An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 20

Your POV:

The time you spent in this cold and dark cell seemed like an eternity to you. You could hardly even think of what would happen to you in the future. So far, nobody has come to visit you and your only friend here was the little mouse you happened to befriend. If you were not in such a dire situation you would find it rather funny. Still, reality weighed down heavily upon you and you feared for your future and your life.

You never knew Kyo could be so cruel. It’s not that you did not understand him – he was merely protecting someone important to him. Oh, how you regretted distrusting him now. Every time he said he loved you, every time he said he cared, every time you took it for a joke… why didn’t you answer his feelings? Would it be any different now if you did? Jus why did you have to fall in love with him? It hurt so much now and the anger inside you swelled into one huge ball of heartache.

You rested your ahead against the wall. The little mouse had scurried away some time ago and now you were left all alone with your pessimistic thoughts again. A tear slipped down your cheek as you realized death might have been a better choice than this. You could hardly even imagine what Kyo had in mind for you. If only Leiru was here…

“Leiru,” you whispered softly, closing your eyes. Leiru was always there to help you out, but now he was gone.

‘Aya?’ Your eyes shot open and you raised you head. This was Leiru’s voice in your head.

‘Leiru!’ You called once again, a slight hope rustling inside you.

‘Aya, where are you?’ His worried voice echoed in your mind, stirring your thoughts and feelings. ‘I’ve been looking all over for you, but I can’t feel your aura at all.’

You shivered in happiness and joy, as tears rolled down your cheeks almost like a waterfall.

‘Aya? Aya, answer me!’ Leiru called out and you let out a sob.

“Help me… Leiru,” you whispered.

‘Aya? Where are you? Just tell me, where are you?’

‘I… I don’t know. A dungeon, I think,’ you answered to him mentally.

‘Just hold on, I’ll find you. Don’t worry, I’ll come right away,’ Leiru soothed you and you nodded.

Then, there was silence again. And for a moment you even thought maybe it was all a dream. The few minutes of silence seemed like hours to you and as you couldn’t wait any longer, you cried out to Leiru again: ‘Leiru, please… talk to me, I beg you.’

Relief came over you when you heard his soft voice in your head. ‘I’m here, Aya, I’m here. God, just what has happened while I was gone?’

You shook your head, ‘I don’t know, I don’t know.’

‘Aya, talk to me. Tell me what happened,’ Leiru asked again.

‘Yuki came back,’ you answered, pressing your hand into a fist, your nails digging into the flesh of your palm. The memories of Yuki were only those of blood and pain.

‘Yes, I know,’ Leiru noted. ‘I found her already here when I came back. There’s something strange about her, as if she’s not really herself. She told me she sent you back, but I sensed lies in her words.’

‘She…Kyo,’ tears slipped down your cheeks again. ‘He thinks I hurt her, he thinks I wanted to kill her. Leiru, what… what am I supposed to do now?’

“Aya!” You heard Leiru’s voice so clearly as if he was right beside you and you opened your eyes to see him in front of you. He was standing mere meter away, his eyes wide in shock.

“Aya… My God,” he rushed to you and kneeled down beside you.

Tears rolled down from your eyes and you practically jumped into his arms, ignoring the shots of pain that surged through your body.

“Leiru!” You sobbed into his chest. “I was so scared… so lonely!”

He hugged you gently, careful not to press on your wounds.

“Aya,” he whispered. “I never knew, I’m so sorry. For how long… who did this to you?”

Leiru’s POV:

Yet, a part of me knew the answer already. And suddenly, things became so much clearer. The way Yuki acted and why she lied, and that slight change in her I noticed. Or rather, was it really a change? Maybe I just failed to notice the selfishness and warp in her heart. And here I was now, hugging an innocent girl, who was swept away from her home into foreign lands, a girl that certainly deserved none of this suffering.

I had to get her out of this place; I had to get her home. Yet, I could not. Not now. This was beyond my current powers. Oh, how I regret having restricted myself like this. I wish I never thought of this plan to hide my true powers. But for now, I had more pressing matters at hand. The past is already the past and I can’t change it. Right now, I had to hide Aya; I had to send her somewhere safe, somewhere no one could touch her. But where? Where could I send her? This was the Underworld. There was nothing more but demons and devils here, some of them powerful even beyond reason. And then, suddenly, an idea struck my mind. Really, this could be perfect. I smiled slightly and nodded to myself. Yes, this might just work. If it was anyone else, this would be pretty much impossible, but Aya could do it. Yes, Aya can pull this off.

I looked down at the shivering girl in my arms. She was running a high fever and she was beaten up badly, her bones broken in a few places and dried blood sticking all over her bruised body.

