If I Had Just One Chance, I'd Buy Romance


My day at work was going by extremly slow. I mean, I loved working at the Nursing Home, even though that sounds extremly lame. But I grew up always caring for and helping people, thats just who I am. I enjoyed it alot. I always take care of this 78 year old woman, Ruthy. She's not actually boring like most people are, I enjoy talking to her. I've been working for her for about six months already.

As I walked down the hall of the nursing home with Ruthy's lunch tray in my hand, I finally found her room door, and opened it.
As I walked through the door, I found Ruthy sitting in her rocking chair, greeting me with a warm smile.
"Hello, dear." She said.
I smiled. "Hey, Ruthy, how are you today?"
"Good, sweety, just good thank you."
"I'm glad to hear that." I walked twoards her, and pulled out her table tray and set her lunch on it. "I brought you your lunch." I finally said.
Ruthy smiled. "Thank you, but I'm not so hungry right now."
"Are you feeling okay? You know everyones going to get on to you about not eating."
"Oh, no." Ruthy shook her head. "I feel fine, just not in the mood to eat."

I nodded my head. "Ohh, I see." and sat down on Ruthys bed.
"How are you today, honey?" Ruthy asked me, as she took the plastic wrap off of her lemonade and took a drink of it.
"I'm okay, I guess. Things could be better, but you know, they're not."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Is it your boyfriend?"
I sighed. "Well, sort of--Yeah its him."
"I tell you, the boys these days." Ruthy shook her head.
I laughed. "No, its just he never has time for me anymore." I started, as I heard Triston, (An asshole employee) yell from the hallway, "Are you a dumbass?! Stack all the trays on top of eachother before you throw them all on the cart!"

Ruthy gasped from suprisement. "Oh, dear. Everyone with their language." she said as a dissapointment.
I smiled at her. "Yeah, Tristons a pretty big jerk, though." I got up from Ruthys bed. "I'm going to go get your medication, make sure you eat at least something, pretty please."
"Okay, sweety."

I walked out of Ruthys room, and found the guy from the movies out in the hallway, with a cart fool of trays.
"Was that you Triston was yelling at?" I asked, confused, without even thinking what I was saying.
The guy looked up, "You heard?" he laughed.
I smiled. "I'm pretty sure alot of people did."
"Well thats embarassing."
I laughed at his statement. "Well, Triston is always like that, its something everyone has to get use to."
"Yeah, well first days are always a pain in the ass." He said, as he stacked up the pile of trays.
"Oh yeah, you just started working here, at the nursing home." I laughed.
"I just moved here." He looked up at me and smiled. "And you say that like working here is a bad thing."
"No.." I smiled. "You don't look like the type of guy to work here."
"Oh." He smiled and looked down. "Well I didn't have much time to find a job, and you know, there wasn't very many options."
I nodded, "I think you just moved across the street from me."
"No shit?" He looked back up at me, and said as a question, but with some sort of excitment.
"Mhhhmm. I'm pretty sure."
He smiled. "I'm Jeremy."
"Sydney." I smiled back, and looked down.

"What are you guys doing?!" Triston yelled at us, speeding down the hallway. "You need to finish cleaning up all the trays from rooms!" He pointed his finger at Jeremy. "And you need to finish taking care of Miss Ruthy!" He pointed his finger twoards me now.

I looked at Jeremy, as we both wanted to start laughing, but got back to work.


Later that afternoon, I got home to find Travis not to be there, but that was like most nights.
He always had to work. And if he wasn't working, he was either out at band practicing, so his band could play at shows.
Or, he was either out just having guy nights with his friends. That all led up to never spending time with me.

I was getting pretty sick and tired of it. It was like I had no boyfriend. The only time I would see him was when I woke up in the middle of the nights, or in the mornings to find him sleeping beside me, that was pretty much it. Or before he went to work.

I sighed as I walked into my bedroom, and digged my cellphone out of my purse.
I dialed in Travis' cellphone number, and waited for him to answer.

"Hellooooo?" He said, happily.
"Travis?" I said on the other end of the phone.
"Ohhh, Sydney!" I heard him run into a quiet place.
"Travis, where are you?"
"Oh, uhm," I heard a door slam. "I'm at Danny's, why? Is everything okay?"
"Danny's? You didn't work today?"
"No, I was off."
I sighed. "Okay, whatever."
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing, Travis. Because you never do anything wrong to me, so I'm perfectly fine." I said, sarcastically.
"Okay..." Travis said quietly.
"Are you at least going to be home by the time I cook dinner? Because if not, I won't bother cooking."
"Yes, baby. I'll be home in a half hour."
"Okay. Bye."
"I love you." I heard, before I hung up the phone.
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If you read it, pleaseee.