An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 19

Your POV:

You rested your head against the stone wall, sitting with your back pressed to it. Your eyes trailed along the lines of the stone ceiling, your mind completely empty. There was nothing to hope for anymore. You were still in a slight denial of what was happening though. It was hard to believe that mere hours ago you were treated as a precious princess, everyone were nice and caring to you. And now you were sitting in a dungeon, your body aching and bleeding to the point where the pain has already become just a numb stinging feeling.

You heard creaks and squeaks of doors opening and turned your head, your glance focusing on the dark corridor where the stairs to the upper halls were. The flames of a torch cast a circle of light on the walls and the ground, illuminating figures of two men, climbing down. You watched them walk towards your cell, almost physically feeling their hatred and despise towards you.

One of them was holding a metal tray and you realized it was food. Only after seeing it you felt that you were indeed hungry. Your eyes trailed off to the tray and you felt your mouth water in the urge to satiate your hunger. The cell doors opened up with a squeak and a guard entered. He glared you up and down, scoffing, and put the tray down with a loud bang. You gulped, slightly scared.

“I swear I’d let you starve to death,” the guard spit out venomously. “A bitch like you…”

“Calm down, Rory,” the other guard put his hand on the shoulder of the first guard. “Master Kyo said she must stay alive. That’s the promise he gave our lady Yuki.”

The first guard scoffed again and you watched him warily, a bad feeling coming down to you. He stepped closer to you, grunting something under his nose and you quickly brought your knees up to your chest, scurrying further from him into a corner of the cell.

“Bitch,” the guard grumbled and suddenly launched towards you, grabbing you by your neck and ramming you into the wall. You yelped weakly, as pain scorched through you. He pressed his hands around your neck, starting to strangle you and you gagged at the lack of oxygen. This was the second time you were strangled and you thought your throat was about to break, when suddenly the grip loosened and you slid down by the wall to the cold floor.

“Just don’t kill her, Rory,” you heard the voice of the second guard while the first grumbled something.

“Well, no one said anything about beating her up,” he noted with strange satisfaction in his voice and you shut your eyes in horror.

You could hardly remember what came next. You recall only the pain, the blood splattering around you on the floor and the voice of Rory the guard, cursing you every time he hit you. ‘How queer,’ you though at that time. You never knew you were so popular among Kyo’s subordinates and servants. But now you were beaten up just because the guards believed you had hurt their beloved lady Yuki. Their lady Yuki.

You were lying down on one of your sides, praying you would lose consciousness. But you did not. The guards had stopped before you did and now you were left all alone to deal with the pain. You could hardly move now, your body ached so much, even breathing hurt like hell. If someone in the past had ever told you that you would be lying like this, almost wishing for your own death, you would have never believed them and laughed it off as a joke. But now, now you almost regretted you did not accept Asiel’s invitation. At least, you would have escaped this predicament.

You lied like this for what seemed to be like hours, waiting for the pain to subside, afraid to even move. Your side hurt immensely and your still somewhat working brains suspected you might have some broken ribs. You remembered how the guard had kicked you there really hard and at that time you thought you heard a crack as the pain shot through your body. Ah, the pain. It seemed that the pain was the only thing you could feel right now.


You don’t know how much time had passed until you gathered your strength and tried sitting up more comfortably. Your body hurt and ached all over and now you were pretty much sure you had some broken bones as your side burnt with immense pain even from a slightest move.

You looked at the metal tray with a small loaf of bread. The cup of water was already spilled as the guard kicked it going out of the cell. You licked your lips, your mouth completely dry. Yet, even in this condition, you felt your stomach rumble and hunger took over. You reached for the bread, yelping a bit at the pain that scorched across your body.

Slowly you positioned yourself with your back against the wall and snapped a crumb of the bread, taking it into your mouth. Yet, you soon realized even eating was painful to you as you barely swallowed the bread, your throat burning with pain. That must have been due to the recent strangling. It was a surprise how you still could think straight.

You let out a small sigh, which was followed by a shot of pain through your lungs and throat. Great, so you couldn’t even sigh now. You closed your eyes, sitting calmly, knowing sleep would come eventually.

You were woken up by an odd sound of some sorts. You doubted you would have heard it any other time, but right now all your senses were on edge and you opened your eyes, looking around. You had to circle the cell with your glance a few times until you finally noticed the small creature, frozen a mere meter away from you. It was staring at you with reddish button-like eyes, its white fur tainted with dirt. You stared at the little being with slight surprise. If you didn’t have a few broken ribs and aching throat you would have definitely laughed now, cause your new visitor was a cute little mouse.

The mouse stood motionless and frozen now, as if caught off-guard in a middle of some crime act. You mustered a smile at it as you snapped a crumb of bread and pushed it across the floor, letting it skid and roll. It stopped almost in front of the mouse and you watched how it carefully sniffed the crumb, before taking it with its little paws and biting it. You snapped more crumbs and rolled them towards the mouse. After all, it’s not like you could eat it anyway as your throat stung with pain. At least, this way the bread will have some meaning to its existence.

You watched the small creature devour the bread crumbs greedily. ‘I guess it’s quite hungry, huh. Life is hard even for a mouse,’ you thought to yourself as you put the loaf of bread down and closed your eyes slowly, praying for the sleep to come again.