Status: Indefinite hiatus. This story is so old it's never being revived ever again.

Emails From Joey

Emails From Joey

Dear Dad,
How's Milton Keynes? Did I spell that right? Anyway, you said you'd go to that museum in London. Take a lot of pictures and please buy me a souvenir? Maybe, let's say, a model airplane?
How's mom? Why'd you stick me and Jakob with a babysitter? WHY COULDN'T YOU BRING US WITH YOU?!
Anyway, we're at the park. Jakob's on that one swing that looks like puke. He's having the time of his life. Though he could fall and break his neck.
I miss you. Reply soon? Jakob says hi. Actually he says, "Look how high I'm going!"


Has it ever occurred to you that not ALL emails are from fans? Do you ever check your email? I sent that last one a month ago. I know how much fan mail you get everyday, trust me, I had a lifetime experience.
Where are you now? Still in UK? Or in Canada? Or in the states?
I'm going to talk about something random, remember when mom was drunk? That was hilarious. Jakob thought mom was abducted by aliens. He never saw her act that dumb before. Oh, wait. You weren't there. You were recording American Idiot.
I can't wait until you finish touring. I miss it when you look at mom. I know you're probably looking at her now, but I miss it when you do it in front of the kids. Frankie pretending to vomit behind your back Speaking of Frank, how's Tre and Mike?
You know, Tré should get a girlfriend. While he's still young. At least that's what our babysitter said. I think she's in love with him. Ha, ha...
"Hero" misses Mike ALOT. Mom's right, she is a daddy's girl. Jakob can't sleep without your voice. I have to play Wake Me Up When September Ends to get him to sleep.
The babysitter is useless. She's to busy being in love with Tré to take care of us. All she does is look at photos of him. Fire her please?

The babysitter is a pushover. Jakob sneaks chocolate bars before breakfast and she doesn't care. Am I the only adult here?!

The last week of your tour...

-J. M. A.


THE LAST DAY! Two more hours until we see you. Jakob became immune to the song two months ago. He has a bad case of insomnia (sounds familiar?). You should see the dark circles under his eyes. I thought he was wearing eyeliner.
Can't wait to see you. Have a safe trip home.

-Joey and Jakob