Arrange Marriage

Chapter One

It was a sunny day on Malibu, California. It was the sunny day like you think nothing can be wrong that day. But for Lily Truscott, everything had gone wrong that day.

The 19-year-old blondie was munching innocently on her cereal that day. She was staring through the sliding door, looked at the beautiful wide ocean from where she’s sitting at. Which was on one of the island in her mother’s kitchen, a bowl of Cheerios was in front of her. She took another spoon of the cereal and shoved it in her mouth.

Lily’s dad, Daniel Truscott was reading the sport’s section of the newspaper on the table. He enjoyed his morning coffee, while her mother, Heather Truscott was looking at her planner. She’s tipping her pen on the page. Suddenly she gasped and her husband noticed it.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Daniel asked Heather. She looked at the man in dread. “We have to tell her today.” Heather whispered clearly to Daniel, didn’t want her daughter hear their conversation. “Tell her what?” he replied in the same tone she used. “you know,” she paused, “the will.”

“Oh God, she’ll be freaked!” Daniel shout whispered. The woman beside him shushed him, “but we have too.” she looked at him hopefully.

Lily put her bowl in the sink and walked to her room and showered. She was in her summer vacation. She studied Fine Arts at the UCLA, the same place where Miley Stewert studied her Music Major.

After the shower, Lily wore her blue baby-T with tan shorts; she let her golden blonde hair flow over her shoulder. She put on her trainees and jogged down the stairs. “Mom, dad, I’m going to Oliver’s!” Lily was about to open the front door but her parents stop her.

“Lily, can we talk to you for second?” Heather asked Lily. She’s sitting on the couch with her husband, waiting for their daughter’s answer. Lily rolled her eyes before she combined with her parents in the living room. Heather and Daniel taught their daughter very well on the manners but Lily doesn’t have the mood to deal with parents right now.

“Yes, mom.” she flopped in front of the couple. She sat on the one-sit sofa in cross-legged. She looked at her parents, somehow their reaction a little bit weird that time. She narrowed her eyes at her mom and dad. “What are you guys want to tell me?” she crossed her arms.

Heather nudged her elbow to her husband. Daniel flinched, “I’m sorry Lilikins, but we had promised them.” Daniel looked her daughter’s confuse face.

“Promised what?” she asked. Lily looked back and forth at her parents’ eyes.

“You’re going to marry a Jonas.” Heather forced a smiled on her face; hopefully her daughter might smile too. But she knew better than that. Out of all the girls in the world, her daughter never agree on whatever she just told her.

“What?!” Lily sprung off the couch. She was pacing around and mumbled to herself. After a few seconds, she stopped and carefully asked them, “Which Jonas?”

Heather looked at her husband guiltily. Daniel answered it for her, “Nicholas.”

“Again, what?! Are you flipping kidding me?!” Lily continued pacing around. Yeah, it’s weird to see a girl turn down Nick Jonas. Or any Jonas. Lily and Nick had a history together. She hated him like how much Kevin Jonas dislike fruits. She might gag on him.

Daniel explained to Lily why they told her that, “You know that our family and their family are very close since your great-grandmother’s generation. It’s always Jonas-Truscott, Truscott-Jonas. Well, my grandmother, Ruth Truscott and her best friend, Marie Jonas wrote a will that they want their great-granddaughter and great-grandson gets married before they are 20.” Lily gaped at her father.

“But... But what if I don’t want to?” she whined. She really doesn’t like the third Jonas.

Daniel looked her daughter pouted face, “I don’t know Lily but a will is a will. And we’re Truscott always keep our promises. So does the Jonases.” He moved towards her daughter and squeezed her shoulder.

Lily looked at her dad in the eyes, “But I hate him, dad! He’s so arrogant and full of himself and overbearing and vain and…” she complained, throwing her hand all over the place.

“Okay we’ve got the message; he’s bad even though it is hard for me to believe it. But Lily, You’re going to turn 20 in a few months and Nick’s too.” Heather said. Lily looked at her mom. “But. Why is it had to be him?” Lily’s eyes began to water.

“Because you are the only great-grandchild she ever had and Kevin and Joe already passed 20. Only you and Nick, Frankie’s too young to get married.” Mom told her.

“Aww mommmmmmmmmmm!” she whined again. She hung her head for a while, “But he’s a very success rockstar. What will the media going to think about this?” Lily reasoned out. She was doing the best as she can think of to avoid marrying the curly-head Jonas.

“Don’t think about the media, dear. They’re a tiny problem that we can just ignore…” Daniel rubbed Lily’s back. She looked stared at the coffee table thinking about another reason.

Lily scrunched her nose, “But what about…”

“Okay, enough with the buts and the questions. You go to your room and think about this. Rest your mind first…” Heather stood up and kissed her daughter’s forehead. Daniel smiled apologetic at her, “Rest, okay? Think about it first.”

