An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 34

Hyuga’s POV:

“Everything’s ready, master Hyuga,” Alice smiled at me and I nodded.

“Good. Go call Aya here,” I turned around, heading out of the hall. “I’ll be back shortly after I’ve given my last orders to Sam.”

Alice bowed slightly, trying to appease me and I could feel her watching my retreating back warily. She must have felt my rather grim mood, but decided it was best not to inquire about it. And she was right.

I exited the hall and headed to a nearby room, where Sam was waiting for me. As I entered he rose from the chair he was sitting on and bowed his head in respect.

“Sam,” I said. “I’m regretful for calling you back from your homeland a week earlier, but I am in need of your services. I’m sure I can trust you with this one.”

“Of course, sir Hyuga,” the demon nodded curtly. “I shall carry out your orders precisely.”

I smiled contently. “Good, I trust you have no questions about your task?”

“No, sir,” the demon cocked his head to a side and smirked. “Though I am curious to know what that demon lord has done to you to incur such… uh, animosity upon himself?”

I narrowed my eyes down on him and replied coldly, “That is of no importance to your mission, Sam.”

My personal secretary merely chuckled at my freezing tone and grinned, revealing his sharp canine teeth. “Right. This is gonna be fun, anyways.”

I scoffed. Now that’s just like Sam. He always took pleasure in scheming and planning and that’s why we got along perfectly. Well, his position was taken by Aya currently and though at first I thought he’d return to his job as soon as he got back, now I found a more interesting task for him.

“Take as much time as you need,” I added thoughtfully. “There is no rush. I want him completely annihilated, understand?”

“Yes,” Sam nodded and his eyes flared with enthusiasm.

I smiled, “And make sure none of this can be traced back to me.”

“That goes even without saying,” the demon replied and I nodded contently.

I knew Sam was perfect for the job. I smirked as I headed back to the hall, where Aya should already be waiting for me. Now the biggest challenge was to hold back when I actually met that scoundrel Kyo. Death was far too merciful for what he did…

Your POV:

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down, but your body was still trembling slightly and your hand turned white from the force with which you were pressing the handle of your bag. It was a medium sized travelling bag of magical origins and even though you threw in almost half of your wardrobe there, its weight was only a bit heavier than of a normal one.

You bit your lip, trying to concentrate your thoughts on the clothes you put in there instead of the slightly glowing circle right in front of you. Or where it was gonna take you. Still, your eyes kept wondering back to the magical transportation circle and you felt your heart sink down to your heels as you thought about seeing Kyo again. He will launch at you the second he recognizes you…

A firm hand landed on your shoulder and you jumped, yelping out in sudden startle.

“You’re shivering, Aya,” Hyuga noted, his fingers brushing your bare arm. “Are you cold?”

“No,” you gasped, your eyes looking up at him. “Master Hyuga-”

“JUST Hyuga,” he corrected you, but you merely shook your head.

“Master, please, I really don’t think I should-”

“Should what?” His steely gaze shut you up immediately and you shivered from the coldness in his eyes. “There is no way I am leaving you here by yourself.”

You gulped, “But-”

“No buts,” he interrupted you mercilessly and his gaze landed on the bag you were holding. “Why are you still holding on to that?”


Suddenly, Hyuga chuckled and you stared at him surprised at how much a smile changed him.

“Give me that,” he reached out and tore the bag away from you, throwing it to a servant, who stood nearby meekly. “Put it with the others.”

The servant nodded and your bag was now put together with Hyuga’s, near the centre of the circle. You breathed in sharply, your fingers now crumpling the hem of your shirt. Trying to look as professional as you could, you put on black classical pants and a white shirt blouse. Even the clothes you packed were of neutral colors and styles. You did not want to draw attention to yourself with bright colours. You never wore any of those when you were going on trips with Hyuga. Meanwhile, the Demon King, as you had learned previously, turned back to you and his eyes glanced you up and down almost intently.

“Black again?” He frowned slightly. “What is going on in that wardrobe of yours?”

You blinked in surprise. He was asking you about clothes? What’s wrong with your clothes? Oh, no, don’t tell me their official clothes are red or something?!

“You look too official,” Hyuga murmured and you sighed in slight relief. “Blue or green should suit you better. I’ll have a talk with Alice later.”

“Wha-? No, no, there’s no need!” You rushed to reply, failing to notice Hyuga gripped your wrist gently, leading you towards the circle. “I chose it cause I don’t want to draw attention to myself.”

“What’s wrong with drawing some attention?”

“I’m just an assistant, I can’t wear flashy clothes.”

“Who says so?” Hyuga cocked his brow curiously and then laughed. “Sometimes you’re so weird, Aya.”

You fell silent. Ok, maybe the demons didn’t have the policy of official clothing when working.

“Now, stay still,” the Demon King smiled. “It will take merely a moment. You won’t even feel a thing.”

“I-I still don’t think-” you started off, but fell silent at his strict glance.

You averted your gaze to take a look at the circle you were standing in and you gulped heavily, fear overtaking you slowly. This can’t end well.

“Are you afraid?” You heard Hyuga’s voice beside your ear and you realized he was now standing behind you.

Your only answer was a slight shiver that rocked your body and you felt as if your hands were freezing cold now.

“Do you really think I’ll let anyone hurt you, Aya?” His hand landed on your shoulder and you turned your head to look up at him.

