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The Looks You Give Are So Contagious

The Difference Part One


Honestly, to understand who I am as a person you need to understand my sister. Her name is Nyssa. Its pronounced nih-SUH. Not nissa or nicea. Just Nih-SUH. I shouldn't say just Nyssa becaue she is so much more then just Nyssa. She is my twin, my best friend, and the one person I rely on more then anything else in the world. More then music. And thats a huge part of who I am.

Now I use the term twin lightly. We may have the same face but our personalities couldn't be any farther apart. And what I am about to say is the best example of that polar oppositeness: i will be the first one drunk at the party, picking out a boy from across the room, while she is the one that almost always choses to be a DD.

But I love my sister she honestly keeps my head and feet on the ground. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't around to that. Our band has just gotten its "big break" and she is the one keeping me sane amongst all the chaos surrounding this tour.

Anyway, There really isn't a point to this more then to tell you that my sister has a way about her. She doesn't sleep with boys all that often. She doesn't drink really. She doesn't smoke anything ever. She doesn't like chaos. And she absolutely hate it when people say her name wrong.

My sister is the one that takes care of us. Me and the guys. She feeds is. Makes sure we are in the the right place at the right time. And she makes sure we don't lose ourselves to the big bad industry of music. I love her for all the things she does for us but there comes a time when you just need to let lose

Who knew that my sister letting lose would come in the form of a crazy boy with no regards for any sort of order.
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I love this story and I am sorry it sat for so long I am determined to make my chapters better then they are right now