An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 15

2 weeks later

Your POV:

You sat down on the porch, leading to an inner garden, beside Kyo. He grumbled something, obviously not happy with your company, and waived his hand for you to go away.

You shrugged. “I’m not one of your servants, so I’m not going anywhere.”

He mumbled something in return and hung his head low, supporting it with his palms from both sides, his arms on his knees. Right now he seemed somewhat pitiful and you felt sympathetic towards him. He would always come here all alone whenever he felt down and angry.

It’s been a few weeks since you came here to the Underworld. You were staying in Kyo’s castle together with Leiru and Asiel. Leiru was mostly gone to look for the real Yuki and he would always come back dead tired. He felt more secure now that you were living together with Kyo, who was able to protect you well. Indeed, in these two weeks of you being here, no demon has ever tried to attack you and all the demons that were serving in the castle were very respectful and even friendly to you. Well, it’s not like you hated them either, rather, got along with them. Your kind nature drew people close to you. Kyo, on the other hand, would always taunt you, make of fun of you or keep you busy with repelling his love confessions. Asiel would be the one to come to your “rescue”, bickering and fighting with Kyo, given that he was here as he had his responsibilities to fulfill, as a Death Angel, of course. Those were the funny moments of your life in the Underworld, yet, there were some hardships too. Like now, for example.

You glanced at the hunched figure of Kyo. He was suffering. All alone. In the time you got to spend with Kyo, you got to know him a lot better, yet, sometimes you thought he had two sides to him. The spunky, wild, taunting Kyo, that you always knew and the other Kyo. The true Kyo that he never showed you. The Kyo that was sitting here now, a wrecked and pathetic excuse of a man.

You stood up and took a few steps, then turned around to face him. “You’re pathetic, you know that?”

Kyo shot up and glared at you, his left eye glowing bloody red. “What the heck did you just say?!”

“I said you’re pathetic. Oh wait, make that beyond pity,” you answered calmly.

Kyo shrieked and yelled at you: “And what the hell do you know about me? NOTHING!”

You kept silent.

“You know nothing about me!” He raged on.

“Then why don’t you tell me?” You smiled softly. “Of course I won’t know anything, if you don’t tell me, silly.”

Kyo stared at you surprised, his body still trembling with anger.

“What are you so angry about?” You asked calmly. It was time he let out this rage inside of him. “You know, you can tell me.”

He turned away, gritting his teeth.

“Is it because you’re not really a demon?”

He turned around so fast you flinched slightly. “How did you know?! Who the hell told you?! I’ll fucking kill him!”

You shook you head. “No one told me. I’m not that stupid, Kyo. I’ve seen how the other demon lords that visit you treat you. And I’ve seen you fight - only one of your eyes turns red. I’ve heard the rumors too.”

He grumbled, his anger somewhat subsiding and giving way to grief.

“I… I’m shunned away by my own kind… I’m a bloody Halfling! Do you know how it feels when everyone turns away from you? They don’t even want to look at me! As if I’m some kind of a disease, or a monster!”

“I don’t know how it feels,” you answered. “I’m not you, Kyo. And if I were, maybe I wouldn’t have come as far as you have.”

He glanced at you somewhat confused and you smiled softly. “I’m not that strong, Kyo. I’m actually pretty much weak,” you chuckled. “See, I have to be constantly protected by others. But look at you, you became a demon lord and you have your own castle and servants-”

“Who hate me to the core?” Kyo scoffed.

“Oh, I don’t really think so,” you smiled. “I doubt they would serve anyone whom the hate or despise. Look around you, Kyo, look at their eyes when they watch you. There’s just share respect and loyalty. They are not following you because they fear you or because they don’t have anywhere else to go. The serve you because they respect you and like the way you treat them.”

Kyo listened to you attentively and you mentally sighed with relief. You weren’t sure if you could convince him. You had to admit it, you respected him as well. You’ve heard some things about Kyo during your stay here - that he was a child of a human and a demon, that he was shunned by everyone and almost exiled. But he managed to stand up for himself and to rise to the top of the ruling demon lords. It’s a wonder how he was still so fixated on his bloodline when he already had so many, who were willing to follow him loyally despite his background. Yet, he was hurting inside and you felt hurt too. You considered him to be your friend. No, that would be wrong. You glanced at him somewhat sadly.

Only during these few weeks you realized he really wasn’t after your blood any more. Sure, he wanted the power in it, but he could fight his urges, because he truly enjoyed being with you. And, frankly said, you did too. It was only because of Kyo, that you managed to go on with your current life, to at least temporarily forget the situation you were in. Leiru was constantly out searching for Yuki and Asiel often had to report to the Council. There was no one else left for you, but Kyo. And even though he made fun of you often and taunted you constantly, it brightened up your days here and made you feel more at ease.

“As for me,” you muttered. “I don’t really care who you are. You protected me and I’m very happy you did.”

You smiled at him once more as you passed by him. Hopefully, this will raise his spirits a bit. He should trust himself and those around him more.

Kyo turned around to watch you leave, his eyes unreadable, yet, without any anger or sadness in them anymore.

“You’re… so kind, Yuki,” he whispered softly, yet, you heard it and an unexplainable pain pierced your heart for a short moment as Yuki’s name reached your ears.

