An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 4

You quietly walk to school, having refused a ride form your father. You wanted to think a little and you never really hated walking. Leiru told you it's about 20 minutes of walk and you thought it wasn't that bad of an idea, as the weather was nice and all. As you walk, you think over the things you should know and the things you should be careful of. You have studied everything you could about your classmates, though that wasn't much. You glance at Leiru from time to time - he seems a bit restless, as he half walks half floats beside you. Yep, that's right, being an angel, he can fly... You enviously watch his feet as they don't even touch the ground.

‘Come to think of it, he looks like a ghost ^^’ You smile to yourself, but your train of thoughts is interrupted by Leiru:

“I think you should know something, Aya. I… I didn’t tell you something, but it’s better that you know…”

“Hm? What is it? You know, you can tell me anything... After all, we're stuck in this together, right?”

“Right...” Leiru looks at you surprised. “Well... I think... there might be some people wanting to get rid of you.”

“Huh? Get rid of... me?” You halt, looking at Leiru.

He laughs nervously. “Y-Yeah...”

“Get rid of... like in KILL?!”

The angel nods. “Maybe...”

“W-what? It's my first day in school!!! How can there be someone who already wants to kill me?!” You shout in disbelief.

“No need to panic... it's just maybe,” Leiru tries to comfort you, but it's a bit too late. Such news early in the morning doesn’t sound good.

“So... then... Why?..”


“Yeah, why does someone want me dead?” You ask angrily.

“Well... that's... a long story.”

“I'm all ears.” You spit out sarcastically.

“Well, I'll tell you later, when we get back. Let's just head to school for now,” Leiru smiles at you with his innocent angelic smile and floats forward.

You feel almost like strangling him, though you doubt you could do that to an angel...

“Wait up! Tell me now!” You run after him.

“Later,” Leiru states and you realize you're not going to get anything out of him.

“Just be careful and keep near me. I'll protect you,” he smiles at you and you sigh as you don't see how this helps your situation.

After a few more minutes, you are already in the school grounds. You fix your round old fashioned glasses, which you'd like to throw out as soon as possible, but Leiru practically begged you to put it on, so you did. You walk into the school building and ascend the stairs, as Leiru stops suddenly.

‘Aya, can you go on alone form here? I need to check something first,’ you hear his voice in your head.

‘HUH?! NO, don't leave me now...’

‘I'll be back soon, just go into the classroom, you already know which, right? I've felt something strange, it's better if I check it now.’

You sigh and nod, answering Leiru in your mind. ‘Fine, but don't forget to come back.’

Leiru nods. ‘I'll be back soon.’

You watch as he turns around and descends to the ground floor. You sigh and finish climbing up the stairs to the third floor. You walk along the corridor looking for the room you need and stop in front of the needed door. You breathe in, bracing yourself, but before you pull the handle, the door opens up and a guy walks straight into you, pushing you down. You fall on your butt and curse in your mind as you feel the pain. You look up ready to shout your heart out and gasp in surprise. It’s a… drop dead gorgeous guy!!! Slim body, white skin, jet black short hair and grey eyes, staring at you. In your mind you immediately skip through every photo of your classmates you’ve seen, but it seems you can’t really remember him.

As you sit there staring at him, you see how he grins at you mockingly.

“Well well well... And what do we have here?” The guy leans towards you.

“Errr... um... me?” You say confused, still admiring the beauty in front of you.

The guy looks down at you chuckling.

“I thought I told you not to cross my path again, didn't I?” His voice sounds cold as you notice menace in his eyes.

Surprised you get up, frantically trying to remember him, but there were no records of him in Yuki's room.

“Um... but it was you that bumped into me...” You say somewhat doubtful.

“Oh? I also said,“ the guy leans towards you, “not to talk to me again unless I say so.”

‘Okay... now this guy is one arrogant bastard. I hate people like him.’ You say to yourself as you mentally slap yourself for even thinking he's handsome.

Then, you simply shrug your shoulders:

“Fine, suit yourself, stupid.”

You brush past him into the classroom, not noticing his shocked expression as at that time you're trying to make a smiling face as you greet your classmates:

“Hi, everyone!”

Of course, you are welcomed by silence as everyone stare at you, but then turn around and ignore you. You sigh, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, and make your way towards your desk by the window. But, as you sit down, a girl stands up in front of your table. You raise your head and recognize Cloya, or at least so said Leiru. Though he wasn't much of help, as he said he usually didn't go to school with Yuki. The girl is smirking at you and you see a few more girls with mean looking faces behind her.

“I tell you what,” says Cloya, smirking at you. “You have some guts, coming back.”

“Um...” You don't know how to respond, so you simply smile, hoping she'll go away. ‘Damn it, where the hell is Leiru, when I need him...’

“Are you ready for what's awaiting you, Yu-ki?” She snickers somewhat evilly and her friends laugh as well.

You now kind of feel dumbfounded as you realize Yuki was probably bullied by these girls. ‘Great, just great... and what do I do now?..’

