An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 31

Your POV:

You glanced at Shahzadeh who was talking to his beloved flowers and then back at the streaming fountain water. Beads of it fell onto your skin and you smiled. It felt rather good. You enjoyed spending time in the garden and even though everyone else were scared of Shahzadeh, you found him to be cute. Sure, he was a bit narcissistic and arrogant, but, hey, he was a prince, right?

You let out a sigh and stood up. Still, enough of laziness. The break’s over.

“You’re heading back, already?” Shahzadeh inquired, his brows arching questioningly.

You nodded. “Thank’s for letting me rest here. I had a great time with you today, just as I always do.”

“Ah, but it is my pleasure, lovely miss,” the Prince bowed to you and flashed you a thousand dollar smile. You wondered if he looked so good for his age because he was just a ghost. Oops, a spirit, a spirit. He hated being called a ghost.

You waved you hand and headed back through the garden labyrinth towards the castle. Small twinkling lights flew after you, circling you around and letting out soft clinking sounds. Shahzadeh told you those were the fairies of the flowers and trees and it seemed they were incredibly sensitive to anyone of demonic nature. Therefore, Shahzadeh was very unwilling to let any demons enter his garden. It seemed that these little fairies took care of the garden and all its plants and, for some reason, they seemed to be kind of attached to you. You ignored the thin bell-like sounds that the little lights made and waved your hand to them, bidding farewell. The lights twinkled and whined as you pushed the glass doors to the garden open.

“Hey, come on, don’t be sad. I’ll be back tomorrow, kay?” You smiled at them and the little lights whooshed up and then around you, before heading back into the garden.

You found it unbelievable that such demon-sensitive beings resided in a Demon Lord’s garden. Ah, this world is full of wonders. You shook your head and headed towards the library. It was time to get back to work.

Almost a week had already passed since Hyuga’s birthday and that morning you woke up in your own bed. You felt so embarrassed you fell asleep while waiting for Hyuga to come back. Weirdly enough, you were so tired you didn’t even remember how you walked back to the bed. You were thinking of apologizing to master, but by the time you awoke, he had already gone away on a trip, leaving you behind. Alice told you he had decided the trip was too tiresome for you and you needed some rest. Hyuga also asked you to clean up his study as he left a mess in it, but you were already finished with that. Instead, you took on another job that occupied your empty days – getting the library in order.

Both Alice and Pierre wanted you to get some rest cause Hyuga was not supposed to be back for a few more weeks, but doing nothing was merely making it worse. While you were busy, you at least did not have any time to think about your home, about Leiru, Asiel and Kyo. And so, you preoccupied yourself with anything that you came across. Thinking back, even though you thought you loved Kyo, was it really love? It was so sudden and it ended so abruptly before even starting that you were not even sure of your own feelings. Still, him not being able to recognize you hurt you deeply and even though you realized it was practically impossible, it still scarred your heart.

Anyhow, Kyo and you were over before any kind of deeper relationship even began, so it was futile to ponder about it. Instead, you had decided to dedicate your strength and mind to other, more important matters. What worried you the most was the fact that Leiru had not contacted you yet and your little problem of going home. You did not wish to spend the rest of your life somewhere in a parallel universe in an underworld full of demons. Hell no.

One way or another, you were going home. And, actually, you might have found what you were looking for. Hyuga’s library was simply huge and the amount of books there was just unthought-of. During the last week you did nothing more but sort and rearrange various books, documents, folders, maps and everything else you found in the library and then put them into shelves sorted out into their respective categories. Starting with historical legends and myths, demonic beast descriptions and dictionaries, ancient rituals and sealing techniques and ending with individual works on the psychology and mind of human beings, everything was here, including some very interesting books on inter-dimensional travels.

And that was what you were interested in the most right now. You entered Hyuga’s library and smiled at Lou and Shou, the twin guards that often helped you out with your little library arranging project. The two had a very useful power of telekinesis, which meant you didn’t have to climb up all the stairs and put the books into the shelves by yourself. When the twins were busy on their shifts, other servants of the castle came to help out and, frankly speaking, sometimes you had troubles shaking people off. It was as if they were attracted to you somehow. Well, that was the reason why you loved Shahzadeh’s garden so much – no one, not even the bravest ones, dared to venture there after you.

Meanwhile, the twins grinned at you happily and waved their hands. For guards, they didn’t look older than 19 or so.

“Whoah,” you muttered surprised. “You’re all done already?”

“Yep, yep!” Lou nodded.

“We put everything up on the 7th bookshelf as you said,” Shou added and you smiled.

“Thanks’ so much, you both,” you said. “Now I only need to rearrange the summoning section and the library will be all in order. It’s all because you and the others helped me out.”

“Nah, it was nothing,” Lou chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

“Should we send Nord up to help you out here?” his brother Shou asked and you shook your head.

“No, I’ll be fine by myself. Thanks’, though,” you replied and they nodded in understanding.

