I Wish You Will Leave Me Alone

Wish Three

Wrong! He cares more about his band then our project for school. I mean it great you do something love to do but I think school right now is important. It determines your future. So I need a good mark. So I guess I’m going to have to do all the work by myself and just tell Brian to put his name on our project.

Its 9:55 and Brian left 4 hours 55minuts ago. He was some great help…NOT[/]. He was useless. So now I’m sitting in my living room on my laptop. Browsing around websites. I wonder if my mom made it well to Alaska. She over there on research on the Polar Bear’s extension. Since global worming is taking over. She might call to me before she goes on her next flight.

The telephone ranged. I jumped and covered my hand over my heart and sighed. I reached over to the side of the couch I was sitting on to grabbed the phone.

“Hello” I said as I put the phone against my ear.

“Hey it’s me just checking up on you” my mother’s voice said on the other line

“I’m doing just fine…Just browsing the web” I said

“You should go out. I know you want good grades and everything but have some fun I bet. Plus you know Bill right I can get you in somewhere if I recall that you wanted to go to.” she said. She was right

“Fine I’ll ask Jasmine since she is coming over today at any minute” I said

“Great. I’ll talk to you later. Have fun” she said before she hung up.

I dialed Jasmine cell phone and put the phone against my ear.

“Hey” Jasmine said knowing it was me.

“I was thinking we should go out tonight.” I said as I walked up the stairs

“Oo liken where this is going. Let me guess hook-up from our mothers?” she said

“Yep” I said as I walked inside my room to my closet.

“I’ll see you at 11:00” she said and hung up. No one say good-bye anymore I thought. I look through my closet looking for the a great outfit. And came up with:




I lay it out on my bed and grabbed a towel and walked into my bathroom and took a 30min shower. Then turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me. I walked out into my room and put on a black lacy strapless bra and matching panties.

I blow dried my hair. Then styled it so it can have waves. Then put on black and grey eye shadow and liquid eyeliner with an arch at the end. Then mascara and eyeliner. To finish off I got dressed into what I wanted to wear. Then heard the door bell rang.

I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs and open my door to see Jasmine. She wore a Red V neck and a black mini skirt that was short as mine.

“Ready to go” I said as I stepped outside and locked my front door.

“Yep” she said as we walk to the taxi she came here with. We got in and told the driver where even though he look to us weird but we didn’t care.
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Sorry its short Hope you commet and rate =]