An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 5

‘I need a place to hide! Anything will do...’ Just then you notice a half open door, and without much thinking you run in, closing it behind you. Frantically, you look around and grab the closest chair, ramming it at the door. A strong smell of drugs reaches your nose and after taking another look, you realize you’re in the school health center.

‘Heh, the irony of life...’ You look at your arm with blood trickling down. The forgotten pain comes back and you curse under your breath. ‘Damn it, this must be my lucky day... at least it can’t get any worse, can it?’

Just as you think that, you hear a chuckling and a familiar voice:

“Well, well, well, and what do we have here?..”

You raise your head to see no one other than Kyo. You stare at him a bit shocked as he steps towards you, a wry smile carving his lips. ‘No way... Anyone but HIM!’

Meanwhile Kyo chuckles: “Well, I have to admit you’ve changed quite admirably after that little incident.”

You look around nervously. “Um... have I?”

“Oh yes... you have become quite daring,” he chuckles again. “Really now, I never knew you were this bold as to even ram the door. Are you trying to trap me in?”

He came up closer to you, your bodies almost touching as he whispered: “Do you want me that much?”

“Huh?!” You looked at him with wide eyes, confused as to what he was referring to.

Kyo grinned as he leaned on closer, whispering into your ear. “I must say I like this new game of yours... Shall we play more?”

He stepped back and reached out his hand, taking a lock of your hair into it. He brought it to his face, breathing in the smell of your hair as you watched frozen.

A grin shone on his face as Kyo said: “Why don’t you entertain me more? Maybe I’ll even reward you...”

Rage started rising in your chest as you completely forgot about the teacher and everything around. ‘Oh, I’ll entertain you for sure... You just wait!’

Still, on outside you remained calm as you smiled kindly to Kyo and stepped forward. You reached out and put your arms around his neck. You noticed surprise in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t expect you to do this.

‘Well, he definitely doesn’t expect what’s coming next...’

You smiled as you leaned closer to him and whispered sweetly: “Then, let me entertain you...”

At the same time you kneed him with all the might where no man wants to be kneed. With share pleasure you watched as his expression changed from shock to pain and he bended down to the ground.

“Ah, the joy of the sweet revenge!” You giggled. “I’d really like to stay, you know, but I’m kind of in a hurry,” you smiled as you turned around and headed to the door.

But then, you remembered the teacher was still out there.

“Oh, shit...“ You cursed under your breath.

And, of course, right at that time, there was a loud bang at the door and you heard the teacher scream. Another bang followed. You looked around. Kyo was slowly regaining his senses and getting up and you didn’t exactly want to feel his rage. You noticed an open window and dashed towards it.

‘My fate must be bound to windows today... Thanks’ God, this is a first floor.’ You quickly climbed over the windowsill and jumped down. You could hear Kyo shout your name, but didn’t care much about it. You felt a bit guilty for leaving him with that psycho teacher, on the other hand, who cares? Such an arrogant idiot deserves a good beating sometimes... You ran towards the gates, mentally shouting Leiru’s name.

To your surprise, he answered on second “call”.

‘Aya? Is something wrong?..’

‘Something?.. More like EVERYTHING!!! Where are you?!’ You mentally shouted at him.

‘I’m heading back to the house already. Why? What happened?’

You ran out of school grounds and continued running along the street, huffing a bit. This body obviously didn’t have a good physical form.

‘What happened he asks... Some psycho wanted to suck out my blood!’ You screamed in your head angrily.

Leiru kept silent for a while and you called him again, nervous a bit: ‘Leiru?.. Are you still there?.. Leiru?’

To your surprise you suddenly saw him descend to the ground in front of you. After landing, he ran to you and grabbed your arm, noticing blood.

“Aya!.. Oh... just a minute, I’ll heal it right away!”

Surprised you stared at him as tears started gathering in your eyes. The aftershock of the day’s events finally got to you.

“Leiru...” You sniffed.

He looked at you, his caring eyes warm and kind:

“It’s all fine now, Aya. You’re safe. I won’t leave you alone any more. Now, let’s heal you, alright?”

You nodded as he took your arm. What came next was quite a shock... Leiru leaned and gently kissed your injured arm. You blushed and started muttering as Leiru continued to kiss your arm gently. You were all red in face when finally Leiru raised his head. Surprised he looked at you blushing.

“Aya? Are you still feeling unwell somewhere? You’re all red...” He touched your forehead with his palm. “You don’t seem to have a fever.“

You stepped back, still blushing and looked at your arm. Surprised you saw that there was no injury anymore. ‘Did... did he heal it by kissing?..’

Leiru was watching you worriedly. “Aya?”

“Um...” You smiled. “I’m fine. Really... just...” You looked at your arm again.

Leiru smiled. “I’m afraid my healing abilities are not the best.”

You shook your head vigorously.

“No, no. It’s fine. It’s... really awesome,” you smile. ‘So he just kissed it to heal it... Heh... that’s all there was... right...’

You felt kind of sad, though you didn’t quite understand it yourself.

“Let’s head home, now,” said Leiru. “You’ll have to tell me everything that happened later, alright?”

You nodded and turned towards your new house, Leiru walking beside you.


Meanwhile in the Health Center, 3rd POV:

When Kyo regained his senses and the pain subsided, he only saw the girl dash to the window and jump out.

“Yuki! Hey!..” Kyo scoffed. “Stupid girl! Damn, I’ll get you for this!”

He stood up, dusting his pants off, still frowning at the memory of the girl kneeing him.

“Well, at least she got more interesting now... Really, quite interesting.“

He grinned as he felt anticipation rising. At that moment there was another loud bang at the door and it burst open. A teacher ran in, panting and hissing.

“Where?! Where... ARGH!!!...” He shouted in rage and frustration.

Kyo chuckled. “Well, well, well... And what do we have here?”

The teacher turned to Kyo, shouting: “WHERE?! Where is she?!”

Kyo merely chuckled again. “You’re just in time. I was getting bored already.”

The teacher hissed and lunged forward at Kyo; yet, the boy remained completely calm, as his left eye slowly changed its color to a bloody red. Kyo reached out his hand forward and a ball of red light formed in front of it. In a matter of seconds the ball flew towards the teacher and collided into his body. The man flew back and hit the wall, then fell down on the ground, panting heavily.

“You!.. You’re...” He breathed in heavily.

“Yes,” Kyo chuckled. “I’m a demon. Though not a low-level like you.”

Kyo grinned and sent a few more balls flying towards the teacher, who screamed in pain before disappearing amidst the blood red light.

Kyo grinned contently, his eye still glinting with a shade of red. “No one takes my prey.”
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Finally an update! ^^ Whoo-hoo! I'm planing on releasing a few more chapters soon, so look forward to it. And thank you for coments very much! Comments surely encourage me to write more, so don't be lazy and write me a few words ~.^