For a few more minutes I just held her gently in my arms until she calmed down a tiny bit, just until the mind of this broken-hearted girl realized I was real and not just a creation of her wild and sick imagination. I then gently pushed Aya back, cupping her cheek into my hand.

Your POV:

Leiru looked straight at your eyes, his bluish ones boring into yours. “Aya, bear with me a little. I’ll heal your wounds, at least the biggest ones. There is not much I can do with the power I currently have.”

You nodded, waiting for him to start. He stared at your eyes intently for another moment as if making sure of something, and then leaned towards your face. Your heart skipped a beat and you blushed as his handsome face, his bluish grey eyes and his lips were dangerously close.

“Please, forgive me for this,” he whispered and then his lips touched yours gently.

You heart did a somersault a few times while he continued kissing you so softly and tenderly as if fearing you might break any moment. The gentle and warm feeling engulfed you and spread across your whole body. Finally, his lips slowly parted from yours and you opened you eyes to look at him, still dazed a bit.

“Aya, you must listen to me very carefully,” he said and you blinked a few times.

You were just kissed by an angel. And then, you realized. This wasn’t just a kiss. Your body felt lighter and you didn’t feel so much pain any more. You looked down and tried moving a bit. No pain. Most of your cuts were gone now, only minor scratches and huge bruises left.

“I have roughly healed most of your biggest wounds, but the pain will return in a while. I’m afraid I still need most of my powers to transport you further away from here,” Leiru explained.

You nodded, though you felt a bit of disappointment. So, the kiss was just for the healing purposes. You shook your head. No, what are you thinking? You love Kyo, not Leiru, right? Yet, your heart fluttered slightly when you looked into Leiru’s eyes. He had his own charm or maybe it was just the angel’s aura that attracted you. Still, you had to admit that you enjoyed that kiss.

“Aya?” You shook you head.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I was dazed for a moment,” you whispered.

Leiru nodded. “I understand you are tired and shocked, but Aya, you must listen to me. You have to get out of here. You must run away.”

You nodded as well, hope flaring up in your heart. Does this mean you’re going home?

Leiru shook his head, as if having read your thoughts. “I’m sorry, Aya. My powers right now are limited only to those of protective and healing magic. I am unable to send you home, not now.”

You looked away, trying to process the new information.

“Yuki’s birthday is almost in a month. That is also the time I get back my powers and that is the day I will send you home,” Leiru brushed away another tear from your cheek.

You looked up at him.

“I swear to you, Aya, right after Yuki’s birthday I will send you back home, where you belong,” he repeated and you nodded.

What else could you do? The situation had gotten out of hand already and Leiru was the only one still standing beside you.

“But what am I gonna do now?” You asked, letting out a soft chuckle. “I hope you have a plan, cause my mind is as empty as it can be.”

“I do,” Leiru reassured you. “It is dangerous and risky, but we do not have many choices.”

“I guess we can’t tell the truth, huh?” You whispered.

“I’m sorry, Aya.”

You shook your head, trying to gather you remaining strength and concentrate on the current situation. You glanced up at Leiru and mustered your usual smile.

“So then, what’s the plan?”

Leiru nodded. “I do not have much power and I can not transport you far, but it will be far enough from this castle. I will take you outside to the lands of another demon.”

“Anther demon?” You echoed, confused.

“Listen to me, Aya. It is very important that you reach the castle of this demon. When Kyo finds out that you’ve escaped, he will do anything to find you. But this demon is incredibly powerful and if you manage to get into his castle as a servant, even Kyo will not be able to harm you,” Leiru explained.

“But how am I gonna get into his castle?”

“That is the hardest part for I can not give you any useful advice. I’m very sorry,” Leiru looked down. “Still, you must try. I have heard he is a fair ruler and no matter how evil or cruel he might be, he is always a true genteleman to a lady.”

“Well that surely simplifies the situation,” you scoffed.

Leiru smiled. “Just remember – no one can know you do not belong to this world. This must be kept a secret.”

You nodded, processing what you’ve just heard.

“I am sorry I can not be of more help,” Leiru whispered.

You smiled and shook your head. “You’ve done enough already, Leiru. More than I could ever ask of you.”

For a short moment you both were quiet. Then, you got up and smiled at Leiru. It seemed that your journey was far from ending and you knew you had to be strong. You brushed the thoughts of Kyo and home aside as you inhaled a breath of air into your lungs.

“Let’s not waste time, Leiru. I wanna get out of here as soon as I can,” you said, your lips carving into a mischievous smile. You did not want Leiru to worry about you. At least now you had to be strong. You can always cry your heart out later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quite a long update this time and not so depressing any more ^^