An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 13

Leiru’s POV:

I left Aya sleeping soundly and descended down the stairs. This situation was escalating into something huge, something I could no longer stop. Just what is happening?

I could understand the fact that Kyo was a demon. That was something I should have expected. But Asiel to be a Death Angel… This was huge. Death Angels stick to their death business and they do not interfere with anything else that might be going on in the world. They were notorious for their cruelty and ruthlessness, yet, at the same time, their coldness and total indifference towards all living beings. They were cold and distant creatures and could hardly be called angels. But they had yet to fall to the level of a demon.

For a Death Angel to be sent down to the Earth by the Council… What are those old fools thinking? They are ruining everything! I specifically told them this was a very fragile subject and we had to be very careful and discreet not to attract too much attention.

I sat down on the couch in one of the living rooms. This was getting problematic, not to mention I still couldn’t find the real Yuki. Where could she have gone to? And why? I kept this a secret from Aya, but the Soul exchange could never occur just randomly. One of the souls had to initiate it and I was sure it was not Aya. In other words, Yuki herself created this situation. The question is why? Was she trying to escape her fate? But she seemed so collected and calm, always trusting in me to protect her. She said she was ready to accept whatever life was to throw her way.

I sighed as I ruffled my hair. What a complex situation. And now, even more trouble was coming my way. I glanced out through a window, feeling up Kyo’s and Asiel’s auras. I was slightly hoping they’d get into a serious fight and one of them would get hurt enough to withdraw. Not that I was promoting violence, but I simply hoped to somehow simplify the situation.

I let out another sigh, as I headed out of the house into the courtyard and readied myself for the upcoming storm. The two guys halted in front of me, Asiel glaring at me almost hatefully and Kyo puffing in anger as he shouted at me, “YOU, you are so fucked up! How dared you to leave me behind?!”

I kept my cool as I answered calmly. “Would you mind keeping your tone down? A-… Yuki is sleeping,” I corrected myself in time. It wouldn’t be wise to let Aya’s name slip out. No one was to know about the real situation.

“That’s- well that’s… fine,” Kyo grumbled as he turned away disgruntled.

I looked at him as I suddenly realized a wondrous thing. That demon had feelings towards Aya.

“Just ignore the rants of the foul creature,” Asiel took a step forward.

“Tch, who’s the foul one?” Kyo grunted, glaring spitefully.

“I’ll be frank,” Asiel ignored Kyo’s comment and continued. “I came here because I’m afraid Yuki is still in grave danger and I do not believe you alone, being some mere guardian angel, are skilled enough to protect her.”

“Stop speaking for yourself alone!” Kyo screamed angrily. “I came here to protect her too!”

“Oh, shut it, you demon!”

“Shut up yourself, you angel!”

I raised my brow as I watched the two bicker with each other. Alright, maybe I was a tiny bit wrong. They BOTH had feeling s towards her. I could feel the slight vibrations coming out of their still beating hearts. And I knew far too well what those vibes meant.

How odd, though. Aya’s been here for less than a month, and yet she has already attracted so many beings to her side. Their feelings that were about to bud were those of young love, of admiration and attraction. Well, maybe this wasn’t so bad. Be it attraction, mere interest or love, I could very well use these two to protect Aya.

The demon was bound to be back. I did not tell this to her, for I did not want to scare her. But I knew well the demon would be back and this time he’d come prepared. He’ll come as sly as a fox and I’ll have to use every resort I can muster.

“Do you two want to help me?” I asked them calmly while smiling tenderly.

The two looked at me somewhat surprised, halting their childish arguments for a moment.

“If you sincerely want to protect Yuki, I will not stand in your way. Rather, I suggest we work together and defeat that troublesome demon once and for all,” I smirked slightly as a plan was slowly developing in the back of my mind.

During my long existence I came to know demons well and I had to admit it - sometimes I knew them better when they did themselves. This was no surprise. I’ve been watching them for a very long time and I knew even the smallest details of the Underworld. It seems my knowledge will come in handy this time.

The two guys in front of me glared at each other shortly, but nodded their heads in mutual agreement. I smiled. Perfect.

