An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 25

“Wha-what?” You uttered as you tried to get out of his hold. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you!”

He let go of you surprised and you continued. “You must be mistaken; I have never met you before!”

“Of course, you have,” he answered. “You saved my life!”

You stared at him confused and then shook your head. “That, that is impossible! I’ve never even seen you!”

They guy called Mickey grinned. “Maybe not in this form. Do you remember the little mouse in the dungeon of the Demon Lord Kyo?”

You knitted your brows in thought. How did he know you were locked up in Kyo’s dungeons? And how did he know about the little mouse? While you were still doing the maths and trying to realize what he was trying to tell you, Mickey turned to his master, who now stood motionless beside you with a slightly curious expression on his face.

“Let me explain, master Hyuga,” Mickey bowed.

“Indeed,” Hyuga answered. “I am most curious to know how you met this girl.”

“According to your given orders, I was spying in Lord Kyo’s castle,” Mickey started and you glanced up at him. Spying?

“However, I failed shamefully and was caught by Kyo’s guards,” Mickey continued. “I was locked up in the dungeon for interrogation, but I used my shape-shifting powers and turned into a mouse.”

You stared at Mickey in amazement. Now you were starting to understand where he was heading. That little mouse you helped out… Who would have known?

“I could not escape, however, because the dungeon was guarded by a magical shield. In just a few days I would have died from hunger, but this girl here shared her food with me,” he motioned with his hand to you and you felt Hyuga’s gaze fall upon you. “Moreover, when the angel helped her escape, she did not forget me either.”

Your heart skipped a beat as you realized even more questions might arise from Mickey’s story.

“An angel?” Hyuga questioned.

“Yes, sir,” Mickey nodded. “That girl Yuki had a guardian angel. I believe he helped Aya escape and then helped me as well.”

“Is that true?” Hyuga looked at you.

You nodded slowly.

“I think… he believed me to be innocent,” you said. Not a lie, is it now? “Therefore, he helped me escape and I… well, I asked him to help the mouse too,” you ended in a meek voice, blushing a bit.

Now that you thought back your wish was a rather strange one. You hoped Leiru didn’t get in trouble for it.

“Master Hyuga,” Mickey suddenly kneeled down and you let out a yelp of surprise. “I owe both my life and freedom to this girl. On my behalf, I kindly ask you to be merciful to her.”

“I see,” Hyuga muttered. “Rise, Mickey, you can go rest. I’ll listen to the details of your mission later.”

Mickey rose up, his glance falling on you a bit doubtfully.

“Do not worry,” Hyuga continued. “I will take into consideration what you have said.”

The shape-shifter nodded, gave you a small encouraging smile and headed out. In a few moments you were left all alone with the Demon Lord Hyuga.

He let out a short sigh and walked towards his throne, taking his rightful seat. Somehow, only now you noticed the ornaments on the throne and gulped, realizing it was decorated with sculls of various sizes. You wondered how you could have missed it the first time.

“You are a curious one, girl,” Hyuga suddenly said, staring at you intently. “I’m finding it strenuous to read your thoughts.”

Your eyes widened as you uttered out. “Read… my thoughts?”

‘Oh God, you must be kidding me!’ You panicked in your head. “No way, no way! But wait, he said strenuous… strenuous… as in difficult?’

Suddenly, Hyuga chuckled. “You’re funny too.”

You stared at him baffled. ‘Funny in a good way or a bad way?’

“The good way,” Hyuga rose up from his throne, smirking.

“You DO read thoughts!” You exclaimed, blushing madly.

The demon laughed at your reaction. “Actually, I didn’t even have to do that. It was written all over your face.”

He walked towards you, his expression getting more serious. “To tell you the truth, I can not read your thoughts and that is rather amusing in its own way.”

Hyuga smirked. “Either way, I have decided you will stay here, in my castle. You will be my personal assistant temporarily. Quite incidentally, my secretary had to visit his homeland and I have quite some work piled up. Come to my quarters at 9pm and do NOT be late.”

Having said that, he walked past you, heading out of the hall and you followed him, various emotions and thoughts running through your head. One thing was sure though – you could stay here at least for now. Yet, you were a tiny bit worried about working with Hyuga. What if he really could read your thoughts? That did not seem very promising. You felt that there was another reason for him deciding you should work as his personal assistant.

You were not stupid enough to believe a Demon Lord would simply show mercy to a stranger girl with no clear background whatsoever. Most probably, he wanted to keep you close so that he could keep watch on you. There was no way he’d trust a complete stranger like you. You realized it might have been due to Mickey that Hyuga accepted you. You never knew helping a mouse could be this important in the future. Still, he said he was spying…

You headed back to the kitchen, your thoughts running wild and your mind contemplating on what you’ve heard and what you know so far. You’ve spent only a few weeks in the demon world, but you already knew the demon lords were often at wars with each other. Kyo mentioned that for the past few hundred years everything was rather peaceful due to the new Demon King, who did not enjoy wars and bloodshed. It seemed that he was the most powerful demon of all and everyone else simply feared opposing him. However, many disputes were simply hidden from sight and every demon around dreamed of getting even more powerful. Yuki’s blood was a perfect reason for a new war.
You ran your hand through your hair nervously. So, if Mickey was a spy in Kyo’s castle, does this mean Hyuga is also after Yuki’s blood? You shook your head. No. You shouldn’t think about it. What happens to Yuki is none of your business, is it? She was the one that stabbed you, well, stabbed herself, actually… Oh, geez, how complicated this all is. You halted in the hallway and leaned onto the wall. You knew only one thing – Yuki was at fault for you being imprisoned and you were pretty much sure she hated you. She must have been in love with Kyo too much to let him go. Kyo. Your heart squeezed in pain and you sighed. You had to forget him. There was no way for you two to be together.

Right now, you had to focus on your own safety and getting back home. You’ll just have to forget Yuki and Kyo. It’s not like you’ll meet them ever again, right?
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Well, finally an update ^^ I should be finishing another chapter soon too. So, yeah, a quick update is due. :)