An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 6


You were sitting on your bed in your room, Leiru standing by the window. You’ve just told him about what happened.

“Well, isn’t it your turn now?..” You asked quietly, raising your head to look at him.

Leiru looked back at you, slightly nodding. “Yes, after all, it is only fair that you know this. Yuki... Yuki is a special girl.”

“Yeah, you’ve already said that dozens of times,” you remarked.

Leiru merely smiled at you. “Maybe, but she IS special. You see, Aya, this world is different from yours. Here, various creatures reside. Creatures, you could only have heard in fairy-tales.”

You gulped.

Leiru leaned onto the wall, looking at you with his deep gaze.

“Witches, fairies, goblins, spirits and ghosts... demons and devils, you name it.”


“Yes. I’m afraid the one that attacked you today was a demon too. And there will be more like him.”

“Wha... wait a minute! How can there be demons?!”

“This is not your world, Aya.”

“Then... you’re saying some of these people are demons or goblins or whatever?” You were so shocked you couldn’t think straight.

“No, not really,” Leiru sighed. “It’s like this. All of these creatures live in another part of this world. We call it Underworld. But on some occasions, they come here too, if only they have a purpose.”

“Ok... but why attack me?..”

“Not you. Yuki.”

You looked at Leiru: “That doesn’t really change anything. Cause I’m in her place now.

“Yes, indeed.”

A moment of silence fell in the room, but you broke it first. “So then, why are those demons after Yuki?”

Leiru sighed as he turned away.

“Yuki is special.”

“Yes, I know that...” You muttered sarcastically.

“She... she is a descendant of an old family of renegades. A long time ago, an angel and a devil fell in love. They loved each other so much; they ran away together with their child. However, a child, born of love between an angel and a devil, is special.”

“How so?” You got more interested.

Leiru looked down at you.

“They say, blood of such a child harbors unimaginable power. Even one drop of this blood contains enough power to become one of the most powerful beings in the world. Thus, many demons seek such power. No one knows its limits...”

You looked down at your body.

“You want to say... that the blood of this body contains some weird powers?..”


“How do you know it’s true?”

“I can feel it. The ominous power.”

You look at Leiru doubtfully.

“So then, Yuki is half an angel and half a devil?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

“And everyone is after her blood?”


“Ok then...” You cast down your glance, thinking. “Can’t we use it for our own good?”

Leiru shook his head. “I’m afraid not. The blood merely emphasizes the powers one already has. There is nothing you or I can gain from it. Powers come from one’s soul, and you are only a human. As for me, I am an angel. If I tried drinking your blood, I would become corrupted.”


“Yes. The demonic powers in the blood would corrupt both my soul and angelic powers. Furthermore, the blood hasn’t reached its full power yet.”

Surprised you look up. “What do you mean?”

“Only on Yuki’s 18th birthday her blood will have accumulated all of its power. Right now, it has only a small part of the power it could have.”

“Oh, that’s just great...”

“Thus, I didn’t expect you to be attacked right now,” Leiru sighed. “It seems that the demons are getting impatient.”

“Ok... then when is her birthday?”

“3 months from now.”

“Gah! 3 months?!”

“Don’t worry. I’m already doing my best to find Yuki. I’m sure we’ll be able to send you back before that. And also, from now on, I won’t ever leave your side.”

You looked up at Leiru, feeling a light blush coming to your face.


“Yes,” Leiru smiled at you warmly. “My only mission right now is to make sure this power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”

You sighed. ‘So that’s what he meant... Damn, how silly can I get?..’ You shook your head, feeling angry at yourself now.

“So... can you bear with it for a while? Please?” Surprised you look up at Leiru, unable to resist his sad eyes. “I know I’m asking too much, but please...”

You sigh, as you lie down on the bed.

“It’s fine. It’s not like I can do something about it myself, can I? The situation hasn’t changed. We’re still on the same boat, aren’t we?”

You sit up and look at Leiru smiling: “Let’s just both do our best! I’ll try to be more careful from now on.”

Leiru nodded. “Thank you, Aya. You are a very strong girl.”

You just smile. “Not really. I’m just ordinary. ^^ ”

“No... you’re really amazing...” Whispered Leiru.

“Huh? Did you say something?” You asked, not having heard his last words.

“No,” Leiru smiled at you.

You nodded and flopped down again on the bed, getting yourself comfortable. After all that’s happened you feel tired and sleepy, so you roll on one side, yawning. Leiru came closer to you.

“Get some rest, Aya. It’s been hard on you.”

You mumble something as you drift off to sleep.


You wake up only in the morning from the sound of your alarm-clock. Leiru greets you with a warm smile and you get up still a bit sleepy.

“Huh?.. It’s 5 a.m. Why am I getting up so early?..”

“Your father... um... that is, Yuki’s father is leaving today. You said you wanted to say goodbye to him,” Leiru reminds you.

You jump up.

“Oh! That’s right!” You quickly get up and rush to the bathroom.

It hasn’t been that long since you came here, but Yuki’s father left quite an impression on you. He was incredibly caring and loving. He tried to be as considerate as he could and you’ve grown to love him just like a real relative. He was leaving for a few weeks due to his business and you thought you’d at least bid farewell to him. You had a quick a shower and put some clothes on. You then ran down the stairs to the hall to see your “father” already giving orders to servants about his luggage. You smiled and waved to him. Right now, he was replacing your real family, who were left somewhere in your world.

“Good morning, dad!” You came to him smiling and Mr. Straton smiled back at you.
“Yuki, dear! You didn’t have to get up this early.”

You beamed another smile at him. “But I wanted to.”

“Good luck, dad. Have a nice trip and come back soon!” You kissed him on a cheek.

Mr. Straton smiled happily as he kissed your forehead gently.

“Yes. I’ll be back soon, dear. Take care and be careful, alright? Don’t tire yourself out.”

You nodded as you watched him leave.

Somehow, you had a weird feeling you won’t see him again. You just shrugged and turned around, heading towards the kitchen. It was time for breakfast and you were not going to miss that.

Leiru followed you, watching you a bit sadly. ‘Why did this happen to her?’ He thought, looking at you drinking a glass of milk. ‘She is so kind. She didn’t deserve all this. I... I’ll protect you, Aya. Even if it’s the last thing I’ll do.’
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I feel like updating a bit more, lol. Fast updates today! ^^