No One Knows Me But They All Know My Name.

Chapter Fifteen

The next morning, Becca woke up to abandonment, blurriness, and illness. She had expected Frank to still be there, lying with her or at least sitting in his now empty chair. The only thing she was slightly happy about was that her blurry had gained some sharpness over night. Unfortunately, that moment only lasted for a half of a second do to her nausea from last night came back in full swing with no time to spare. Though lucky enough, the nurse came in at the best time. She got to see the pouring vomit splatter onto the floor.

“Oh Dear, I tend to have perfect timing. Don’t I?” Said the nurse as walked over on the non-vomit side pulling out wipes out of her pocket.

Once Becca finished her storm she collapsed back onto her pillow and without a spare moment the nurse wiped her hands and deathly pale face.

“I’m sorry.” Uttered Becca in a low voice.

“Dear, don’t be. This is actually good. You’ll feel better quicker if your body keeps this up.”

“Oh, joy.” Said Becca as the nurse went over to the phone.

"I'm Nurse Tinnett and I'll get you on the roll."The nurse quickly dialed and after a moment said, “We need a floor clean up room M010. Thank you.”
The nurse hung up the phone and quickly picked it back up and dialed another number. “Hey, Ms. Rebecca Reed is awake.” Pause for a moment. “Alright, I’ll bring her over.” Another pause. “No, there’s vomit on the floor.” A short pause. “Yes, I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” Nurse Tinnett turned to face Becca. “I’ll be right back with a wheelchair, dear.”

As the nurse turned to go out the door Becca went into panic mode and spoke in a rush, “What’s going on? Where is everyone?”

“Dear calm down,” Nurse Tinnett walked over, sat on the bed and held her hand. “ There’s no need to get upset.” She said in a smoothing voice. “The only reason no one is here is because they had to go to the police station and Linda went with them. Though you will not be able to talk to see them or talk to them till after you talk to the police. Which I‘m about to take you to. So just calm down, you‘re fine. Okay, Dear?”

“Okay.” Murmured Becca.

Nurse Tinnett gave her a squeeze, got up and left.

Becca slid back into her pillows. ‘Oh, no.’ Thought Becca. She had no idea on what do, it was Barry for goodness sakes. Her old cuddle bear. ‘Though ‘old’ is the keyword.’

Becca let out a sigh just as the nurse came back in.

“Alright Dear,” Said the nurse as she moved the IV bag onto the pole hook connected to the wheelchair. “Close your eyes.”

Becca closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the nurse’s neck as she lifted Becca out of the bed on to the wheelchair.

“There we go, are you fine? Do you think you might need a bucket?”

“Yeah.” Murmured Becca with her eyes still shut, now tightly.

“Here you go dear.”

“Thanks.” Said Becca wrapping her arms tightly around the ‘bucket’.

Becca felt a slight jerk as they went on the move.

“Don’t worry dear, it’s not far.” And about ten seconds after that Becca felt the small jerk again. “Dear, I’ll be right outside the door if you need me and these nice men will help.”

Becca gave slight nod and within two seconds she the heard the door snap closed.

After a minute or two of pure silence the first man spoke in a deep voice, “Hello Rebecca, I am Officer Scott and this is Officer Wilson.”

Becca opened her eyes to see that she was in another patient room with two officers sitting on the bed. The first officer was lanky with short red hair and covered in freckles along with a straight foreword serious face. The other was short, well built with curly blonde hair.

Becca saw that both of them men had name tags. She couldn’t read them but, she could tell who was who by the length of the names. The red head was Officer Scott and the blonde was Officer Wilson.

“Just call me Becca.”

Both men nodded.

Officer Scott took a breath and said in the same deep voice, “Becca, can you tell us everything you remember from last night?”

Becca stared at the floor for a couple of minutes with recent pictures and moments of Barry running through her mind. ‘Maybe, if I just told them everything this would get Barry some help or wake him…and maybe just stop him…I don’t known but, what else is there?’

Becca took a deep breathe and spilled out everything. She told them everything she could remember from last night and everything from the past few months. Once she finished she buried her face into her hands and started to weep. She couldn’t get over this back and forth betrayal thing with Barry. She could feel her sorrow heart crumble into dust.

She felt a hand land on her quivering shoulder; it gave her a good comfort squeeze. Becca looked up, it was Officer Wilson.

“Becca, it’s good that you are coming straight foreword. You’re very brave. This happens so often and most of the girls never come straight foreword to their fear. You’re saving yourself and several others.” Said Officer Wilson in a comforting voice.

Becca stuttered for a moment then finally got it out, “Can I go now?”

“Yes.” Said Officer Wilson, giving her another comforting squeeze.

Officer Scott stood up and walked over to and through the door and came back with Nurse Tinnett just as Becca felt another wave of nausea. Officer Wilson held her hair as she threw up.

“Dear, I do have perfect timing.” Said Nurse Tinnett coming over to Becca’s other side quickly pulling out a water bottle out of her pocket along the way.

Once Becca was finished the nurse gave her the water. Becca did a quick good gurgle and spat it in the bucket.

“Do you think you’ll need this within the next minute?” Asked Nurse Tinnett .

“No.” Uttered Becca.

The nurse went out the door with bucket and was back in no time with a fresh one.

“Here you go, dear.” Nurse Tinnett handed Becca the fresh bucket and started to unlock the wheelchair’s wheel. Officer Wilson gave her one last squeeze before the nurse the nurse took completely over. “Okay dear, let’s get you back in bed so you get more sleep before you leave.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I need comments guys. I have the next chapter done and part of the one after that done. I just need opinions people. I would love to know what you think, what you love, what you hate, what you think is lame, what is awesome. If you guys give me good feed back I can give you guys more stuff that you like and less stuff you don't like. You, the reads are who I'm writing for. So I would like some feed back of some sort to make this a good story for you guys.

Love ya all-Ace