Nord was a pretty funny guy though you always felt rather weird seeing him shapeshift. He was the same kind of demon as Mickey, the little mouse demon you saved back in the Kyo’s castle, but Nord turned into this large crow-like bird and watching his arms turn into wings and grow dark black feathers was just plain queer.

“Anyways, I’ll bake a pie to you later on, ok, guys?” You smiled and headed towards a pile of books on the floor.

“Ohhh, I want an apple one!!!” Shou exclaimed happily.

“What? NO!!! I want a cherry pie!” Lou banged his foot on the floor angrily.

“You had it yesterday!”

“And you had yours the day before… before before yesterday,” Lou grumbled and Shou scoffed.

“Whatever. I want an apple one!”

“Aya, please, at least make it a pear pie! I hate apples!” Lou grumbled.

You sighed. Kids. “It’s gonna be an apricot pie today. We’re out of both apples and cherries and Nord is allergic to pears.”

“Oh,” the twins mused in unison and then shrugged. “Apricots are tasty too!”

You laughed at their enthusiasm and picked up the first book on the floor. ‘Fire summoning for advanced magicians.’ Hmm, that goes with the elementals. And you put it beside the books on water and air bending techniques.

“Then, we’re off to our shift!” The twins waved their hands in unison for a goodbye and you waved back.

“Be careful, you two!”

“Always are,” they grinned and disappeared behind the doorway to Hyuga’s study.

You stared at the place they stood for a while and then took another book. You wanted to sort this out by tomorrow night, so that you had more time to read those works on inter-dimensional travelling. So far, these books were very difficult to understand with your pathetic knowledge of the ancient demon tongue and there were too many calculations and formulas for you to actually grasp their meaning. Still, you hoped that your patience would pay back one day and you’d find something you could use for your own sake. Even your luck is bound to change for the better some time, right?

Hyuga’s POV:

I roweled my horse and it jumped over the cliff neighing at me reproachfully, but I did not care. I wanted to reach the castle by tonight and I felt anticipation building up inside me. Did she miss me, I wonder? What has she been doing all this time? Is she well? I spurred my courser once more ignoring its cry of discontent and it sped up with the last of its strength.

I wasn’t supposed to be back until the next week, but I had to admit I was getting more and more restless with each passing day and so I quickened up my visiting rounds. I had never worked so efficiently before and some of the demon lords gave me strange looks, wondering what kept me on my toes.

As I flew down another hill, I saw the mountain rage in front of me. Finally. Now I just need to cross the plain and then the castle is just an arm’s reach away.

“Come on, beautiful,” I patted Muro’s neck and it neighed softly, nodding its head. I’ll give it something tasty when we’re back.

It’s a wonder what a strange feeling missing someone is. I leaned on my horse to gain more speed and thought back to the first time I met Aya. She looked so lost and confused. Who would have known she’d become such an important existence in my life? Who would have thought she’d be the one to make me feel like this?

Missing someone. Wanting to see someone. Wishing to be with someone. What queer sensations burned inside me now. Never have I wanted to see someone’s face or hear their voice so much as I did now. As if a strong need was etched into my mind and I could not shake it off.

I narrowed my eyes in thought again, wondering what it was that attracted me to her. Her kindness? Cheerfulness? Her sense of humor? Maybe her attentiveness? Or, perhaps, the way she always thought about everything and everyone… her consideration of others?

Perhaps, it was everything.

Meanwhile, the plain stayed behind me and I spurred my horse again in a hurry to reach the castle. As I knew all the shortcuts across the mountains, I crossed it merely in a few minutes and my horse let out a roar as I halted it suddenly a meter from the back entrance to the castle. The guards by the doors gaped in surprise, but then gathered their composure immediately as one of them ran to me to take the reins.

I hopped down and gave him the reins to the horse, “Take him to the stables and make sure he is well taken care of.”

The guard nodded, gripping the reins. I turned to Muro and rubbed his nose gently in gratitude. It neighed softly and shook its head, its black eyes staring at me in slight wonder.

I smiled and turned around, “And give him a nice treat, too. He deserves it.”

The horse neighed in appreciation and I heard the clopping of his hooves as the guard led him away. Meanwhile, the other guard bowed to me respectfully, “Welcome home, master Hyuga. We were not expecting you so soon.”

“I know,” I passed him by and patted his shoulder as I did so.

I pushed the massive doors and entered my own castle, heading straight across the corridors. It seemed still early to me, but 2am was a rather late time for a human and I feared Aya might be already sleeping. I surely hoped she was not, for I wanted to see her right away. I missed her cheerful smile and her presence around me. I missed her voice and her trustful eyes. It was a strange sensation to me, one I have never felt before. To miss someone.

I finally reached the foyer hall and flew up the main stairs but as I was about to turn to another corridor, I heard a familiar voice and turned around to face Alice.

“I see you’re in a rush, master Hyuga?” She stared at me smirking slightly and I narrowed my eyes on her.

