No One Knows Me But They All Know My Name.

Chapter One

Your dinner is in the microwave(45 secs). I went on a run. I might go to Jolie's to help her with her math homework or chill. I'll call you if I do. Don't worry my homework is done.

Becca taped the note to the microwave so Matt wouldn't miss it when he got home from work. Becca glanced around the old cluttered apartment one last time making sure it was semi-neat.

It really wasn't dirty, everything was just old and worn looking. The walls had changed to an odd shade of yellow color that was starting to flake off, the couch and the recliner were stained and busting at the seams, and there were books scattered all over the chipped side tables and coffee table and the kitchen which was in the same room looked as miss colored and rickety as ever.

Sighing Becca grabbed her house keys and raggy rainbow hoodie and headed out the door locking it behind her.

It was a cool crisp evening, best weather to run in.

Becca stood in front of the apartment for a good five minutes stretching/warming up before hitting the road.

She doesn't know why but, running has always been her thing. She's not a health freak or anything...She lives off of can foods and spam for goodness sake.Well that isn't because she loved it or anything it is what she and her Uncle Matt can afford but, she never cared about that. She rather have heat in the winter than pot roast.

Pulling on her hoodie she started down the road.

The faster Becca's feet hit the road the more unaware of her dangerous and dirty surroundings she became. Only aware of her heart rate and breathing. Feeling the pounding of her feet, the wind in her natural dark red hair, and the whistling in her ears. The feeling of freedom and peace.

After a good hour or so her legs started to get stiff so she unfortunately had to come back to reality. She slowed down to a steady walk and realized where she was (Becca never pay attention to where she was heading...What the fun of knowing?).

She was in front of the old elementary school park. Slipping through the rusty gate, she settled on one of the swings and begun to swing going higher and higher each second.

As a kid Becca hated this place, inside and outside. She really wasn't a social kid so she had no friends at this place...not that anyone wanted to be. All the kids were always to busy making fun of her clothes and calling her wormy, she was a book worm. Actually she still is one but, no ones cares now that she is popular...kinda. I have to say this place hurt her the most outside of school when parents or siblings came out to play too. She was jealous for she only had her Uncle Matt who loves her to death but, was and still is always busy working odd jobs to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

But nowadays she had Jolie and Martin as her siblings. She met them in middle school. Martin in student government and Jolie in drama club. See her goal in middle school was to be sociable not to fit in or anything just to be able to be comfortable around people and work with them and that is why today she's popular, again kinda. Everyone at school knows her name, not her though and like wise she knows everyones name but, not them. They know her name for at least one of the following reasons. One, from drama being in several of the plays or being stage manager. Two, being class president. Three, being caption of the debate team. Four, being on the track team. Mostly because she is class president though...

The sun was setting and large dark clouds were coming.

Jolie didn't live on this side of Belleville. Martin did though, Becca wasn't quite sure where. She has been to his house several times but, she cannot drive so she'd never really pay attention and she haven't ran to his house in a while.

Becca started to drag her feet in the dirt eventually coming to a stop just as the thunder started to rumble.

'Fantastic...Now I know it is in this direction,' thought Becca as she slipped back through the gate and headed north. 'He's on Mulberry Street and I'm on Jerkins...still I have no freakin' idea where to turn.'

It started to drizzle.

Becca pulled her hood over her head trying to avoid as much of the ice cold droplets as possible.

'Huh...This looks familiar, Whindly Lane...Yeah I think it is at the end on the left. Well, I hope it is,' thought Becca as she started running down Whindly.

The rain grew heavier, the chilling wind started to pick up and the sun was completely gone.

Becca could barely see her feet let alone any of the street signs.

'God dammit!'

Squinting through the rain Becca saw a faint light coming from a house only a few yards away and she bolted towards it splashing ice cold mud all up her bare legs. The second she reach the door she knocked ferociously until someone answered.

"Can I use your phone?" Gasped Becca.

"Yeah, come in." Said the short teenage boy quickly pulling her in from the rain.

"Thank you." Sputtered Becca taking deep breathes trying to regain control over her shivering body and aching wobbling legs that felt like chilled jello.

"Sure. Are you okay? Come sit down for a minute."

He led her to a small kitchen and pulled out a chair for her that she practically feel into.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

His angelic pale face was covered in worry and his hazel eyes full of concern.

Becca was now hyperventilating and shaking beyond belief.

"I'm-fine. I-just- need-a-minute." Breathed Becca trying to gaining some control over herself.

The boy left leaving Becca alone in silence for a minute returning with a towel and handed it Becca, who was no longer shaking like a leaf but, still was shivering.

"Thanks" muttered Becca taking it and wrapping it around her shoulders."Can I use your phone?"

"Yeah, it right there on the wall." Said the boy pointing at the phone.

Becca got on the phone and called home first to see if Matt was home yet, no answer. So she called Martin. After the fourth ring his brother answered.


"Hey, Ethan. It's Becca. I need to talk to Martin."


"Thanks Ethan for clearing out my ear canal. I really needed it."

"Anytime, here's Martin."

"Hey, what's up?"

"The sky but, thats beside the point. Can you come get me?"

"Sure. Where are you?"

" a house on Whindly Lane...I think. Hold on."

"What the hell have gotten yourself into?" Muttered Martin but, Becca ignored him and turned to the boy.

"What's the address here?"

"3709 Whindly Lane." He replied dully.

Becca turn back to the phone and said"3709 Whindly Lane."

"Alright, I'll be there in a few. Are you safe?"

Becca turned back towards the boy. He was sitting at the table picking at his nails not looking like he was planning of doing anything. "Yeah." Said Becca deciding that if worst came to worst she could kick him in the groin and run.

"Okay. I'm coming. Bye."

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