“Yeah… whatever…” Lily laid back at the sofa and her dad and mom came out of the room. “This. Is. Doom.” Lily said through her teeth and slump her hands to cover her eyes. “Ugh!”


The Jonases were having a dinner at a fancy restaurant. The whole family was there, sitting on the round table. After the dinner, they ordered their dessert except for Joe; he hadn’t eaten dessert since 2007.

While waiting for their dessert, Denise Jonas gave a signal to Kevin Jonas the first to open the subject that they were discussing that morning. Kevin nodded to tell Denise that he will speak about it.

Kevin the second, Joe and Nick were chatting about the girl they saw at the last concert they’ve been. “I am not kidding dude, she’s like a goddess or something.” Joe said enthusiastically at her brothers. “But too bad she’s a Frankie’s girl.” Kevin nudged his 12-year-old brother. “She’s wearing a homemade shirt that said, ‘Frankie always has been my fav. Jonas!’” Kevin told the other brothers.

“How come I didn’t notice this?” Nick asked smiling at his brothers.

“Boys.” Their father just said a word and all the boys’ eyes were on him. “Yeah dad?” Joe adjusted his sit and focused on his father. “We got something to tell you?” Kevin Sr. looked over at his wife. “Something big.” Denise hold Kevin Sr.’s right hand.

“What is it?” Frankie looked at his parents innocently. “Wait, you’re not pregnant again, are you?” Kevin asked his mom in panic but there’s slightly excited in his voice and his eyes.

“No! Not that.” she let out a nervous laughed. “Umm, Kevin why don’t you tell him?” Denise smiled tightly. “Tell who what?” Nick gulped. He felt like the air around him getting more and more humid by the second like somehow the news was directed to him. He loosened his small-checkered tie and his palm began to sweating.

“ Nick,” Kevin Sr. looked at him, “you’re going to—” he was being cut by a waiter put down the dessert for the family. Nick’s legs moved ups and downs waiting impatiently for the waiter to go. “Dude, chillax.” Joe who was sitting beside him whispered.

Kevin Sr. continued where’d left, “Nicholas, you’re going to tie the knot with Lily Truscott before your 20th birthday. I know you’re going to—”

“HUH?!” Nick accidentally shouted at the restaurant. Every single person looked at him. He apologized quickly to them, and then returned to his parents. “Why… why.” Nick stuttered. He let a relief breathe and asked, “Why her?” Nick said in a responsible man like he is.

Kevin Sr. and Denise explained the whole their great-grandparents will thing. Nick sat back at his sit, left his desert untouched, totally surprised by this. Unlike Nick, Frankie had already finished his. “Wow, I thought I was the first one to get married. It just amazed me.” 25-year-old curly-head Kevin said, crossing his arms.

“I thought I was the one?” Joe looked at his big brother. “Is that supposed to offend me in someway?” Kevin narrowed his eyes at Joe. Joe shrugged and get back to the conversation. Kevin smacked his shoulder. “Hey!” Joe whined.

“Guys! Crisis here? Not helping.” Nick said to his 2 big brothers and gave them daggers that they hated so much. both of them looked away and kept their mouth shut.

“I get the whole will thing, I’ll do it but why is it have to be Lily Truscott?” Nick looked back and forth at Denise and Kevin Sr. Frankie slowly took Nick’s dessert and ate them. Denise shook her head at her youngest child’s behavior.

“She’s the only Ruth great-granddaughter. You have no choice. What’s wrong with her? She’s really nice and very polite.” Denise said to Nick.

“Yeah… to you guys. But not me! She’s evil to me. She’s pretty and all but—” Nick tried to argue the topic but being cut off by Frankie. “Lily’s hot!” he said in a low voice but everyone around the table heard him. Kevin and Joe laughed at his comment, he blush a little. Nick let out a little smile but continued his sentence, “she’s aggressive. And always very mean to me sometimes when we’re young. I don’t like her.” Nick complained.

“Oh yeah, Nick afraid of her cause she always shouted at him to stay away from her. Did you remember Kev? In the year of 2002 or 03, Nick’s like 10 or 11 or like that, she pushed Nick in the swimming pool because she said she just don’t like him.” Joe excitedly told Kevin about it. “Joe…” Nick whimpered. Kevin’s trying to remember it.

“Oh yeah…that. Yeah, how can I forget about that scared look?” Kevin gave Joe a knuckle. Nick rolled his eyes at his brothers and Kevin Sr. grabbed his shoulder, “I’m sorry son. There’s nothing we can do about it. We’re going home tomorrow and you’re going to see her eventually.” Kevin Sr. said.

“I’m sorry honey.” Denise showed him an apologetic smile. Nick shrugged.
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