Welcome to My Life

Chapter Three

Joey waited for Sid's answer in anticipation.

"Yesh! Nathan Jonas Jordison, I would love to be your boyfriend."

I had the biggest smile on my face. This was the first time I've been this happy since I left grade school. Most of the time I'm getting yelled at by the jocks and preps that I'm gay when they didn't know shit about me.Or I'm getting slammed into lockers and other shit for that reason. It's all because I wear black all the time. And it also might be that I kinda look like a chick. I mean I'm really skinny and I have long black hair with the middle of my lip pierced with a ring; not a stud; but a ring through it.


"Yeah Joey?"

"I always thought that you were straight. I would've never thought that you would actually say yes." I replied sheepishly.

"I never thought I would be interested in guys until I saw you. You were the prettiest guy I've seriously ever seen. When I first saw you I knew I had to be friends with you." He said then began to hide his face in my chest as he started to blush.

"Sid, look at me please." I said softly.

He picked his head up and looked me square in the eyes. He looked so adorable with a blush on his cheeks. I guess I could've asked him out a lot sooner than this. But I was never actually sure that he liked me back.

"So do you want to go home tonight? Or do you want to see if you can stay the night? I mean it is Saturday."

"I'll see if I can stay. I would love to."

"Thank you Sid. Do I need to take you home real quick to get clothes?"

"Yes. If you would please. And I have something for you that I was going to give to you on Christmas but I want to give it to you as a thank you present for making me beyond happy."

"Aww. Thanx Sid." I had quite a huge smile plastered on my face now.

It took us all of like 15 minutes to get to Sid's house and the drive was done so in complete silence. But it was a good silence not a uncomfortable one.

"Do you want me to come in? I mean I know how your dad is. I don't think you want to take a chance if he's drunk again."

"Sure. That would be nice. Thank you Joey for being so worried about me it really means a lot."

"Your welcome Sid. Just so you know I think you're the first guy I've ever gotten with that I actually feel comfortable being with and not caring what others will think."

"That's sweet Joe."

After we made it in through the front door we heard his dad yell his name. That's when we knew that he was drunk. We ran for our lives like we were gonna get devoured by a hungry tiger. After seeing Sid come to school with random scrapes and bruises I'm the only one that knew where they truly came from. I felt so sorry for him.

"Hurry Sid! Please, I think he's coming."

"I'm hurrying as fast as I can Joe. May you please help me?"

"Of course. Okay do you have pants, a shirt and some underwear?"

"Yes I do."

" Okay good, and get your present for me and put it somewhere safe. We're climbing out your window." All the while I could hear his drunk of a father make his way towards Sid's room.

"Okay got it! Let's get out of here please."

After he got out an on the ground just fine I got out too. I'm glad his room was on the first floor. We got back into my car and we could hear his dad yell his name one more time before we were gone and back at my house.

"I don't want to go back there Joey." He said in a sad tone.

"I likewise don't want you to go back babe."

"Can I stay here for a while?"

"You can stay here as long as you would like hun. But let's get into bed for now and sleep. You really need it."

"What about your present tho?"

"You can give it to me tomorrow. But for now sleep. And feel free to sleep in your boxers. I don't mind."

"Thank you so much Joe."

After we both stripped down to our boxers we got under the covers and I put my arms around him. And as he snuggled into my chest he whispered something that I didn't quite catch but I could've sworn he said I love you. So I answered him back.

"I love you too Sid."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I noticed that when I made Joey say 'hun' that he kinda sounded like a teenaged girl talking to one of her friends after a guy broke her heart.
News Flash: I Don't Give A Shit.
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Much love, Maggie