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The Looks You Give Are So Contagious

The Difference Part Two


The thing people remember the most when they meet me, is Nikki. She’s my sister and my twin and my best friend. I depend on her more than anyone else in the world. She keeps me grounded. Without her, I’d get lost in my own world. It’s as simple as that.

But Nikki is anything but simple. She the bold, bubbly, outgoing twin and everyone can see it. That’s why they all remember her. Her laugh is the kind that gets stuck in your head. Her jokes are the ones that make you still laugh days later. Her smiles are the thing everyone falls for.

I was jealous when we were younger. Nikki had the attention and the boys. Everything seemed to come so easy to her. She’s so talented too. Her words inspire kids every day and her voice still gives me chills when I hear her sing.

But there’s something I’ve come to realize over the years. Nikki and I, we complement each other. We work together. No one’s quite sure how we do it, but we do. She’s crazy and out of control most of the time, while I’m the OCD type that keeps everything and everyone together. I know Warped Tour is really going to test all of our boundaries, especially mine.

What I never thought I’d see though is any boy calming my sister’s wild spirit. But I was wrong.
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I'm super excited to re-write this : ) I miss Jack and Alex sooooo much. Hopes everyone enjoys the improvements we'll be making for this story. Comment with your opinions? xooxEmber