No One Knows Me But They All Know My Name.

Chapter Thirteen

“Bye Becca. Bye Barry!”

“Bye Larry!” Hollered Barry from the back as Larry went out the door.

It was quarter till ten and now it was only Barry and Becca at Dexter’s and Larry’s Book Shop. Becca had been here since nine this morning and was so ready to go home. Well, to Frank’s home.

“Gezze, that back room is always a wreck!” Called Barry.

“What? I re-did it this morning!” Snapped Becca, heading into the back to see what happened to her neatly, orderly stacked sparkling clean books.

She entered the storage room. It was dark. As she reached for the light switch two arms wrapped around her waist pulling her away from the switches and the door.

Becca’s heart begun to pump ten times faster than normal.

“Barry let go of me!” Snapped Becca as she twisted and turned trying to get out of his tight grip.

“Oh, come on. You know you like me.” He whispered into her ear.

“Barry, no! That was a long time ago. Now let go of me!” Snarled Becca, now practically wrestling with him.

Barry burrowed his head into Becca’s neck; Becca’s hair was now standing on ends, and said in a soft voice. “Fine, Honey Buns.” And with that he let go of her.

Becca bolted to the office room and closed the door and bolted it quickly. Breathing heavily she grabbed her scarf, jacket, and purse quickly as possible and put in all on tightly. Once she was all covered she put her ear to the door it was silent.

This wasn’t the first time Barry had been like this. This was a once in a while thing and there is always a sign through out the day but, apparently not today. Though it was true that she did have a crush on him but, that was ages ago. She was thirteen at the time. That’s when she started working here. Don’t worry it’s legal. She did all the paper work and ‘court’ meetings. Though back then Barry wasn’t this freak of nature. He was polite, quiet, and sweet…very sweet. Now he was only like that once in a blue moon and for the rest of time he’s just different. It’s a weird vibe kind of thing.

Taking a deep breathe Becca open the door and slow slid down the hall into the front. He was there sitting behind the register reading. Becca headed to the door at normal pace and as she reached the door a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. She could feel his hot breathe on her neck. Her heart and hair went back into intense action mode.

“You have to stay for four more minutes.” He whispered in a seductive voice.

Becca turned around in a slash causing Barry to take a few steps back holding his bleeding noise.

“Good night Barry!” And with that Becca pelted out the door and down the street into the ally which led to the back of the club.

‘Why is he this horrid creature? God, I miss my old cuddle bear. I miss having him as a close friend, as a best friend. Geeze, there has to be a way to get him…back to his old sweetheart self.’ Thought Becca as she reached the back of the club, Mazare’s Night Club still shaking and it wasn’t because it was cold.

Becca walked up to the back door and knocked. A large bald man opened the door. He had a cliff board in his huge rugged hands.

“Name?” He asked in a rugged voice.

“Becca Reed.”

Philly nodded his head and stepped a side allowing Becca to slip in.

The place was dark, smoky and it was crazy. Most people were rushing everywhere along with hollering orders and responses and as for some others; they were just crashing down onto the floor or the couches which ever one they reached first. It also had a strong putrid smell making Becca feel slight light headed.

“Hey, Reed!”

Becca started peering around trying to find who ever was calling her or maybe they were just calling for someone else.

“Reed, over here!”

Becca was still looking around when an arm wrapped around hers. She practically leaped twenty feet in the air pulling her arm away with completely unnecessary force.

“Whoa, sorry I startled you.”

“Who are you?” Asked Becca, holding her speedy heart

“Brian. I’m a friend with the guys.” He stared at her for a moment then asked, “Are you okay? You’re pale and shaking.”

“Yeah, I’m fine it’s just cold outside.” Lied Becca. “Who are the guys you’re referring to?

“Frank said you would ask that.” Smiled Brian. “Frank obviously, Bob, Ray, Gerard, and Mikey.” He stared at her for another moment then said, “We’re this way. Now, I’m giving you a heads up,” He grabbed Becca’s hand tightly and started to lead her through the wildness. “It’s crazy.”

“I haven’t notice.”

Brian burst out laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know This chapter is really short but, this only a once in a blue moon kind of thing. I promise.

I am in serious need of any kind of comments the button please.
