An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 17

Your POV:

You opened the doors of your room and walked in, taking off the jacket at the same time. You let the doors close behind you with a soft click and made your way towards the bed. You threw the jacket on it and ran your hand over you long hair, letting out a slight sigh. Why must everything get so complicated? Why did you have to fall in love now? You knew this was going to be hard, really hard. You can never tell Kyo your feelings. Never.

Then, you heard a slight rustling sound and turned around, somewhat scared. You saw a figure rose up from an armchair and the dim light of the lamps in the room illuminated a painfully familiar face. Your eyes widened in shock as you couldn’t believe your own eyes. Was this a dream? When did it start? Is this from all the stress? A delusion?

You knew this girl. You knew her graceful hands, her legs, which would start to hurt painfully after taking long walks, her slim waist and her small chest which you always wished to get bigger. You knew her face, her pitch black shortly cut hair that you used to comb with affection and her eyes that you loved the most. Yet, those black eyes now stared at you with a tint of mock and the pale rosy lips carved into a smirk.

“It is such a pleasure to finally meet you,” the girl grinned wider, showing a row of white teeth, which you were always so proud of. “Aya.”

You stared at her in shock, your mouth slightly agape.

“I see you have been living quite comfortably,” the girl walked towards you and you watched her, your mind racing with thousands of questions.


“Oh, that doesn’t matter,” the girl waved her hand nonchalantly. “What matters now is that I’m back.”

You blinked a few times and shook your head. It’s not that you did not understand what was going on, but it was so strange, seeing your own real body move and talk to you. Realization dawned on you slowly and painfully though. Yuki was back. She was back, with your body. And she was here. She was standing right in front of you. You could no longer escape reality.

“How… Did Leiru bring you back?” You asked still confused.

The real Yuki laughed in your voice and glanced at you. “Of course not, silly. I came back myself.”

“Surprised?” She grinned. “I found a way to utilize my powers, even though that pathetic angel was stating otherwise.”

She sat down on the bed and you watched her in surprise. Yet, deep inside, there was a small uneasy feeling rising up in your mind. You couldn’t quite describe this but you felt as if something irreversible was going to happen.

“You know, you have a really annoying family,” Yuki suddenly stated. “They were so damn kind I quickly deduced it was a waste of time to stay with them, even though I was thinking of doing that at first. But then,” she got up and looked you up and down. “I found out that you managed to seduce my Kyo.”

Something was not right. You took a few steps backwards. Something was horribly wrong with her. Her tone, her glaring eyes and her words…

“I suppose you have some backbone to try and do that,” she smirked. “But it’s time for you to go back to the shadows. Kyo is MINE.”

You shuddered as you tried defending yourself, yet, your voice was a mere whimper. “No… I didn’t… It was not on purpose. I-”

“Who cares about you? You bitch!” Yuki suddenly slapped you, and your head turned sideways, your cheek burning with pain.

“Though I suppose I should thank you,” the girl laughed. “Now I can have him all to myself and live as a queen. And you, my dear, oh, I have something else planned for you.”

You glanced at her, still too shocked to try and retaliate, but you could have never foreseen what happened next. All that your eyes managed to spot was a cold glitter of a blade as it pierced your stomach deeply. You yelped and screamed out as soon as the pain surged through your senses. You heard her let out a short devilish cackle and then suddenly you felt so dizzy and hazy, as if you could no longer control your body.

Your eyesight diminished, sounds did not reach your ears any longer and for a short period of time it seemed as if you had lost all of your senses. It only lasted a mere second or perhaps even less. When you came back to yourself, the view was still blurred and obscure and you blinked a few times, feeling your senses come back to you slowly.

Yet, the first thing you saw when you looked down was your hands, smeared in blood. The first thing you felt was a cold piece of metal, which you were gripping with immense strength. The first thing you heard was a scream of your own as you let go of a bloody knife, which rattled to the ground awfully loudly. The first thing you smelt was the smell of fresh blood, gushing out of a frail body in front you.

In the still ongoing haziness you could already hear screams other than yours. You raised you head only to see the body of the real Yuki backing away from you, her face warped with both terror and pain. She was screaming and screaming, her words echoing in your hurting head.

“HELP! Someone help! Please, HELP!!!”

The only thing your cloudy mind could comprehend was that you were back in your body and Yuki was back in hers. And then, you heard the bang of the doors, you heard footsteps and shouts. You heard Yuki’s name being called out by a terrified familiar voice.

It was only when you saw Kyo hug the real Yuki with affection and care, that you realized the true horror of the situation.

“NO!” You screamed as you felt a strong grip on your arms. “Wait! It’s not like that!”

You kicked your legs and struggled with all your might, shouting Kyo’s name, as you were being dragged out of the room you used to call yours. You kept fighting and shouting for Kyo until something hard hit you in the head, and you drowned into restless darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I bet you never saw this one coming! ^^