He Loves Me?

Seeking Help

The next morning, I found myself with Draco at the front door of the house that was supposed to belong to Harry Potter.

"Well, here goes nothing." Draco said as he rang the doorbell. It was answered by a very pregnant woman with bright red hair and freckles. I didn't recognize her. My heart sank.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but we're looking for Harry Potter? Is this the right address" I asked. She shot a look at Draco.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell him." She spat discustedly at Draco. I was shocked! How could she be so rude! I hardly even knew this woman! I looked over at Draco, he looked as discusted with the woman as she did with him.

"Hello, Weasley." He said. I gasped, how did he know her? "I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have some business we need to discuss with Potter. If you want, I can stay out here while my wife talks with him." I could see her mouth quiver, but how did Draco know this woman? She looked at me, then disappeared into the house.

"She was Potter's girlfriend in school. Blood traitor. I guess he took pity on her and married her." He laughed, and I did too, but nervously. After a few moments of waiting, the girl returned with Potter at her side.

"Malfoy." He said.

"Potter." Draco answered. There was hate dripping over the words. I decided to step in.

"Okay, I know you two didn't get along very well in school, but we're all on the same side now. We had something really bad happen recently. Our only son was killed by a Death Eater, and we really will do anything we can to make sure no one else has to go through what we had to!" I was almost in tears by then, and the woman walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry! I had no idea! I shouldn't have been so rude! I can feel your pain, we have a baby on the way too. We'll help as much as we can, right, Harry?" She said and she let go of me. She looked at her husband expectantly. He was still looking apprehensively at Draco. Finally,

"Yeah, I really am sorry too that you two had to suffer. No one deserves that, right Malfoy?" He directed to my husband.

"Yeah." He answered and they shook hands. I was relieved.

"Okay!" Harry's wife said, "So, when do we start?" She looked eager.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to come, Ginny." Harry said. She looked furious!

"And why not?" She asked.

"Look at you! You're pregnant! This baby's due in less than a month! I don't want to put our baby in that sort of situation!" This sounded familiar, oh yeah! It was the same reasoning Draco had used on his father to keep him from becoming a Death Eater. Too late for that one. He turned to Draco and I.

"I think I have a pretty good idea of his whereabouts, but do we have to go now? I mean, if we could just wait for this kid to be born..."

"I totally understand, Harry! We can wait, but not for too long, we have reason to believe that he's also after...our family." I couldn't bring myself to say 'me.'

"Alright, so I'll be in touch." This sounded like we were discussing a business or something. Well, I guessed it was business, to finish off Voldemort. I was so excited, but worried at the same time that Draco would make me stay home. I was the only thing he had left to leave behind. I was just glad that I weren't pregnant! Well, I could keep Ginny company, but I still wanted to fight!

The next day was the funeral service for Craig and Lucius. I didn't think I could face it. But Draco was at my side, and I felt stronger. The coffin was so tiny! I was crying before the service even began.

I couldn't really pay attention, even if I was in the front row. I turned to Draco and saw tears sliding down his cheeks too. The service was over before too long, and as the crowd walked out of the church to the cemetary, this song played:

Tonight I've fallen, and I can't get up,
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up.
And every night I miss you, I can just look up,
And know the stars are holding you, holding you, holding you,

The body's were buried on a plot of land dedicated to the Malfoys. Lucius already had his spot planned before he died, but Craig was so young, that Draco and I set a piece aside for him where we hoped to be buried someday. When we got home, I cried yourself to sleep in Draco's arms.