An Unordinary Adventure of An Ordinary Girl

Part 9

You stepped out of the house and waved to Asiel, who was waiting for you by the entrance. It has already been a few days since Asiel came, yet, you couldn’t find a way to unmask him. So, you kept pretending to be his friend and you had to admit you were starting to like him. He was funny and kind to you and even though you knew he could be some scary demon out for your blood, you couldn’t help but like him. Kyo, on the other hand, seemed to sincerely hate him. Whenever these two met, chaos ensued and you always used that opportunity to slip away. Well, this time, however, your slip away was not so successful, as once again you found yourself surrounded by a bunch of girls.

‘Just why in the world do such things keep happening to me?’ You sighed heavily and prepared yourself for another round of empty accusations.

“YOU!” A girl stepped forward and pointed her finger at you. “Yuki Straton!”

You smiled innocently as you shrugged. “I’m sorry, you have the wrong person.”

“Huh?! The wrong person?..” The girl looked at her friends questioningly.

“No, that’s her, that’s her! The childhood friend of our wonderful Asiel!!!” The other reassured their leader.

“Asiel?! Isn’t this about Kyo?” You opened your mouth in surprise.

“Of course not! We’re an official Asiel’s fan-club! Don’t act dumb! Just because you’re his ‘childhood friend’ doesn’t give you the right to talk to him so much or walk with him hand in hand everyday!” The girl screamed at you in a pitchy voice.

You still stared at her shocked: “Asiel... has a fan-club... damn that trickster...”

‘He’s here for 3 days and he already has fans... Scary,’ you thought to yourself.

“Now listen up, you bitch! Just because he calls you a friend, means nothing! He’s just toying with you to get something he wants!” The girl laughed mockingly.

“Yeah, I know,” you shrugged and muttered. “Blood, for example.”

“So if you know, don’t talk to him anymore, or you’ll feel our wrath!” The girl raised her hands up dramatically.

You watched her dumbfounded. “You girls are really messed up.”

“Watch it, bitch! Consider this a warning! The first and the last one!” The girl laughed maniacally, turned around and then left together with her friends.

You stared at her back as you sighed. “Gee, how scary...”

Leiru sighed together with you. “Just what is wrong with those girls?”

“I’d say love, but I think at this stage it’s more like obsession.”

Leiru chuckled and you winked at him.

“Well, well, well, your tongue is sharp as ever,” you heard a far too familiar voice.

“Ugh...” You cast your head down growling. “And the tail is here once again.”

Kyo chuckled as he leaned against the corridor wall. “How are you doing, honey?”

“Don’t call her that,” you heard Asiel’s voice as he stepped from around the corner.

“Oh man, why don’t you give us some more privacy?” Kyo glared at Asiel.

Asiel stepped in front of him. “Get lost, punk.”

“Punk?!” You could almost see Kyo flare up. “Shut up, you old man!”


“Well yeah, cause only old geezers have white hair,” Kyo smirked, pointing at Asiel’s silver hair. “Or did you dye it, perhaps?”

“A. It’s silver; and B. It’s natural, damn it!” Asiel seemed to be quite bothered by it.

“Hahahah! Silver my ass!” Kyo laughed. “Snow white I’d say... hahahah! Snowhite!”

While Asiel growled in anger you quietly left and walked out of school grounds.

‘Aya, where are you going? You still have classes!’ Leiru looked at you worriedly.

You walked slowly along the road.

‘I just don’t feel like it today. Let’s just skip.’

Leiru nodded. ‘Alright, let’s skip for today.’
You halted and smiled at him. ‘Thanks’, Leiru. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’

Leiru smiled sadly. ‘I don’t think I’m much of help. I didn’t even notice Asiel cast a spell on us, though I should have.’

You shook your head. ‘Nah, it’s fine.’

You walked further on, but then you thought you felt something and turned around. No one was there.


‘It’s nothing.’

