No One Knows Me But They All Know My Name.

Chapter Four


Becca grumbling, rolled over, and pulled the sweatshirt over her head.


Becca continued to ignore it.

Ring…Ring…Ring…Ring… ‘Sorry the “Reed” family is not available. Please leave a message after the beep.


“Becca? ...Becca? Oh come on Becca, I did not just spend fifty cent to get your answer machine.” Snapped Jolie, Becca’s other best friend. There was a moment of silence then she spoke again. “Becca you’re never late you are always early…Come on Becca, you better show up here now or answer the phone…Hello Becca? Please answer the phone you’re making me worried.-”

Becca sighed and got up off the floor.

“Becca please answer the phone if you’re home.”

Becca walked over to the phone and picked it up as Jolie was saying “You’re making me develop a panic att-“

“Calm down Jolie I’m fine.” Said Becca in a dull flat voice.

“Oh my God, I’m going to kill you.” And Jolie started her usual rant about lack of communication. Finally after a minute or so she reached the end and asked the question. “Why are you not at school? Are you sick or loopy?”

Jolie always called anything connected to Becca’s epilepsy, loopy so not to add stress to Becca about it.

“No.” Said Becca in the same dull flat voice.

“Then why are you not here?”

Becca looked around the room. Nothing had changed from last night, it wasn’t a dream.


Becca took a deep breathe and muttered “Uncle Matt is in the hospital.”

The phone became silent for a minute. Then Jolie asked in a whisper “Is it serious?”

“I don’t know.” Whispered back Becca now staring intensely at her feet.

“When will you know?”

“I guess when I go to see him this afternoon.” Muttered Becca still staring at her feet.

After another moment of silence Jolie spoke in a defiant voice. “Okay, you cannot be home all day because you will only focus on all of the bad things that could come out of this. So get dress and Martin and I will be there in a few minutes. Got it?”

Becca knew she was right but, remained silent.

“Alright, Becca I take your silence as a yes. See you in a few…I love you buddy.”

“I love ya too.” Said Becca slightly smiling.

They hung up.

Becca looked around the empty apartment again. Taking a good breathe she went into her room and got ready for school.

Fifteen minutes later as Becca was zipping up her book bag there was knocking on the door. Becca finished zipping her bag and answered the door. A blue eyed, blonde girl with one purple streak in it threw her self on Becca holding her so tightly that Becca could barely breathe.

“Jolie, you’re gonna kill her.”Said Martian as he slipped in, closing the door behind them.

Martin was a good looking guy, wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes, with dark skin. Absolutely opposite of Jolie but, that’s why they are a fantastic couple. Also not to mention they are totally going against society’s standards for being a mix ‘race’ couple, when truly there is only one human race. They are just an adorable strong couple.

Jolie release Becca and stared at her with a concerned mother like look as Martin gave her a calm hug.

“Alright grab your stuff and let’s get going.” Said Martin calmly.

Becca grabbed her bag and followed Martin down the stairs with Jolie right next to her with her arm enloped with Becca’s.

“You look cute today.” Said Jolie as they got half way down the stairs.

Becca laughed. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt, straight blue jeans, along with her raggy chucks. She knew Jolie was just trying to make her feel good.

“Thanks, Jolie but, you look far more amazing than I do today.” Laughed Becca as they exited Becca’s apartment building.

This was true. Jolie was wearing a neon green shirt with a dark purple vest, dark straight jeans, and her black flats; totally prep punk.

"Well, you look better than Martin anyways." Smiled Jolie.

"Hey, I put an effort into this morning."

They finally got into the red bug, Martin’s car, and took off. They all sat in silence listing to the radio that was playing Pink Floyd through the whole ride. Once they got there they rushed into the office. Got yelled at for being late and took their tardy cards and went to their separate classes.

Becca had made herself so focused in the classes that she practically was the subjects, but yet everything was a blur till lunch.

Becca was walking down one of the busy halls to lunch with her nose in a book, The Stranger by Albert Camus. Then suddenly her book was yanked out of her hands.

“This is the most pointless book in the world.”

It was Frank.

“It is just as pointless as life.” Said Becca flatly.

“Life isn’t pointless though.” Argued Frank.

“I thought you weren’t going to talk to me ever again. Well," Becca snatched the book back. "That’s basically what you said last night.” Said Becca in the same flat voice.

“Well Ms. Reed, I thought about what you said and you ‘re right. Also we’ll have fun with everyone freaking out.” Smiled Frank.

Becca nodded, forcing smile on her face.

Frank’s smile vanished.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m okay.” Muttered Becca.

“Okay this whole friend that we are trying can’t work if you don’t tell me what’s up.”

“I don’t want to focus on it. Okay?”

“Okay but, if you ever want to I’m here.” Said Frank putting his free arm round Becca’s shoulders as they turned into the Great Hall.


“Hey, wanna eat lunch with me and my gang?” Smiled Frank. “Or do you already have plans?”

“Sure, I think the library can go a day without me.” Said Becca.

Frank burst out laughing. “You really need a life. Hey, do tou buy lunch?”

“Hey, my friends don’t have this lunch period and if I’m out here without them I’m attacked by everyone and no I don’t buy lunch.”

“Alright lets go.”

Frank held her more tightly and guided her out the back of the school. They walked out to the field. There were two boys already chilling out under the stands. One had gold hair and glasses as for the other had white blonde hair along with a beard and was a bit more thick set than the other. The one with glasses looked out and saw Frank and Becca coming. He poked the other guy and titled his head at their new comers. Both of them had a shocked kind of blank look.

“Why do they look shocked?” Whispered Becca, feeling kind of nervous.

“I’ve never brought a girl to our lunch. They probably think you’re my secret serious girlfriend.” Whispered Frank slightly smirking. “Hey, just pretend to be my secret serious girlfriend.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on, we’ll get a good laugh out of their reaction.”

Becca smiled slightly. “Sure, why not?” and with that she gave him a peck of a kiss on the cheek just as they reached the two now beyond shocked boys.
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I hope you all liked it!!!!

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Love you all!!!!