not the last time you saw him.

“So then, I’ve beaten up 76 demons,” you heard Kyo state as he played with a ball of red light in his hands.

“Oh yeah, well, you can be my 76th,” Asiel aimed at Kyo with his scythe and grinned.

Kyo gnarled at him and you could swear you could see two perfectly pointy teeth between his lips. A vampire? Nah, vampires don’t exist, or do they? Oh wait, in a world of demons and angels that would make perfect sense.

You sighed as you walked to them, “Would you two mind explaining yourselves before cutting each other’s throats?”

Both of them turned around, as if only now remembering you were here.

“Ah… that’s,” Asiel stuttered as he looked away with a confused expression.

“Well, it’s… complicated?” Kyo scratched his head as he looked away as well.

You all stood silent for a while and you felt your patience running low.

“I’m STILL waiting,” you whispered quietly, your voice cold as ice.

“I’m an angel.”/ “I’m a demon.” They both said it at the same time and you groaned in irritation.

“You!” You pointed at Kyo. “What are you?”

“Demon,” he answered, looking at your eyes.

“And you?” You turned to Asiel.


Your brow twitched, “With black wings and a SCYTHE?”

“Hehe,” Kyo snickered and you glared at him, which he interpreted correctly, and shut up immediately.

“He’s a Warrior Angel,” Leiru joined the conversation. “An Angel of Death, or the Bringer of Death.”

You raised a brow as you turned to Leiru, “You have Death angels?”

He only shrugged and you sighed heavily.

“Fine, let’s just leave it at that,” you turned to Asiel again. “And what’s an angel of Death doing pretending to be my childhood friend?”

“Ah… well,” Asiel looked down as if thinking and finally heaved a sigh. “I was sent here by the Council to investigate… the situation.”

“The Council?.. What council?” You shook you head in confusion.

“The Heavenly Elders Council,” Leiru commented and you turned to him in disbelief.

“What the hell? You have a Heavily Council?! Is there a whole civilization of angels up there or something?”

Kyo snickered again and you glared at him in disapproval, “Your turn is coming too.”

He gulped and coughed, looking away. You scoffed. By now everything seemed so unreal to you. Angels, demons, devils, Councils? It seemed as if you were watching a movie in 3-D and you were nothing more but a spectator.

“Alright, so Asiel was sent here by higher orders to spy on me-”

“Not spy, just investigate,” Asiel interrupted you and you turned to him, your brow raised in a slight wonder.

“And that differs how?”


“Right,” you turned to Kyo. “Now, you. What’s a demon doing, playing a high-school playboy?”

“I’m NOT! Those girls come onto me themselves!” He shouted looking all hurt.

“Uh-huh,” you nodded mockingly with an I-know-what-you-did-last-summer look.

“Fine,” he grumbled. “I was just having some fun.”

“Sucking their blood out?” You asked sarcastically.

“I did NOT!” Kyo shouted in self-defense.

“Uh-huh,” now Asiel looked at him mockingly.

“You shut up, you… you… ANGEL!” Kyo hissed at Asiel as he got into a crouching position.

“You want a piece of me, you scum of the underworld?!” Asiel readied his scythe.

“YEAH, I DO! I’ll rip it out myself!”

“Just you try it!”

You sighed as you turned to Leiru. “Shall we go then?”

“Sure,” he nodded and turned around, taking your hand in his.

You looked at him surprised, but then smiled, as you felt his calmness envelope you slowly. You didn’t care if this was just his angelic power anymore, it felt nice and comfy. It felt as if you had a real friend you could trust. And here, in this alternate universe, in a world full of enemies and weird creatures, trying to get your blood, which wasn’t really yours, you needed a friend. Badly.

You pressed his hand harder and smiled to yourself. Just a moment ago, you were attacked by hellish creatures, yet, now you felt so calm it was surprising. You thought you would be panicking and crying, but none of that happened. You looked at Leiru, who was walking by your side. He turned to you, as if he had felt your glance, and smiled at you. His smile was so gentle, you involuntarily felt blushing.

You felt safe and calm, because you knew he was here. You didn’t know if this was love, admiration or simply attraction, but you knew you could put your trust in this person. You knew you were safe with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Somehow it turned out funny lol Well, I was in a weird a mood. The next update might be slow though, I have some work to do and an exam is coming up in :( Bah, I hate when I have to study for exams, so boring >.> I wish I had already finished my studies. Too bad Santa doesn't grant such wishes XD