Hyuga was smiling at you gently, but you noticed his eyes were cold and he seemed angry. You weren’t sure why you thought so, but that was the impression you got.

“You have no need to fear anyone as long as I am by your side,” Hyuga said and involuntarily, you felt something warm spread across your body.

How queer… the way he said it, his gentle and soothing tone. It was as if a lover swearing his vows to his beloved. You blinked and shook your head vigorously at the queer idea that crossed your mind. And then, the circle glowed stronger and you felt your body get lighter and lighter. You shut your eyes instinctively and when you opened them up, a far too familiar view stretched in front of you.

You breathed in sharply and held it in for a moment before exhaling. Hyuga’s hand left your shoulder and he took a few steps forward. You noticed there were two rows of bowing servants standing on each side of the road and you realized you were in the inner Kyo’s garden. You remembered this place, perhaps even too well. The memories flushed over you and you bit your lip, as your body trembled with remembrance.

Swayed by the emotions you failed to notice the man that was nearing you until he stood merely a few steps away from you and Hyuga. And when you did notice him and tried to step behind the broad shoulders of your current master, it was already too late.

“Welcome to-,” his speech came to a sudden halt as his eyes widened at recognition. “Y-YOU!”

You let out a soft yelp and froze in place, your eyes unable to leave his enraged face. Kyo.

His eyes flashed a deep red colour and you shut yours in sudden fear as the red ball of painful magic was hurled at you.

Yet, nothing happened. Surprised, you opened your eyes to glance up, but all you saw was the enraged, yet, surprised Kyo and Hyuga’s arm, extended in front of you as if he had reflected Kyo’s magic with it.

“Is this how your household treats guests, Lord Kyo?” Hyuga’s voice was so calm and indifferent that you shuddered. You could feel the anger brimming beneath it almost physically and you wondered if Kyo could too.

Kyo kept quiet for a moment, his rage visible on his face and his flashing eyes, but he did not attempt to launch another attack.

“May I know the reason of such aggression towards my personal assistant?” Hyuga inquired politely. Too politely.

“Your… assistant?!” Kyo hissed barely audibly and then spat out, “She’s a murderer!”

Hyuga remained as calm as ever and you were sure not even a muscle rippled on his face as he replied in the same indifferent tone, “I suggest you to be careful when accusing my servant of such a heavy crime. This is an insult to both the young lady and me as the Demon King of the Underworld.”

Young lady? You glanced at Hyuga wonderingly, but then averted your gaze back to Kyo, who seemed to have become a volcano of emotions ready to erupt any second now.

“Aya, dear,” Hyuga turned to you, suddenly, and you stared at him, wondering what he wanted from you. “Tell me, have you murdered anyone?”

“No!” You replied in surprise, “I swear, I did not! I did not!”

Hyuga turned back to Kyo and smiled politely, “See, this is all but a misunderstanding, I am sure.”

Kyo flared with anger and rage once again and hissed at Hyuga, barely keeping it in, “That bitch tried to kill my beloved!”

Your eyes widened and you shivered at his words. Beloved… his beloved… Is that… how it is?

“Do not make me give you a warning a second time,” Hyuga replied in an icy cold voice and once again you wondered if it really was such a good idea to come here.

For a moment, Kyo just stood there, his entire body language screaming of the desire for bloodshed and then, suddenly, you saw him stiffen and grit his teeth as he acknowledged his loss by actually making a slight bow.

“Welcome to my mansion, your majesty,” his voice was strained and still full of anger and you shivered involuntarily. “I hope your stay here is pleasant.”

You stepped back, your fingers latching onto the hem of your shirt once again as you crumpled it nervously. Oh why, oh why, didn’t you insist to stay back more? But it was too late now and as you tried to stop your own body from trembling with fear, Hyuga turned to you and, surprisingly, took your hand into his, pulling you towards him.

A smile was playing on his lips as he said, “Come, Aya, I would not want you to fall back and get lost in this inhospitable place.”

You merely nodded your head, as you let yourself be led away, the strong and warm hand on yours feeling incredibly comforting and encouraging. Kyo was walking briskly in front of you and so you could only see his wide back, which, actually, you preferred to his enraged eyes. You reminded yourself you should be more careful and decided you’ll stay beside Hyuga as much as possible. This was a dangerous place for you, very dangerous.

But at the same time, you felt kind of enthusiastic and your heart beat stronger as you knew there was one person in this unfriendly place that would welcome you with his arms wide open… and as you lifted your eyes to take a look around, your gaze soon met calm and warm grey eyes. You smiled at him with relief and noticed the man’s eyes widen slightly in surprise, but then his lips carved into a smile as well and you felt warmth fill your soul.

“Leiru,” you whispered barely audibly, unaware that Hyuga’s ears caught the sound of your breath and his dark eyes trailed after your line of sight until he noticed the figure of a man standing by one of the side entrances to the building. Hyuga’s eyes narrowed down on the stranger and his lips pressed into a tight line as he finally recognized the man. It’s been hundreds of years since the last time he had seen him, but there could be no mistake.

The question was what was an angel like him doing down here and why the heck was he grinning like an idiot at Aya?..

Hyuga’s fingers pressed yours tighter and you yelped slightly at the force he was putting on. You raised your head to glance at him and surprised you found his eyes hard and almost angry. But what was most shocking was that he was staring at the same person you were just looking at. Leiru.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, an update on this one. The dragon story had taken most of my time and interest lately, so yeah, sorry, Hyuga. You're in second place now, haha.