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The Looks You Give Are So Contagious

Pinch me, i might be in love.


Oh home sweet home and i do not mean my actual home in Chicago, i mean touring. This is my real home. The one place i belong more then anywhere else in this world. Currently we, and i mean Make It, Break It, are on Warped Tour.

Only one of the best and most fun tours for bands and fans alike.

Maybe that is why Drew and i are jumping up and down on the bus yelling "WARPED TOUR!!! WARPED TOUR!!!" at the top of our lungs, but only maybe...

My sister was sitting behind her laptop, rolling her eyes. "You act like we have never been here before."

Frankie glares playfully at her, while throwing a fruit loop from his bowl at her, "Playing one date, on the battle of the bands stage LAST YEAR, does not count."

Now me and drew were giving her the HAHAHA we have a right to be this excited look. Jason rolled his eyes along with her. That traitor. "well, that still means we have technically played warped tour before."

"TRAITOR!" Drew yells at him, weird. I must hang out with him too much.

That second the bus lurched to a stop me and drew look at each other, then fought to get to the door first. He has his elbow digging into my ribs and that means war. I step on his foot, really hard.

He yelps and opens to door pushing me out, sending me tumbling to the hard gravel. I was grateful for all of two seconds to be off the push before i realized i was on top of someone else.

Quickly i rolled over off the person. "Shit, I'm sorry. My friends an idiot and pushed me outta the door, i didn't mean to take you down with me." i turned to look at the kid i landed on. His hair was sorta blond and he had a cute nose piercing.

"Great job, Nicole! First day of the best tour ever and you kill someone!" Drew yelled and pointed a figner from me to the kid i "killed".

He seemed fine, i mean he was laughing on the floor. and not like quiet.

"He isn't dead, you fuck! and if he was it would have been your fault for pushing me!" I yelled back. The kid was up off the ground, and still laughing, when he held a hand out to me. "Thanks. Im Nikki, sorry i almost killed you." although i doubt i could, this kid was like -3% body fat and all muscle.

"Its all good, I'm Zack." He smiles and finally lets go of my hand. "I have to go but i will definitely see you around."

I wink and nod as he walks away. Once he was out of ear shot i heard Jason groan. "Seriously, we have been here for less then ten minutes and she already has a boy wrapped around her finger. She should be studied."

Tyler, finally shows his cute face and laughs following Jason off the bus, "By what? Strippers?"

Jason looks at him in thought, "If it will help them make more money, then yes."

I rolled my eyes, linking arms with my sister, "Please, i wont ever share my secrets."

"I wouldn't either." Nyssa says, looking at the time on her phone, "Alright, we dont have anything to do til like 5. So be back here by 4. Other then that feel free to do whatever you want."

My mind wonders to the very attractive boy named zack. She must have known what i was thinking because she gave me a look. "What?!"

"I said do what you want. Not WHO you want." she gave that sterm look she was so common for, i should have seen this coming.

i cocked my head to the left, giving her the same look she just gave me, well my variation of it which is a playful look that gets to her every time . "Aren't they basically the same thing."


"Fun sucker." i said and grabbed Jason's arm skipping off with him.

Nyssa yelled something after us but i wasn't paying attention. Jason kept skipping with me, but asked "Where are we going to go?"

"We're gunna start a game of hide and seek."


I shrugged as we ironically caught up with Zack and a group of boys. "Because it'll be fun?"

He laughed, as stopped our skipping all together so no we were just walking towards them. he probably did this to keep us from creeping them out, "Alright good plan."

"Hey, ZACK!" i yelled and the whole group looked at me. But i couldn't remember why i called his name as my eyes locked with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. Forget what i said about how attractive Zack was. This kid could put Brad Pitt to shame.

Pinch me, i might be in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
i missed this story. shit it feels good to write it again.
comment please.
give us something.
alright ember, you're up...
hope you like it!