Dancing With Darkness



My mind is entranced by the memories of my past, the many beautiful, pale women, whom I had forced to walk through many lonely winters, as ghosts, forever lost in their innocence.
As my mind wanders, it lingers on one beautiful maiden, whom I had seen once, in an ancient cemetery. She was sitting on a lonely tombstone, looking forlorn, playing her crimson violin beautifully. Her long raven black hair cascading down her back, those empty, grey, sorrow-filled eyes with black tears sliding down her pale cheeks.

For the first time in many, many centuries, my dead heart fluttered. I sighed slightly to myself, hidden within the shadows of the forest. I had to know that beautiful creature’s name, and yet, I could not, as she would fear me, like all those other women, of whom I had drank the very essence from, draining the delightful ruby colored liquid from their sorrow-filled veins.