An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 28

Your POV:

Meanwhile, your eyes scanned his entire body as you gaped at him with a loss of words for he was almost utterly naked and wet, his only cloth being a white towel around his hips. His naked skin was rather pale and his long hair fell down on his shoulders in damp strands. You could see beads of water streaming down his muscular chest and steam rising up from his wet body. Your barely functioning brains were telling you he must just have taken a shower, but that didn’t change the current situation much, now did it?..

You just gaped at him wordlessly and your lower lip trembled slightly as you tried gathering yourself up.

“You seem to enjoy sitting on my floor,” he smirked and in a flash of a second, he was there, right in front of you.

You flinched back and shook your head, shutting your eyes. Oh, no, no, no. This is too much.

“Come on,” you heard his voice again and peered at him. Hyuga had bent down towards you slightly and his arm hovered in the air, reaching out towards you.

Surprised, you just took his hand and he pulled you up as easily as if you weighted close to nothing.

“Ahhh…” You uttered, staring at his bare chest and then shut your eyes close again. ‘Brace yourself, brace yourself.’

You could feel a blush rising to your face as you felt a pleasant hotness rush over your body. Your cheeks turned rosy and at the same time you finally pushed away from Hyuga and side-stepped towards the doors.

“I, uh,” you tried looking away from him as best as you could. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have barged in…and-ouch!”

You were still going backwards and now you hit the doors painfully. You beamed an apologetic smile and fumbled around for the handle. As your fingers finally gripped it, you almost let out a sigh of relief.

“Um, uh, I’ll… I’ll come around later!” You exclaimed in a somewhat pitchy voice, still looking down somewhere to the ground and your hand pressed the handle.

As quickly as you could, you slipped away through the doors and practically ran down the corridor, your cheeks now various shades of red.

Meanwhile, Hyuga watched the doors click back into place with his brow arched, amusement and curiosity in his blue eyes.

Hyuga’s POV:

Humans. What peculiar creatures. I crossed the corridors swiftly and headed to the kitchen, where I knew I’d find Pierre and Alice. They were mostly together, after all. I pushed the kitchen doors open and entered, my eyes scanning the premises for Aya.

“Oh, master,” Pierre grinned happily and made a small bow.

“Master Hyuga!” Alice chirped as well and sipped her tea, a grin on her beautiful face.

I took another look around and then inquired, “Where’s Aya?”

“Ohhh,” Alice mused. “I’m not sure; she’s just had the shock of her life!”

Pierre snorted, but kept quiet and I cocked my brow in slight surprise, “Why is that?”

Alice laughed out and rolled her eyes, “Men.”

She then got up and let a smirk carve her lips as she noted, “But I saw her walk into the garden…”

“The garden?” I narrowed his eyes in slight alert and Alice’s smirk grew even deeper.

“Better rush, master, who knows what might happen to her there,” she said silkily and chuckled as I turned around grumbling and was gone in a blink of an eye.

“Just what in the world are you scheming?” Pierre arched his brow as he positioned himself in front of Alice. “You yourself sent her to the garden!”

“Ah, just a little push here and there,” Alice mused. “You know how it goes…”

“With you,” Pierre shook his head and swung his arms up, “I never know anything!”

Your POV:

Your eyes widened in amazement as you walked across the huge garden. It was just breathtaking. You’ve never seen such a well kept garden before. Well, on the TV, perhaps. It reminded you of ancient royal gardens with their statues and thousands of kinds of roses and little benches near the fountains and the labyrinths from trees and bushes and... ok, you get the drift, right? It was all here, everything you could ever expect to see in an old garden of noble royalty and you gawked at it, having completely forgotten the recent incident with a half-naked man.

You stepped slowly and the almost white sand beneath your feet crunched slightly. The part of the garden you were in was full of roses – red, pink, yellow, white, you name it and you halted beside one of the bushes, admiring the flowers in full bloom. You leaned towards it, intending to smell one of them, but then you heard and angry voice, “Stop that, you filthy human!”

Surprised you turned around and your mouth fell open in slight shock. There was a tall man in his mid-thirties in front of you and he was dressed in what looked like some really expensive clothing with golden embroidery. He had handsome facial features and his wavy dark brown hair fell to his shoulders. His eyes though stared at you with slight disgust, anger and something what you might have called loathing.

But what struck you the most was that the man was transparent! It was as if all his colours were washed out and you could see quite well what was behind him. You shook your head and then took another good look at him.

“Well, what the hell are you staring at, woman?!” The man scolded you. “Have you no manners? And what are you doing in our garden? Who let you in here, huh?”

“I-I’m sorry,” you uttered. “I just… this is the first time… I mean… I never…”

“Stop stuttering, you silly thing,” the man frowned. “We tell you, women are no good these days.”

“Ummm…” You paused. “I’m terribly sorry, truly. I didn’t know this was private territory.”

