No One Knows Me But They All Know My Name.

Chapter Fourteen


Well let's go back to the middle of the day that starts it all
I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feeling
And now the red ones make me fly
And the blue ones help me fall
And I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling
And as the fragments of my skull begin to fall
Fall on your tongue like pixie dust just think happy thoughts

And we'll fly home
We'll fly home
You and I
We'll fly home

Come on!

Well now I'm back in the middle of the day that starts it all.
I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feeling.
And now these red ones make me fly,
And the blue ones help me fall.
And I think I'll blow my brains again-

“Becca! Are you okay?” Yelled Brian in to Becca’s ear.

She twisted around nearly falling do in the process.

“Alright come on, you need some fresh air.” Hollered Brian over the loud music and screams.

He wrapped his around Becca's wavering body and led her out side.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“Brian, I’ll be fine. I just need to sit out here and get some fresh air. I don’t do well with flashing lights. Go back in the guys, they might need you.” Said Becca in a low voice.

Brian stared at her for about a minute before he said, “If you need anything come back in. You hear me?”

“Yes. Now, just go back in.”

With a worried look in his eyes Brian went back in.

Becca leaned her head against the cold brick wall giving a soothing feeling to her pounding head and nausea.

Becca knew she was going to end up ill the minute she saw those flashing lights but, she wanted to hear Frank’s, the guys’ astounding, phenomenal music that was so heart-rending and mind-blowing. She just couldn’t get over it. She just had to stay until Brian saw how pale and teeter she was.

Becca quickly stood up and rushed to the nearest dumpster and vomited. Afterwards she slid down against the dumpster and put her head in-between her knees.

Unfortunately, she fell asleep.

Becca felt a wet smelly rag on her face.

“Oh, this chick is so dumb.”

“Well, no not really. Usually she’s quite bright.” Chuckle the other softly.

She knew that voice, Barry.

“Though not tonight.” He Chuckled again. “You grab her legs and I’ll grab the upper part.” Mutter Barry.

Becca feeling dazed felt two strong sets of arms wrap around her. Her eye sight was out of whack, everything was swirling together in blurs and she couldn’t move. No matter how hard she tried nothing happened. She tried to scream but, only a mumble came out of her mouth.

“Awe, she’s awake. This is going to be fun. Get the door.”

Becca felt her numb legs smash into the gravel road with no pain as she heard a sliding door open. Becca’s heart jumped causing her to black out for a second. She came back as she was being pushed in the car.


“Get in!” Hollered Barry, slamming the door.

Neither one of the guys got in the car before Becca heard powerful pounding against the car along with grunts and cries of pain.

“Get her!” Hollered someone.

The door flew open and someone quickly hauled her out and laid her on the ground gently. The person checked her pulse as a last feeble moan came from the one of the vile men.

“Frank we need to get her to the hospital.” Said Mikey as he swung her in his arms bridle style.

“Come on then!” Shouted Frank.

From that point on Becca was just barely ‘awake’ when a black out was engulfing her and eventually she was just completely engulfed.


“I cannot believe this.” Muttered Frank.

“I know. Brian is an idiot. I cannot believe he didn’t go check on her or get someone to.” Said Mikey exhaustedly.

“I know.”

“Don’t blame Brain. Yes, it was stupid of him to not check on her but, don’t blame him.” Muttered Gerard.

“Man, she’s still shaking. Is that normal?” Asked Mikey.

“Yeah. What do you expect? She was overdosed with messed up drugs. If those bastards just had a better drug supplier she wouldn’t be this messed up.”

“Shut up Gerard.” Said Frank.

“I was just saying…”

“Gerard just shut up.” Sighed Frank. “Hey, what did the police say?”

“They said that they would keep them for drug possession and come here once they get the call from here about her being functional.” Yawned Bob.

With that they sat in silence for a few moments until the door open.

“Mikey, Gerard, your mother just called. She wants you boys home and I think all of you should go home.” The boys started to argue in a grumble. “Boys she’ll be fine. She’s stable and the substance that did get in her system is being cleaned out as I speak to you. Also we are keeping a close eye on her EEG to make sure nothing bad happens. So go home boys. You can come back tomorrow.”

Becca heard the scraping of chairs and the boys started to get up still grumbling to each other.

“Frank, that includes you too.”

“Mom, come on.”

She waited a moment for the rest of the boys to leave before replying, “You need to go get something to eat out of the cafeteria in few then.”

“Thanks Mom.”

The door closed.

Becca felt a hand entwine with her hand. He gave a soft kiss on the back of her hand and then laid his head on it.

“I’m so sorry. I should of known.” Becca felt a drop of warmth fall on to her hand.


“Becca? Are you okay? Don’t talk. Stay calm. You’re fine and you’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. I’m so sorry.”


“Yes, what is it?”

Becca weakly smiled. “You need to calm down.”

Frank gave a slight chuckle as Becca felt another warm tear fall on her.

“I’m so sorry Becca.”

Becca open her eyes. Bright light stung her eyes and everything was still slightly blurry so she closed them sighing.

“Frank, this is not your fault. It’s my stupidity’s fault.” Whispered Becca, she really didn’t feel well in any aspect.

Frank cuddled his head deeper in Becca’s hand and said, “We’ll argue tomorrow about this. You need to sleep.”

“Can you hold me till I fall asleep?” Uttered Becca.

She just wanted so temporary mental security.

“Yeah, of course, anything.”

Frank pulled his face and hand away from Becca’s hand, carefully settled himself next to Becca wrapping his arms around her.

“You look funny with electrons on your head.” Whispered Frank, setting her head on his shoulder.

“You’re telling me.”

They laid in silence for a few minutes and as Becca started to slip away again, Frank said, “I love you, kiddo.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Comments would really make my day.-Ace