“You know, I'm such a good friend, I actually thought I'd help you out...” Cloya chuckles again and you see her get out scissors from behind her back. “You know, you'll never get the guy you like if you don't start changing, right, girls?’’

The other girls laugh.

“Now let me help you, dear,” Cloya takes one of your long braids and targets them with scissors. “Aren't they precious?”

You watch it amazed as this is the first time you ever experienced bullying. Still, even though you are pretty much ordinary, you're not the type to let this go as it is. So, you smirk at Cloya too:

“Well, you can have it, if you wish. You know, people always seek something they don't have,” You smile warmly at her. “Why are you hesitating? Or should I cut it for you myself?”

Cloya stares at you shocked as she lets go of your hair. She then gets angry and slaps your cheek. You didn't expect this at all and your head moves to the side, your glasses falling down on the ground.

“How dare you! You bitch! Shut up! You think I don't know what you're doing, flirting there with MY Kyo!”

“Huh?” Now you look at her surprised. “Flirting with whom?..”

“Heh, your innocent act won't help you! Right, Kyo?..” She looks to your right and you avert your gaze there too. The guy that bumped into you just a minute ago stands there, watching you two fight.

‘Oh, so he's Kyo... Gotta remember that one,’ you think as you touch your cheek.

You look down at the ground for your glasses, but they are broken. You pick them up and chuckle.

“You know, I've got to thank you for this one. Wanted to get rid of these glasses since the first time I laid my eyes on them...” You say, putting the glasses on the desk. You then unbraid your long hair, letting it flow free down your back.

“Wh-What?.. You... Don't change the topic!” Cloya shouts at you, banging her hand down on your table.

You look up at her and sigh.

“Right... Look, if you really like that Mr. I'm-the-King-of-the-World, then you can have him. I couldn't care less. Good luck though, such an arrogant bastard will probably make your life a living hell,” you chuckle.

Not hearing any answer, you look up at Cloya only to find her gaping and speechless. You look at the guy called Kyo, whose expression must be the funniest you’ve ever seen.

You start laughing at him when you hear Cloya scream at you:

“YOU! Stop mocking me! I know what you’re playing at!”

She grits her teeth angrily, as you watch her surprised.

“I think a certain someone here suffers from hysteria...” You mumble and hear a chuckle.

You look to the right to see Kyo smiling. He smirks at you. ‘Oh, great...The King of Arrogance is still here.’

“You... You’re trying to pretend you’re not interested in him so you can get his attention! That won’t work!” Cloya still shouts at you as you sigh, hoping the lesson starts soon.

“Kyo knows better than to fall for this kind of a low trick!..” Cloya continues her rambling.
“Look!” You loose your patience. “I’ve already told you – I’m not interested in him! There are far better looking guys than him,” ‘Leiru, for example,’ you add mentally. “and far less arrogant that I could fall for! So bug off!”

You see Cloya get completely red, but before she can say something the door opens and a man enters.

“I’ll get you for this later!..” Cloya hisses at you as she turns around and walks away.

You hear a chuckle again and look up to see Kyo grinning at you.

“Interesting,” he says, still half smirking, and turns to leave.

You sigh. ‘Great, just great...’ You direct your glance towards the man who just entered only to meet his eyes. He smiles at you, though you find it kind of eerie as a chill runs down your spine. You quickly avert your gaze and look down.

“Miss Straton. Glad to see you back,” the teacher grins at you and you just nod, trying to beam a smile.

“T-thank you.”

The lesson starts and you gladly hide behind the huge history book. As you sit quietly contemplating on what trouble you’ve gotten yourself into, you hear someone shriek:

“Waaah! What happened?! Why... why are the glasses... and your hair! Why is it loose?!”

You look up to see Leiru.

‘Well, look who’s here! The guardian angel himself!..’ You state sarcastically in your mind.

Leiru glares at you: ‘What happened, Aya?’

You sigh. ‘I got bullied.’


‘Yeah... More importantly, where were you all this time?!’ You look at him angrily, but Leiru seems to care about the broken glasses more.

“Gah, all your cover is gone now!” He shouts a bit panicky.

“Whatever...“ You mumble, as you notice the teacher stares at you for like 20th time today. You don’t seem to find him likable at all.

The rest of the day passes smoothly if spending all day by yourself, only talking to an angel in your mind, can be called smooth. No one wants to socialize with you and you realize Yuki was actually an outcast. Yep, an outcast. Leiru seems to be surprised by this as he didn’t know much about Yuki’s school life. Either way, half of the day he seems grumpy cause of broken glasses and your blown ‘cover’ though you don’t really see how being a school outcast is a cover. Still, finally classes end. However, as you get up to walk out, Leiru halts.

‘Leiru? Is something wrong?..’ You ask him in your mind.

He nods. ‘It seems I need to go up to headquarters for a while. What a bad timing.’


‘Yes...’ He turns to you. ‘Aya, can you go home alone today? I’m really sorry for this, but I must leave you again for a while...’

Leiru looks at you apologetically and you sigh.

