Status: active : ) comment!

The Looks You Give Are So Contagious



"Hey Nys." Frankie plopped down on the couch in the mini living room. I looked up from my laptop and saw his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. Warped tour was so gross sometimes. "Tyler told me to come get you." I sighed and closed my laptop. Oh the details of being a band and tour manager.

"Did he mention what he needs?" I gently rubbed my neck and stood up, making my way to the door. Glancing back and I noticed Frankie was already passed out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way to the fabulous Make It, Break It merch table. Tyler was laying back in a fold out chair when I approached.

"Hey my lovely whore buddy." He smirked and I managed to squeeze in between our booth and Sing It Loud's booth.

"What was the delivery boy for?" I asked and sat next to him in my own fold out chair. Gates weren't open yet so everything was pretty vacant except for the few late comers that were still setting up their booths.

"Nothing." Tyler shrugged. "Just figured Frankie had better get out of the heat before he had a melt down."

"Aw. How nice of you." I teased and he fake glared at me, causing me to giggle. All of the band members were like brothers to me, but Tyler was a tad bit closer. More of a best friend then just a brother, though he was just as protective. I think it was mostly because he's the merch kid and I'm the manager so we help each other out and spend practically all of our time together.

"I am a savior in disguise." Tyler squinted and looked off to the way left. "Is that?" He trailed off and I glanced in the direction he was suggesting. I couldn't see anything, but soon enough Drew came running past our booth at top speed.

"Yeah." I agreed and smiled a little. Tyler shook his head and sat back in his seat. "I wonder what he's," I stopped as Jason went running past as well, paying no attention to us and looking like hell was chasing him. "They're up to." I corrected.

"Who fucking knows?" Tyler laughed as Nikki came running by. She spotted us and ran over to our table, looking behind her before she jumped over and squatted down behind it. Tyler was in a fit of laughter and Nikki sat with wide eyes and heavy breathing.

"What's going on?" I questioned her and craned my neck forward so I could see past the booth beside us. Another boy was running this way.

"We're ... playing ... hide ... and seek." She got out between breaths. I should have known.

"Figures." Tyler shook his head and I noticed the boy that had been running was now running toward us.

"Those fucking tards left me behind." Nikki scrunched her eyebrows together and her nose a little like she does when she gets mad. I only half paid attention since there was now the boy standing clearly in front of our table and he leaned over it to look for what I presumed was Nikki.

"Can I hide here with you guys?" He asked innocently and quickly glanced over his shoulder. I looked over at Tyler and both of us shrugged. "Thanks." He smiled and jumped over the table just like Nikki had, barely missing landing on her too.

"You're supposed to find your own hiding spot Barakat!" Nikki hissed as someone yelled in the distance.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are!" Another male was walking down the pathway between the different band booths. I watched him make his way, making sure to look in all the empty spaces between some of the booths. Apparently Nikki and 'Barakat' had been arguing in whispers, because the next thing I noticed was her pushing him and him falling on my feet. I squealed a little and looked down at him, his eyes widened and he held his finger to his closed lips. I bit my bottom lip as I looked back up and saw the guy walking over to our table. "Ello, I'm Alex." He held his hand out toward me and I meekly placed mine in his. Alex had light brown hair with what looked like a few blonde highlights and it was cut in the usual to the shoulders I-don't-need-a-hair-cut way that practically all the Warped guys had.

"I'm Tyler and this is Nyssa." Tyler spoke for me and I mentally thanked him. The first things out of my mouth would have been 'they're hiding under here' knowing how bad of a liar I was.

"Cool, have you guys seen anybody running around here lately?" He was still looking at me. I wondered if it was apparent on my face how bad of a liar I was.

"Yeah dude. A bunch of people just went running that way." Tyler pointed in the direction Drew and Jason had run to.

"Thanks man." Alex nodded and took off at a jog. Nikki let out a big sigh.

"God Nys, you almost gave us up." She stood up and brushed the grass and dirt off her butt.

"Wasn't my fault." I shrugged and watched her hop back over the table.

"Don't forget you guys go on first thing today." Tyler yelled after her as she walked in the opposite direction that Alex had gone. Nikki simply waved at us without turning around.

"Um." The boy that was still lying at my feet spoke up and scared me again. This time I managed to not make a sound though as I looked down at him. "I'm Jack." He smiled and I noticed my cheeks get hot. He was cute. Really cute.

"Tyler." Tyler nodded at him as he got up and went to the back of our small tent to go through a box. Jack watched him and then turned his eyes back to me. He had big brown eyes that were nice to look at, and stare, with a very interesting dye job.

"I'm Nyssa." I couldn't help but smile as he grinned at me.

"Nice to meet you." He slowly stood up and then jumped over the table. "See ya later." He smirked over his shoulder and my heart rate seemed to quicken.

"Hey Nys." Tyler called me and I blinked a few times, watching Jack's figure get farther and farther away, before turning to him. "Catch." As soon as I'd turned around Tyler threw four shirts at me. I caught one. Tyler laughed and picked up the other three from the ground. "You need faster reflexes." He muttered and started to lay out the shirt on the table.

"Or you just need to be nicer." I elbowed him lightly and smiled, helping with folding the shirt the 'right way'.
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I liked the way this one was written so I didn't tweak it too much, just fixed the errors. Comments?