“Then, come on in. I’ll tell you my little plan.”

“What?! You already have a plan?” Kyo stared at me somewhat shocked while Asiel merely shrugged, whacking him in the head.

“Stop screaming, you fool!”

I sighed. This was going to be a very long evening.

Your POV:

“Aya,” you heard a soft voice, calling to you and you sighed in your sleep, turning over. The warmness of the bed was so comfy that your whole body seemed lazy and heavy.

“Aya, deary…”

What a strange and soft voice. So familiar. Where have you heard it before?..

“Aya, wake up, dear… ” You involuntarily turned to the side, slowly opening your eyelids, trying to remember this gentle voice, filled with so much love, that it seemed to be seeping out and hanging heavily in the air.

You blinked a few times slowly, still drowsy, and directed your glance, looking around the room, searching for the voice.

“Aya, my baby,” you suddenly sat up, your heart thumping loudly. This voice. This voice… you knew it. You knew it so well, it hurt inside.

You looked around hastily until your eyes came across a figure of a woman in the middle of the room. You breathed in loudly, as you felt your stomach squeeze and your heart-rate escalated in excitement. It couldn’t be, no, it couldn’t be…

“I missed you, Aya… I missed you so much,” the woman whispered softly, as she stepped into the illuminated part of the room.

You blinked a few times in disbelief, as a lonely tear slipped down your cheek. The tearful eyes of the woman stared at you, heartache and longing etched in them deeply. You noticed her eyes were a bit red, she must have been crying a lot, and she had wrinkles on her face. Wrinkles that were never there before.

“Aya, dear… please, just come back to me,” the woman whispered as she reached out her hand towards you, her eyes pleading you.

You shivered as another impertinent tear ran down your face. You never knew you missed her so much.

“Mom,” you whispered quietly, you eyes staring at her figure in front of you. She looked so devastated… nothing like you remember her. Where has all her life-force gone? Why? Is it you? Is all this your fault?

“Come to me, Aya… Come home,” the woman kept whispering and these silent whispers flew like daggers straight into your heart. You were no fool and you realized this was not your mother. She couldn’t be here. This woman wasn’t real. But even if it was a dream or an illusion, just the mere thought of her suffering like this made you feel like the worst scum on earth.

Why was this happening to you? Was your mother crying somewhere at home beside your lifeless body? Was she tormented by the uncertainty of whether you will ever wake up? Whether you’ll come back home to her?
Why? What have you done to inflict such pain upon her?..

“Come to me, Aya…”

“Shut up,” you whispered, hot tears springing out of your eyes, scorching your cheeks. “You’re not real, I know it.”

You suddenly shot up from your bed as you screamed. “DON’T USE MY MOTHER TO GET TO ME!”

The moment you finished shouting, the image of your mother shattered and you felt something sticky grab your leg. You screamed and looked down at a dark shadow, curling around your foot. You tried wriggling out of its grip, but to no avail. The dark shadows gathered under your feet and started climbing up your legs, sinking you deep into their darkness. You shivered as you screamed again, out of fear and helplessness.

“He he he he… Scream if you wish, but your friends are a tiny bit preoccupied right now,” you turned your head to the devilish cackle and saw none other than the demon from before. “It would have been so much easier and more pleasant if you just came back to your mommy. Oh, but I promise, I’ll make it as painless as I can. I’m not that cruel.”

He grinned at you as he reached out his clawed hand, scraping your cheek. “No need to be so scared, dear, you knew this was coming, didn’t you?”

You tried to wriggle out of the shadowy clutches, but they were already up to your waist and no matter how hard you shouted for Leiru, there seemed to be no help coming for you this time.

“Come now, dear,” the demon cooed. “Come to my world.”

You screamed for help one last time, before you felt your body sink into the darkness and everything turned black to you.

Were you going to die like this?..
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I spent a lot of time on this chapter, but in the end it turned out just the way I wanted it ^^ I suppose it was worth it then, huh. Hope you enojyed this update! XD

I'm also thinking of making shorter chapters, if I can XD. Maybe it's a bit too long now and then the updates would be quicker lol What do you think?