‘Ugh... like I have a choice. Fine, just come back quickly, ok?’

He nods and to your surprise literally disappears into thin air. You shake your head. It’s still hard to get used to living with an angel. ‘I wonder how Yuki managed all this...’ You think before turning around and heading out of the classroom.

You walk along the corridor, but as you reach the stairs, you meet Cloya and the gang. ‘Oh no... Why am I so unlucky?..’

You stop unsure what to do, but the girls start first. Cloya steps up front and peers at you angrily, not even trying to hide her hatred for you.

“Time for a payback, you bitch!”

You frown. This girl surely uses the B-word too much... The other girls behind Cloya giggle.

“Ummm... I really don’t want us to fight... maybe... we could get along?” You try to compromise but Cloya only laughs.

“Don’t play dumb! Get along?.. In your dreams!” She giggles again as you sigh, trying to think what you should do.

Then, you hear a voice from behind:

“Is there something wrong, girls? Shouldn’t you be heading home?”

You recognize the voice of teacher Takanaga, the one who kept staring at you during your first lesson. You didn’t really want to meet him again, but right now you’re somewhat glad, as Cloya hisses at you and walks away, shooting death glares. You turn around, trying to fake a smile:

“Umm... thank you very much, teacher. Then, I’ll be going home as well, sir.”

“Oh, right, of course. But before that, could you do me a little favor, Yuki?” The teacher smiles at you, but you can see he’s faking it. You don’t like this man at all.

“Umm… I’d really like to, but I’m a bit late, so...”

“It won’t take much time, don’t worry. Please, just go fetch a few documents from your classroom – I left them on the windowsill. I’ll be waiting at room 202.” The teacher quickly walks away and you’re left with no other choice.

‘Just what is going on today?! Gosh, I hope other days in school will be better than this…’ You sigh and quickly walk to your classroom.

You find the sheets right away and hurry to the room 202. As you walk in, you suddenly stop, as it seems empty. ‘Why is that bad feeling creeping back in?..’

You slow down, and call out:

“Teacher, this is Yuki… I’ve brought your papers,” you look around the room. “Teacher, are you here?..”

You sigh and decide you’ll leave the documents on the table, but as you take another step, you hear a strange clicking sound and as you turn around you see teacher Takanaga, smirking at you.

“Oh, I’m here, dear Yuki, I’ve been waiting for you. Yes, for so long…” As he talks, his voice becomes coarse and you see his eyes turn red as blood.

‘This... this is... the lightning... yep, just the lightning...’ You frantically think as a chill runs down your spine again and you feel your heart beat faster.

“Yes… my dear, dear Yuki… I can’t wait any longer! What if someone else gets you? No, no… your blood will be mine…. Yes… mine alone…” The teacher grins and you see him take out a syringe.

Now you really understand this is no joke. Even if he’s just some perverted psycho, God knows what could happen. At that time, the teacher starts walking towards you menacingly, his eyes glowing with anticipation, mumbling: “Yes… blood… the blood...”

‘Blood?.. What blood... God, he’s a total psycho...’ You think as you slowly back away, at the same time trying to think up of a way to escape.

The teacher breathes heavily, mumbling something, his eyes burning with desire. Then, he leaps towards you. You scream and kick the closest chair. It falls in front of him and while he stops for a moment, you dash to the door, but, after pulling the handle, you realize it’s closed and locked.

“Blood... Give it to me!!! Your blood!!!!” Tthe teacher shouts, turning to you. “You can’t run away, there is no way!”

Not even thinking much anymore, you make a run to the other end of the classroom, as the crazy guy starts laughing like a maniac. This seems to be your chance and you quickly open the closest window. It’s the second floor, but there is no way you’re gonna stay with a crazy guy like this one... The teacher realizes what you’re thinking and screams like mad, leaping towards you, but you don’t waste time and jump off...

You land on the ground and immediately fall to the side, having lost your balance. You force yourself to get up as you hear the teacher scream above. You feel a scorching pain in your arm, and you feel something wet run down, but overall the fall seems to have been quite lucky. You stand up and run to your right, rounding the corner of the school building.

At the same time, you hear a heavy thump followed by a scream, and you realize the teacher jumped down too. Still running you look around to see no one in sight. The gates are still far, so you dash towards the school building entrance which is just a few meters away. You quickly go in and run down the corridor, praying to God just to find some other people.

‘How come it’s so fucking empty?!’ You curse in your head, realizing the teacher will soon reach the entrance as well. ‘I need a place to hide! Anything will do...’

Just then you notice a half open door, and without much thinking you run in, closing it behind you. Frantically, you look around and grab the closest chair, ramming it at the door. A strong smell of drugs reaches your nose and after taking another look, you realize you are in the school health center.

‘Heh, the irony of life...’ You look at your arm with blood trickling down. The forgotten pain comes back and you curse under your breath. ‘Damn it, this must be my lucky day... at least it can’t get any worse, can it?’

Just as you think that, you hear a chuckling and a familiar voice:

“Well, well, well, and what do we have here?..”