You shook your head and continued walking, the weird feeling still persisting. You looked around, yet, you couldn’t see anyone. You sighed, having decided it’s only your stress building up. You walked on, immersed in your own thoughts, and didn’t notice how Leiru suddenly halted, his expression hardening. He floated up a few meters and looked around as if searching for something. Then, he looked down at you and made some hand signs, whispering as he finished the last one:


At that moment you thought you heard a strange sound, as if hissing, and stopped in your tracks, looking around. The street was empty.

“Leiru? Did you hear that?”

Leiru landed beside you. “No? What is it?..”

You looked at him smiling at you and shook your head, smiling weakly as well.

“Nothing. I’m just... tired.”

Asiel’s POV:

The last few days I did my best to win Yuki’s trust. For some reason she was weary of me. Did something happen? I was sure the spell worked perfectly, even the guardian angel wasn’t aware of anything. Yet, the girl refused to open her heart to me. So, I tried to strengthen our friendship and quite surprisingly, I started enjoying her company. I never thought humans could be so kind and warm. I never really had much business with humans... well, apart form killing them, of course. But that was nothing more but my job. No hard feelings, nothing personal. Yet… Yuki was so… so warm and so innocent. Sometimes I thought if I had to kill her, would I be able to do it as cold-heartedly as always?.. No, I should stop thinking like this. There is no point in befriending a human. Humans are nothing more but pitiful beings made of life energy; I could care less what happens to them.

Anyhow, everything was going almost according to the plan, except a certain someone, who kept bothering me and Yuki. He was everywhere, like a stalker. Sometimes I wondered what kind of an interest that guy holds for Yuki. I did not trust that Kyo guy, though I did not know why. Something about him was just... repulsive.

Still contemplating about Kyo’s purpose, while rounding a corner, I suddenly heard his irritating voice:

“Well, well, well, your tongue is sharp as ever.”

I looked up seeing Yuki and him smirking at her.

“Ugh...” Yuki cast her head down and growled. “And the tail is here once again.”

I smiled at her sense of humor. I always liked sarcasm.

Kyo chuckled as well, leaning against the corridor wall. “How are you doing, honey?”

“Don’t call her that,” I stated coldly. How dares he?

“Oh man, why don’t you give us some more privacy?” Kyo glared at me angrily.

I stepped closer to him. “Get lost, punk.”

“Punk?!” Kyo beamed in rage at me. “Shut up, you old man!”

“OLD?!” I involuntarily raised my voice.

“Well yeah, cause only old geezers have white hair,” Kyo smirked, pointing at my silver hair. “Or did you dye it, perhaps?”

I almost exploded from anger. No one has ever shown such disrespect to me. They all knew where they might end up if they ever did.

“A. It’s silver; and B. It’s natural, damn it!” I hissed at him.

“Hahahah! Silver my ass!” Kyo laughed. “Snow white I’d say... hahahah! Snowhite!”

“S-s-snowhite?! You... You’re asking for it!”

I glared at him now with pure anger and pressed my hands into knuckles almost ready to punch him. Or even better – slice his pretty head off his shoulders. Yes… just one swing and he’d be silenced forever. I gritted my teeth in frustration as I clearly knew I couldn’t touch him right now. And what would Yuki think about it?.. Still, I didn’t know why, but merely this human’s existence angered me to the point of exploding.

“Bring it on,” it seemed as if Kyo’s eyes were shooting lightnings at me.

I growled, but restrained myself. I could not start a fight here. Yuki was here. No need to reveal myself unnecessary, least to a human. Kyo noticed my mood cool down and scoffed.

“Scaredy cat.”

I flared up again. “What did you say?!”

“Looky here, hotty,” Kyo narrowed his eyes and whispered menacingly, for a short second his right eye glowing with a tint of red. “I’m not sure who exactly you are and what you’re doing here, but you’d better keep away from Yuki... for your own sake.”

He smirked and walked away. I watched him, my thoughts running wild for a moment as I realized he was no normal human after all. Maybe it was time to act before my cover got blown away. If it hasn’t already.