An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 27


Your POV:

You turned on another side as you cuddled deeper under the covers of the bed, a smile parting your lips. So warm and comfy. Then, your eyes shot open and you sat up, memories flushing your mind. Comfy and warm? Weren’t you in Hyuga’s room, sitting among piles of books? Your eyes darted around the room and you realized you were back in your room. The heavy night curtains were drawn and the room was drowning in duskiness. You got up from the bed and walked to the window. You were still wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday and it was a complete mystery as to how you got here. You drew back the heavy curtain and looked down at the scenery. Below a beautiful garden stretched out and you swore you’d find time to visit it one day. Given that you’ll be staying here, of course. You looked up at the sky, noticing the sun was already hanging rather low in the west, half hidden behind heavy and dark clouds. The sky was completely red and it looked incredibly beautiful, the black and red blend giving off a mystifying atmosphere. You drew back the rest of the curtains, letting the mild evening light flow into the room.

Then, you headed to the wardrobe, hoping to find something clean to put on. To your surprise, the wardrobe was full of clothes, ranging from ball gowns to simple everyday clothes. You decided it must belong to someone who lived here before you, so you chose the simplest dress you could find and put it on. It was of grayish color and wasn’t too attractive, but you did not want to overstep the boundaries of the hospitality you were offered.

You descended down the stairs and after a short pondering where to go first, you headed towards the kitchen. The castle was rather empty. You met only one maid on your way and she merely nodded her head to you in acknowledgement. You finally reached the kitchen doors and pushed them open, walking in. Your heart beat faster for a few moments as you wondered how you were gonna be welcomed here. Yet, the moment you stepped into the kitchen, you were grabbed into one huge hug.

“Aya! You’re finally awake!” You looked up at Alice and smiled at her.

“Yeah, sorry I-”

“Oh, don’t worry about that!” Alice waved her hand nonchalantly. “Master Hyuga is such a kid when it comes to this. He never realizes what time it is. Can you believe he held her up almost for 12 hours, Pierre?”

The blond chef merely scoffed, “Tell me something new.”

“Yeaah, you’ve got a point,” Alice muttered and then shoved you towards a chair.

“Come and sit, dear,” she turned to Pierre again. “Pierre, make her something light for breakfast.”

“Breakfast? More of a late lunch,” Pierre grumbled quietly as he got a few eggs out and his huge round pan.

“Umm, I was thinking I should go up to… umm, master Hyuga. He might need my assistance again,” you said.

“Oh, nonsense,” Alice frowned. “He told us that you can rest today, so no need to overwork yourself.”

“Really?” You wondered.

“Oh, yes,” Pierre added. “He himself told us not to wake you up. Said you were still exhausted from all the recent events.”

“Oh,” you muttered, mildly surprised. This demon lord turned out to be all but what you expected him to be.

“But, dear, what in the name of Satan are you wearing?” Alice looked you up and down sternly.

You blushed under her stare, “Just something I found in the wardrobe.”

“Something… you found?” Alice cocked a brow at your answer. “More like searched for it for hours! I don’t even remember ordering a dress like this…”

“Ordering?” You echoed confused. “Oh, I’m so sorry, is it yours?”

Alice merely stared at you in surprise and then shook her head slowly.

“No, dear, it’s yours.”


“Well, yes. After I told Master Hyuga you barely have anything to wear he ordered me to get you anything you might need. That room and everything that’s in it is completely yours,” Alice smirked at you her all knowing and mischievous smile. “And I made sure you have EVERYTHING you might ever need.”

You stared at her still unable to believe what you were hearing, “Are you playing a prank on me?”

“Of course not, dear. Why would I?”

“But… this is… I mean, this…” Suddenly, you teared up and blinked your eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming out. This was the kindest and most human gesture that you experienced since coming here to this world, even if it was merely a wardrobe full of new clothes.

“But, can I really… use it?” You doubted.

“Well, who else will use it if not you?” Alice questioned.

“She’s right on that one, you know,” Pierre added and put a plate of hot baked eggs with fresh vegetable salad. “Mind you, It’s only and appetizer before the upcoming dinner,” he smirked. “We’re so gonna celebrate you joining our team tonight.”

You chuckled and dug in, the eggs soon disappearing into your bottomless stomach.

“Oh, right, before I forget, Master Hyuga mentioned you should come up to him when you’re ready,” Alice said, sitting down by the table across from you.

You froze. After the last hour you weren’t sure what to really think of Hyuga. You still couldn’t believe he was that kind to you – a mere stranger with a rather shady past.

“I bet he’s just gonna officially hire you,” Pierre noted, taking the empty plate from you.