“Well, it is,” the man said sharply, but then he made a short snort and added in a milder voice, “but it is good that you are aware of your mistake. Perhaps, not all is lost to your kind. Yet.”

You decided not to pry too much into that as you felt far more interested in what was in front of you. “Would you… would you mind if I took just a tiny bit of your time and, um, asked a rather… rude question?”

The man seemed taken aback, but then he shrugged and nodded. “As we are not preoccupied with anything of urgent importance right now, we might spare you a few minutes. Shoot away, woman.”

You gave him a smile and nodded in appreciation, “Thank you, kind sir.”

“Well?” The man tapped his chin impatiently and you wondered if this was really a good idea. But you were so curious, so… who cares? And what can a transparent being do to you?

“Are you a ghost?” You asked quickly and leaned forth a bit, awaiting his answer.

“Wha-” The man gaped at you. “Well, we’d NEVER- this is preposterous! We have never met such a rude young female as yourself!”

“I’m sorry,” you muttered apologetically. “I was just…”

“For your knowledge, we are a sacred and noble spirit!” The ghost said sharply. “A spirit! Not some measly filthy ghost! Oh, yuck…Even the thought of those creatures is making us sick with disgust! Ah, the nerve of humans!”

“A spirit?” You exclaimed interested. “I apologize again, but I’ve never met a noble spirit before. It’s such an honor to me!”

The spirit of the man looked baffled for a moment and then pleased as he asked quietly as if unsure, “Really?”

“Yes,” you nodded enthusiastically. “I’m very glad we’ve met. I’m Aya, by the way.”

The man stared at you for a moment, as if thinking and then suddenly bowed, his hand to his chest.

“We are the noble ruler Shahzadeh of the Northern Hashu et Maro. A real pleasure to make your acquaintance, little lady.”

Struck by the sudden change in his attitude you gaped at him for a while and then smiled widely, “The pleasure is all mine, kind sir.”

“Ah, just call us Shahzadeh, young one,” he smiled contently and his hand brushed some invisible dust from his jacket.

“Shahzadeh?” You echoed slowly, trying to get it right. You had to admit it, the name was rather peculiar. “Shahzadeh… What a beautiful name.”

“Of course,” the man replied arrogantly. “It is a name befitting a prince, after all.”

“A prince?” You exclaimed. “You’re a prince?! Awesome!”

“Well, yes, silly girl,” the spirit shook his head. “We told you we were a ruler, did we not?”

You chuckled and nodded. “So, um, is this garden yours?”

“Yes,” Shahzadeh nodded curtly. “We planted every single flower of this garden.”

“Incredible,” you whispered. “I was just admiring it. It’s just… stunning! It took my breath away as soon as I saw it.”

You turned away to take a look at the garden. “It must have taken a lot of work and time to do all this!”

“Indeed,” the man nodded and for a while he stared at your profile, his brows knitted together in thought. “You… are different.”

You turned to him surprised, “I’m sorry, what?”

The spirit smiled at you and his eyes seemed to smile together with his lips. For the first time since your meeting you felt warmth coming from him.

“We are afraid our presence is required elsewhere right now,” Shahzadeh said and made another bow. “However, we graciously grant you our permission to visit us and our beautiful garden whenever you wish, young one.”

“Oh,” you smiled and nodded. “Thank you very much, Shahzadeh.”

“Do visit us again, fair lady,” the self-proclaimed prince said and then he was gone in a blink of an eye.

There was no poof or whoosh, he was just gone. Just like that, one minute he was there and the next one – just empty air.

You looked around somewhat suspiciously, but he was nowhere in sight and so you shrugged it off. What a strange meeting. But, you somewhat liked it. He was a very interesting man, err, spirit. A noble spirit.

You nodded to yourself and smiled, turning around to walk backwards and almost bumped into someone’s broad chest. As you raised your head, your cheeks blushed a shade of red and you gulped, staring at the blue orbs of your current master.

“Aya,” he breathed out and his eyes narrowed down on you for a short moment and then suddenly wandered away, scanning the area around you.

Was he looking for someone? You averted your eyes as well and tried gathering yourself up. Really, what was wrong with you?

“Um, yes, master?” You muttered and took a step backwards. You were really far too close to him.

He was silent for a moment and then looked down at you. “Are you alright?”

Surprised, you looked up again. “Um, yes?”

“Good,” he mumbled. “Let’s go back. We should not be trespassing.”

You considered asking what exactly he meant by trespassing, but then decided not to. The image of Prince Shahzadeh came to your mind though, but then again, perhaps, it was best to keep silent about your little adventures.

Furthermore, all your thoughts about the recently met arrogant spirit soon flew out of your mind, as you felt a strong grip on your wrist and Hyuga almost dragged you away.

“Come, we’ve got work to do,” the demon lord muttered and you followed him in quick steps, as he walked in wide strides towards the castle doors.
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Hope you like this ^^ There will be more and more of Hyuga hotness coming. I'm practising working on my bonding scenes, which are the hardest ones to do for me. >.<