Gerard Way: The Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual

Chapter Two: Settings

Your GERARD WAY unit is programmed with seven different settings:

Friendly (default)
Stage Persona (concert default)
Artist Mode

The Friendly mode is the default setting of your GERARD WAY. He is almost always in a Friendly mood unless something has caused him to become Sad, Angry, or Sleepy, such as an out-of-tune guitar or a dead battery on his iPod.

The Stage Persona setting is activated when GERARD WAY steps onto the stage at a concert. He will act strangely and be prone to random actions, such as jumping off the stage monitors, unusually suggestive behaviors, and dancing around like a crazy man. He will curse much more than usual, but this is only a temporary effect of the Stage Persona setting. This setting can vary from concert to concert. For questions about any possible defects, such as incorrect lyrics, please contact the manufacturer for a replacement Stage Persona chip.

Your GERARD WAY will enter into Artist Mode whenever he feels threatened or bored. Signs that GERARD WAY is about to enter Artist Mode include:

Dislike for conversation
Excessive use of iPod
Gathering of Art Materials

Once GERARD WAY enters Artist Mode, only the most severe of events will cause him to leave it. He will remain in one place for several hours. Be sure to remind him to eat something, as this will be one of the last thoughts on his mind. He will occasionally take a short break for coffee or to replace any materials he might need. Do not startle him while he is in Artist Mode as he may scream like a small child and become very fearful of you.

The Upset setting is usually activated if the GERARD WAY’s everyday routine is disrupted in a way that he cannot immediately fix. He may freak out or become very sad for a moment. Calmly reassure the GERARD WAY until his emotional state returns to normal.

The Sulky setting is activated whenever the GERARD WAY receives hurtful criticism about his artwork, if he hears mean things said about him, if he thinks his fans are deserting him, or if the FRANK IERO unit steals his iPod. Unless the latter occurs, he will often retreat away from other people and listen to his iPod while Sulking. Otherwise he will simply stop talking to people. This setting is not to be confused with the previously programmed Depressed setting (removed because of a factory defect that caused the deaths of many innocent plants).

The Angry setting is rarely activated. GERARD WAY will only become Angry in very extreme situations. While not easily provoked, the GERARD WAY will become enraged if he sees any act of injustice. He will enter into a mindset similar to that of the Stage Persona setting. The Angry setting will be different because he will become more serious in his actions and less easily calmed.

The Sleepy setting will be naturally activated on a regular schedule. You will easily be able to tell when the GERARD WAY is Sleepy because he will yawn excessively and be more readily knocked off balance. He will attempt to restore his energy by drinking copious amounts of coffee; do not interrupt this action as it is pre-programmed. GERARD WAY will not give up until he has completed it. As he realizes he is Sleepy, the GERARD WAY will wander off to bed and fall asleep. He will usually wear his included Skeleton Pajamas for this.