You chased it away, going into the castle and heading to the kitchen premises. You tried not to think too much about your current position and just live it through. You didn’t want to think. You entered the kitchen and smiled to a middle-aged woman by the cupboards. She was responsible for all the cooking in the castle and she did her job incredibly well. Perhaps it wasn’t that surprising, considering she was a half-spider and had six arms, which happened to be quite helpful. Usually she was very protective over her kitchen, but you were someone she was always glad to see. She smiled back at you and extended you a piece of a pie.

“Have some pie, sweetie,” she happily beamed. “I tried the recipe you gave me last time, but I added some wild berries.”

You took a bite and nodded at her, seeing how she was waiting for your approval expectantly.

“Mm, very tasty,” you muttered with your mouth still half-full. “Thank’s, Becca.”

“Oh, you’re welcome, sweetie,” she smiled as her hands reached for some ingredients and she started preparing dinner. “You always raise my mood, you know, and you brought new recipes into my collection.”

You chuckled. You were always good at baking pies and cookies back at home. Home. Your eyes got clouded and you shook your head, trying to get rid of sad thoughts. You should do your best while you’re here. Everyone is so kind you just can’t get all depressed for no reason and worry everybody. It’s not like you can tell the truth to anyone and that was what weighed down on you most heavily.

You felt something rub your leg and looked down.

“Cerberus!” You exclaimed happily as you bent down and picked up a small black and white puppy with huge brown eyes.

“Oh, no!” Becca groaned. “Get that beast out of here!”

You chuckled. “Oh, Becca, he’s not a beast, look – isn’t he cute?”

You turned the puppy to Becca and he growled at her. The spider-woman scoffed. “You and master are the only ones he even allows to get near. And I would never ever think of him as cute. Pfft, cute. Deadly more like it”

You giggled and pressed the growling puppy to your chest, kissing his furry head. Becca was right. Cerberus might seem like a little puppy now, but you’ve seen him in his full size, and you doubted anyone would call him cute then. There was a very good reason as to why he was called Cerberus. Yet, with you he was always a cute little puppy. And quite oddly, he was like that only with his master Kyo and you. If anyone else tried approaching him, there would most definitely be a human kebab in the back yard.

“Gee, just get him out of my kitchen before he sets something on fire,” Becca motioned you out and you nodded, exiting the room and carrying Cerberus with you.

Once out in the corridor you let him down and the puppy followed you closely across the halls and corridors out to the garden. As you were setting foot onto the ground, Cerberus suddenly growled and started barking madly. You stopped and turned around. There was only one reason as to why Cerberus would act that way.


Oh yes, somehow Cerberus felt immense hatred towards Asiel. You smiled at the familiar face and he smiled back, ignoring the barking puppy.

“Hey, Yuki.”

You slightly flinched at the name, but smiled nevertheless. “Hi, Asiel. Where have you been lately?”

He chuckled as he smirked slightly. “Missed me?”

“What do you think?” You scoffed. “Geez, calm down, Cerberus.” You bent down and picked up the puppy into your hands, ruffling his fur affectionately. Your closeness somewhat soothed him, though he kept watching Asiel intently.

“I see the dog still hates me,” Asiel eyed Cerberus in your hands.

You chuckled. “He sure does. I wonder how come he’s alright with Leiru, but not you. I mean, you both are angels.”

Asiel shrugged. “I’m an angel of Death. Maybe he knows my scythe can slash his head off any time,” Asiel grinned mockingly and Cerberus growled at him even more.

“Don’t say such things or your relationship will be doomed forever,” you giggled.

“He’s a hell dog,” Asiel cocked a brow. “We did not have any relationship to begin with.”

You laughed out and smirked at him. “I did miss you after all. You’re my best friend here, you know.”

Asiel frowned at your words. “Best friend, huh?”

You glanced at him surprised. Was it something you said? Asiel sighed as he ruffled his hair and looked away for a moment.

“You know, Yuki,” he turned back to you. “I’m… I…”

“What is it?” You stared at his eyes, waiting for him to finish.

“Um, I gotta go,” he blurt out quickly.

“Huh?! You just came back!” You let go of Cerberus surprised.

“Yeah,” Asiel looked away for a while. “I… I’ve gotta think.”

He turned around and started walking away briskly, but suddenly halted and turned around to face you.


The name pierced you painfully, but you hid it masterfully. Lately, whenever you heard that name, you’d start having this weird and ominous feeling. Your stomach would turn upside down and you would find it hard to breathe.

“Yeah?” You whispered, looking at him.

“Can you come out to the garden at midnight?”

“Midnight?” You echoed surprised.

“There is something very important I want to tell you,” the serious look in his eyes told you he wasn’t joking or pulling a prank on you.

“Can’t you tell me now?”

He merely shook his head. You nodded silently. “Ok, I’ll come.”

Asiel smiled gently at you as he whispered: “Thank you, Yuki.”

Again. Your heart squeezed and you felt as if a storm was brewing again. What does he want to say to you… or to Yuki?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoot! XD I finally did it! XD This is the hardest chapter I've ever written. I needed to somehow connect the next events that are gonna crush down on Aya and of course I had some troubles doing that. ^^ And, of course, there's all this bonding thingy going on, but it's done now! XD

If you like it, comment or message me! XD