I Hate The Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Roxanne and Pete (Wentz) have been best friends since the age of eight, and even his bitchy girlfriend, Ashlee Simpson, cannot tear them apart. For three years Pete's been feeling a lot more than friendship for her than he'll admit, and Roxanne is still completely clueless.

But now, friends and circumstances have pushed the truth out, so what will happen?

Note; I am SO SORRY. This is the third freakin' time that I've tried to post this. I don't know why they keep deleting it without telling me what was wrong with it, but if it doesn't work this time, then I'll be forced to Quizilla *shudders*
  1. Austin, We Have A Problem
    The saga begins.
  2. Scarves and Hoods Are the Only Poker Face I’ve Got
    In which we see the demise of our heroes faux-heroine.
  3. Born For This, You're My Honerable Mention
    I've burnt out my defensive, now everything I say is taken as offensive. (This is a bit more serious.)
  4. Joke Me Something Awful
    It seems like you were the first to listen to everything we said.
  5. Wish Hard Enough, I Could Turn it to What I Like
    He used to do surgery for the girls in the eighties, but gravity always wins.
  6. Boomerang My Head Back to the City You Grew Up In
    Again and again and again, forever a Lake Effect Kid.