An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 18

Your POV:

You didn’t know how much time had passed since you were thrown into a dark cell somewhere in the dungeons of the castle. You had no idea such a dungeon even existed. You’ve never been to this part of the castle and it seemed much like a prison to you: small and barred cells, dark maze-like corridors with small candles that provided almost no light.

You brought you knees to your chest, hugging them, shivering slightly from the cold that seemed to sip through the chilly stone floor. There was nothing around that you could use as a mat and all you could do was use your own body warmth. Your thoughts, however, were a complete mess. You found all that was happening kind of surreal and you almost waited for the moment you would finally wake up from this all too realistic nightmare. Yet, at the same time you knew this was real. Yuki was back and she was nothing what you expected her to be.

During the time you spent here alone, be it an hour or a day, you managed to think it through. You were not stupid enough to believe this all was just a misunderstanding. Well, it might be a misunderstanding, but it was intentional. Yuki was back and she was still in love with Kyo, which meant that you were in a way. You could tell form the way she looked at you and the despise in her voice. The memory of the dagger making its way into your body haunted you constantly and the sight of blood reemerged before your eyes.

You sighed as you rubbed your arms, trying to warm yourself up and get rid of the lurid memories, but it was already pointless. Your body had already frozen up to the point where it became numb and you mind was stuck in the maze of bloodshed and deceit.

You bowed your head, hot tears springing from your eyes. Why was this happening to you? Why? You waited patiently and you tried your best at dealing with everything that came your way, so why was everything going downhill? You let out a muffled sob, still trying to hold back your tears. It can’t be that everything is lost. Kyo will realize Yuki is different, right? Right?

You gulped down a ball of cries rising from your chest and nodded to yourself. That’s right - you just have to wait a little bit until Kyo understands that Yuki is different. It can’t be that he accepts the real Yuki back without even noticing any change. It just can’t be.

You repeated these words to yourself almost as a prayer, holding on to a share belief in someone you loved. Yes. Your first blooming love rustled silently deep in your heart, sustaining a soft feeling of hope. The hope that the one you loved and trusted all this time would recognize the real you.


You didn’t even notice how you fell into a deep restless sleep, curled into a small shivering ball. The creak of the rusty bars of your cell door woke you up and you jumped up, your heart-rate escalating with both fear and hope.

You blinked at the sudden bright light as a torch was brought into the small cell. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the change and you almost yelped in joy when you recognized Kyo. Yet, the joy soon faded as while you struggled to get up onto your frozen feet, you felt his cold and hateful stare. You involuntarily shivered, as his name escaped your numb lips, “Kyo…”

All you felt was a strong grip on your throat as Kyo banged your body into the cold wall. The stinging pain deepened and you gagged, tears running down your cheeks. Why? Your throat burned and you could feel your brain pulsate from the lack of oxygen. Hot tears kept springing out and you could already feel the darkness envelope your mind, when suddenly you fell down, hitting the ground hard. You immediately clutched your scorching throat, gagging and coughing.

“You should thank Yuki for even being alive,” you heard Kyo hiss and glanced up at him.

He looked so different now. Cold, angry and vile, his eyes burning with immense hatred and despise.

“She begged me to let you go, to exile you,” he spit out through clenched teeth and then grinned. “But I’m not gonna do that. You’ll pay for hurting my dear Yuki. Yes, you will.”

You shivered at the tone of his voice and for the first time since you came here you realized Kyo was truly a demon.

“Wait…” You tried getting up, but your strength failed you. “Kyo…”

You mustered all your strength, feeling as if this was your last chance. Every word you uttered hurt like hell and scorched down to your lungs, but you still had to try. You had to.

“Please,” you whispered. “Hear me out, Ky-”

A strong kick to you stomach pushed your body into the stone wall, making you gulp down your words.

“Don’t you even dare talk to me!” Kyo shouted. “I’ll make sure you suffer all tortures of Hell for what you tried to do.”

With horror you saw him form a red orb and in mere seconds your senses became hazy from the pain as it hit you, sending your whole body through burning ache as you felt some unseen force slash across your body. Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind you could still hear the cell doors creak and Kyo walk out. Your heart squeezed in hurt and grief as you finally realized it was all over. He did not even try to listen to what you had to say, he shut you out completely. For him, you were just some unknown girl trying to hurt Yuki. For him, you were an empty space. Perhaps, even less than that.

As the first pain slowly subsided, you tried moving a bit, seeing as you were left all alone again. Your body ached all over and you cringed at the pain and the sight of your own blood, trickling down from the fresh wounds. Your body had some deep slashes all over and you gulped down your tears, still trying to remain strong. You failed though, as the droplets fell from your eyes and your body rocked with sobs. It hurt. It hurt so much. Not only the wounds on your body, but the fact that Kyo failed to see the real you. What was all this time you spent with him? What were you doing all this while? There was no one by your side any more. Not Kyo, not Asiel, not even Leiru.

A small speck of hope glistened in your heart though as you tried calling out Leiru’s name. In the midst of all the panic and fear you completely forgot about him.

You called for Leiru in your mind thousands of times and you called for him out loud while gulping down hot tears, but he never came. Perhaps, the dungeons were too deep for him to hear you, or perhaps, even he left you now. And why would anyone need you? Yuki was back. And Aya? What purpose or benefits did she have?

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I am so cruel to my own characters it sometimes scares me.