“Haha,” Alice laughed. “True, master does like taking things seriously. He also enjoys taking time to get to know each of his servants. It’s just the way he does things – all the way down. And I can tell you one thing, dear, if he ever wishes for something, he will get it. One way or another.”

Pierre laughed at her words while you involuntarily shivered. Somehow it only reminded you that no matter how kind someone was to you here, they were still demons, capable of things you would never even imagine.

You finished your fresh juice drink which had a very strange taste similar to grapes but a tiny bit bitter at the same time. It was truly refreshing though. You wondered if you could get some seeds of that fruit when you were coming home. If you were ever coming home, that is. Somehow home seemed way too far away from you right now. Not that you could do anything about it. Lately you learned it’s better to simply live the day and leave the future for tomorrow to come.

After reassuring yourself that nothing bad is gonna happen to you in such a warm place like this, you stood up and smiled at Alice. “Then, I’ll go see master Hyuga now.”

“Sure thing, dear,” Alice nodded. “He’s already up, probably working in his little office. You know, he’s such a workaholic it sometimes scares me.”

You chuckled and smiled even wider at her. Then, you gave a little wave to Pierre and headed off towards where you remembered Hyuga’s room to be.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Pierre sat down on the chair that you were just sitting on and glanced at Alice, who seemed to be deeply in her own thoughts.

“Just what in the world are you planning now?”

“Who, me?” The demonness merely blinked her eyes in an innocent fashion.

“Do you realize what time it is now?”

Alice looked at him questioningly and Pierre sighed. “You and your never ending miscalculations of time. It’s 6 pm. 6 pm… And 6 pm is what time?”

For a moment Alice sat silent until suddenly her eyes widened and she shot up, “Oh, my…”

“More of an ‘Uh-Oh’,” Pierre noted. “Well, aren’t you gonna stop her?”

Alice merely grinned widely as she shook her head and sat down again, “Nah, let it be. Don’t you think it’s gonna become really interesting here?”

“Is that one of your premonitions again?” Pierre rolled his eyes and stood up.

“More of a women intuition,” Alice smirked as she leaned back in her chair.

At that moment you were already turning the knob of Lord Hyuga’s room after having knocked politely three times. You had no idea what was awaiting for you there and your heart beat rather rapidly. You still couldn’t believe you were so easily accepted here. Perhaps, it had something to do with you saving Mickey? But even if it did, it surely wasn’t good news. You didn’t want Hyuga to find out that you were staying at Kyo’s place. Heck, you yourself weren’t sure if you even wanted to remember that time. Those were the happiest days in your life, as well as the most miserable ones.

You walked into Master Hyuga’s office and glanced around. He didn’t seem to be here. At least, he wasn’t sitting by his desk. You noticed how the room that you managed to somehow tidy up last night was once again littered with papers and sheets. You made your way to the desk and glanced around again.

“Master Hyuga?” You called out, almost naturally calling him master.

No one answered. You took another glance at the desk, which was no less littered with papers and opened books and then looked around the room. Both of the doors to the library and the personal room of lord Hyuga were open and for a moment you wondered where he could be. You chose the library doors.

“Master Hyuga,” you called for him again as now you began to wonder if you did the right thing coming in here.

On another note, the library was beyond huge, even larger than what you remembered. There were thousands of books and folders tucked away safely in the shelves or simply lying around. The staircase led round and around the library all the way up for about 6 floors as far as you could count. Well, even if master Hyuga was truly here, you doubted he could hear you whisper his name.

For a moment you wondered if you should just wait for him here, but what if he wasn’t coming down here soon? No, no, the right thing to do should be waiting. Still, silly as you were, you decided to call him for the last time. And this time around you gathered some courage and shouted out more loudly, “Master Hyuga?”

“No need to shout, I’m right here,” you heard his deep silky voice and turned around only to let out a yelp.

“Gyaaaah!” You screamed in surprise as your brains suddenly experienced a short malfunction. Your feet stumbled on their own and you fell on your butt, hitting the floor with a thud.

“Now that’s a first – my own personal assistant screaming at the sight of me,” Hyuga cocked his brow as he leaned on the doorway to his personal rooms.

Meanwhile, your eyes scanned his entire body as you gaped at him with a loss of words for he was almost utterly naked and wet, his only cloth being a white towel around his hips. His naked skin was rather pale and his long hair fell down on his shoulders in damp strands. You could see beads of water streaming down his muscular chest and steam rising up from his wet body. Your barely functioning brains were telling you he must just have taken a shower, but that didn’t change the current situation much, now did it?..
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Well, been a long time since I updated >.< I have completely ignored this account of mine, focusing on the Quizilla more. Still, I'm back with new chapters now. Sorry for taking so long to update this story *bows in apology*