Sometimes I wondered how much she actually knew. Her gift of foresight was one I was most baffled by. She claimed to be able to sense the future and quite often she turned out to be right as I used her talent for my own purposes. As a matter of fact, I remember I asked her if she could foretell whether Mickey’s spying mission would be successful or not. Back then, Alice merely smiled at me mysteriously and said it shall be full of surprises. Surprises, huh.

“Don’t you already know?” I asked instead of replying. “You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

“True,” Alice grinned. “Then, I’ll save you a few precious minutes and advise on heading to the library.”

“The library?” I asked surprised. What would Aya be doing there? Working on something?

“You know, a lot changed while you were gone,” she smirked and descended down the stairways.

I did not inquire more, though my curiosity reached yet another peak. What changes could she mean? Yet, I shrugged it off and climbed up to the third floor, heading to my personal chambers that were joined with the study and the library. As I walked a bit slower this time, my mind calmer and more relaxed at the prospect of seeing Aya, my nose picked up a fresh and mildly sweet scent. I furrowed my brows and glanced around for its source and then noticed the small tables that were positioned along the walls since times memorial. Yet, now they were no longer empty and I saw elegant vases with white roses on them.

White roses? I halted and came closer to one of the vases. The colour was beautiful and went well together with the bluish walls of the castle. Now that I thought back I had noticed such vases with flowers all around the castle, but I paid no heed to it for I was in a rush. Where did they come from? I leaned to smell the roses and smiled mildly. A pleasant scent. Not too strong and not too sweet. And then, I noticed a peculiar detail – the flowers were not cut, they were potted. Potted flowers… in vases?

“Ha… Hahahahahaha!” I laughed out loud and waved my hand. Now that could only be thought up by one person and one person only. Aya.

I smiled and shook my head, heading further on along the corridor. What an ingenious idea. Potted flowers!

As I reached my study doors, my mood picked up a notch and I entered the room, smiling. Now, to the library. The doors were ajar and I slipped in quietly, my eyes scanning for the girl. Yet, I halted in my tracks and my eyes widened at sudden realization. The library. It was clean and all the books were put back into the bookshelves. No piles of folders and documents, tattered books or rolled up maps. Amazed, I walked across the room, glancing around. I noticed the shelves had small tablets with inscriptions placed on them. I came closer and realized they were a kind of indicators or markers. The books were all sorted out into their respective fields and I shook my head in astonishment. There was no doubt who did this. But how did she manage all this in merely few weeks? It would have taken me a month or two to sort things out and that was the reason I never even tried to.

Now that the piles of loose books were gone, I realized I had a very spacious library. It looked amazingly huge. Oh, and there were couches and desks by the walls too. I glanced around with curiosity as I had to admit it has been quite some time since I’ve seen the library in order. I noticed one of the desks was still littered with books and paled sheets of some documents and I walked to it feeling interested.

I took a book that lay scattered in the middle of it and glanced over the opened page. A summoning circle? No, wait. That’s a…

I knitted my brows in thought and flipped the book over to take a look at its cover.

“Transdimensional travelling. The techniques used and the risks involved. Tome III,” I read out aloud.

Transdimensional travelling? Now who might be reading such kinds of books? And why?..
Then, I heard sounds of footsteps and I put the book back, glancing at the stairway that went around the library walls.

With a book in her hands, Aya was descending down slowly, completely immersed in her readings. A smile tugged the corners of my lips as I watched her quietly. She looked just like I remembered her. Pretty.

Still, she should look where she’s going. At this rate, she might… And as soon as I thought about it, Aya missed a step and her body swayed, her eyes widening in realization she will soon fall. Quite comically, she tried grabbing the railing with her left hand, the book still in her right one, but she missed the railing too and the stone steps neared her inevitably. I smiled as I flashed stepped towards the falling girl and caught her in my arms right before she made contact with the white stone. She gasped as I raised her up easily and steadied her on the higher step. Now she was almost my height and her black eyes widened upon recognizing me.

“M-master Hyuga,” she breathed out in astonishment and I smirked.

“Hyuga, just call me Hyuga,” I replied, knowing well she’d most probably laugh and say how impossible that is.

“He, sorry,” she chuckled and her cheeks reddened. “I can’t call my employer by his name. That would be just plain rude.”

See? She’s too modest, really. What should I do to make her call me by my name? That master thing is getting more and more irritating.

“But… wh-what are you doing here?” She suddenly asked, staring at me.

I cocked my brow. “You didn’t miss me?”

“I did, of course, I did,” she replied quickly and then horror struck her face. “No, I mean, I didn’t mean-”

“I know what you meant,” I interrupted her smiling gently, though inside my heart flipped over with a sense of sadness.

I’m sure she did not miss me the way I missed her. Immediately, I narrowed my eyes at the thought. Now why did I think so? What is that supposed to mean?

What in the world is happening to me?..
♠ ♠ ♠
And another one! >.<