Always There For Me

Always There For Me Chapter 4


For the next few weeks I watched Nessa closely to make sure she would keep her word about the cutting and so far everything looked good. Then one day, while she was out with Lily, I found her diary laying out. She had always told me that I was the only one allowed to see it-our little secrets. I was curious to know what she had been feeling while we were on tour and she was dating that idiot. I opened the book and was appalled by what I was reading.

I read it three more times and each time it broke my heart even more than the last. Finally I wandered into Kevin’s room where he and Nick were working on a song. “Guys…we have a problem.”

They looked up. “What kind of problem?”

“A Nessa problem.”

They put down their guitars and turned to face me as I sat on the edge of the bed. I sighed and showed them her diary. “It says that she feels left out every time we go away. She feels like she is the shame of our family, hidden for some reason. She feels as if she is not good enough to go on tour with us. It breaks my heart guys.”

They were silent for a few moments and then Kevin sighed. “I think we need to talk to her, guys.”

Suddenly Nick cleared his throat. “Actually, do you guys mind if I take this one? I kind of want to talk to her about it. Just…twin to twin.”

I nodded, Kevin following my action. “Of course. You’ve always been the one who knows best what she is feeling or thinking. Just…let her know that we don’t think that either.”

He nodded and left the room, in deep thought. About an hour later, Nessa came home and I listened from my doorway as Nick met her in the hallway. “Hey Ness. I thought maybe you and I would go out tonight for dinner. Just the two of us. Kind of a little…twin getaway. Sound good?”

She nodded and smiled. “That’s great. I’ve missed our talks, Nick.” She walked away and went to her room.

Nick sighed. “Good…because a big one is coming.” He muttered to himself.

I rested my head against my door as I thought about all of the things she could have been feeling or thinking the entire time we were gone and it broke my heart into even tinier pieces knowing that she felt unwanted and unimportant.

Finally Nick and Nessa were leaving for their dinner together. As they walked past my room I sent a look at Nick, which he silently replied to. I watched them leave, all the while praying that Nick got through to her…and fearing that if he didn’t, we would all be in for some rough days.