I Wish You Will Leave Me Alone

Wish Two

You know when you just have gotten the worst news in your life it feels like time stays still? Well I do. I have to work with Brian Haner. But I’m not the only one feeling like this….Jasmine has to work with Jimmy. Sucks for her also. Poor girl. Well poor me. I have to work some one I don’t want to know. Maybe if I try to per sway Miss. Berry maybe just maybe me and Jasmine could work together.


“Miss Berry. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked as my classmates went off to talk to their partners.

“Sure” she said as she nod her head and towards my seat.

“I was wondering if I could switch partners.” I said as I looked over to Jasmine who was listening.

“I’m Akira but I can’t do that because then everyone else would want to change partners.” Miss Berry said as she walked away.

“This is fucked up.” I said and ran my hands through my hair.

“Come on lets get this over” Jasmine said and got up and walked over to Jimmy. I sighed and closed my eyes. Then open eyes when I felt movement near me. Of course it was Brian with a smirk sitting in front of me in Jasmine desk.
“Let get this projected over with” I mutter and open my binder.

“Whatever you say” Brian said with a smirk still on hisperfect face. I ccked an eyebrow and grabbed my planner and a pen.

“You have a planner?” he asked with raised eyebrow.

“Is it bad to have one” I said as I looked at my planner.

“Whatever” he said that got him to shut up.

“I’m free tomorrow and later into today to start the project.” I said

“That will work fine for me. But can we start after to school today since I have band practice today.” Brian said as he tries to get a glimpse of my planner.

“Sure” I said and closed my planner book and put it back inside my binder.

“I’ll meet you at your locker st the end of the day.” He said as I got up and the bell rang. I nodded and left.


That rest of the day was pretty alright but in my classes that I had with Brian and his friends. They all looked at me weird smiley way. It was weird. Then would whisper and look at me. See Now I’m a target. This is Bullshit With a Capital B. I just hope they wont come after me.


The bell rang in my last period class to signal schools over. But it’s not over for me. I had to work with Brian on our project. I told Jasmine and she had the thing planned like me. I waved her good bye and said good luck as she walked out the class room to look for Jimmy. I walked over towards my locker and put my binder away and grabbed my umbrella. As I closed my locker. And saw Brian talk to Matt with a smile on his face. Then walked over towards me.

“So where should we do this project at.” He said as he reached me

“We could go to my house” I said in a board tone. But soon regretted that. When Brian smirked and grabbed my hand and pulled me outside of school and it was raining still. Then to his cars and opened it and pushed me inside.

“Don’t need to be so rough” I said as Brian got into the driver side and turned on the car.

“So where is you address” he said ignoring my comment he seem to really want to know my address. I told him where I lived. It was a short because I only lived 3 blocks away form school. So their was not much talking just silent and Brian giving me weird glances. Once we pulled up to my drive way. He got out and fallowed and walked towards my door. I open my door and walked in he walked in after me looking around.

“Nice place” he said as he looked around then at me.

“It’s ok. Let go my room I have books about Rome” I said and walked up stairs toward my room as Brian fallows me. I walked in to my bed room to here small squeals.

“What the hell is that noise” he asked as we enter my room. I can tell he was impressed when he saw my room then he walked over towards my bed and sat on it. Then spaced out.

“Brian” I said as I took off my boots and walked over towards him.

“Brian…Brian…Brian!” I said as I shook his shoulder. Jumped and then relaxed

“Are you ok” then herd another squeal. He nodded then turns red. What the hell.

“What is that noise coming from as he looked everywhere around the room. I walked to the corner of my room where their was a big cage with a blanket over it that was holding my baby. Abby. I smiled as she looked at me. I open the cage door as she hopped on my hand then on my shoulder behind my hair. She was so small. Just the size of my palm of my hand. I walked over toward Brian and sat the bed as he looked at with curiosity.

“It was Abby making the noise” I said

“Abby?” he said with a cocked eyebrow. I smiled and nodded and moved Abby off my shoulder to my hand so Brian could see.

“Is that a monkey on your hand” he said shocked as Abby reached out to him and jumped on his hand

“Yeah. She’s cute” I said as Abby grabbed his finger.

“She is” he said as he looked down at Abby

Maybe he’s not as an asshole that I think he was. Or was I was wrong well see then.