He Loves Me?


I really liked the feeling of being pregnant again. I couldn't believe at how fast it had happened! I couldn't wait to tell Draco! But maybe I shouldn't just yet, he had an important task at hand and shouldn't be distracted. I hoped he would come back to visit soon, wondering if I was okay.

On the morning of September 24th, I awoke with tears in my eyes. I had dreamed about Craig, he would have been four months old today, and here I was so happy about being pregnant again.

I went down to Ginny's kitchen where she had pancakes made up for me. I started eating weird combinations of food, like icing sugar and lettuce on my pancakes. I researched it a while ago and found out that it was a sign of being pregnant.

During the next week, I cheered myself up and went to a doctor to find out how far along I was. Draco and Harry left about a week ago, and I was a little over one month pregnant. I hoped they would came back soon!

Draco's POV

These Death Eaters were vicious! I was glad I had gotten good marks in concealment and disguise, or I would have been done for. I had managed to find out that the Death Eaters were after me and Adrianna for not becoming Death Eaters ourselves.

Adrianna. I missed her so much! She seemed so sick when I left. Come to think of it, that was how she felt when she was in her early pregnancy with Craig. She couldn't be pregnant again, could she? I remembered reading when we lost Craig about how long it took before women could concieve again, it didn't say, but they recommended a year before she had any more.

I guess I was just missing the presence of a little person in the house and I wanted another. We had been pretty 'active' in this past month. I guess it could be possible that she was pregnant again. I wonder if she knew? All of a sudden, I had a big urge to go see her and make sure she was alright.

"Hey Harry?" I called over into the room that Harry was staying in. I couldn't believe the place we had been able to rent. It was beautiful, like a five star hotel. And right in the outskirts of London. Harry said his dead godfather left it to him and he and some friends worked on it a lot. It was called Grimmauld Place.

"Yeah?" He called and I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. In a few moments, he opened it and walked out, "What's up?" He asked.

"Can we go back for a day or something? I need to see Adrianna." I said, I hoped I didn't sound too childish. But he looked thoughtful and I held my breath.

"Yeah, I guess we should. Ginny would probably get mad at me if i don't visit once a week, now that we have a kid and all." My heart leapt.

"When do we go?" I asked. He looked at his watch.

"How about in an hour, I should shower, and by the smell of it, you could too." I was about to hit him, but I didn't. It had been great living like teenagers for these past few days, not showering, or cleaning up after ourselves. But the truth was, I liked living with my one and only true love a lot better.

With that, I went back into my room and took a shower in the built in bathroom to my room. I had to admit, it felt good to get clean again. But I remembered all those times Adrianna and I would have showers together. Now that I thought about it, I can't remember even having a shower alone since she got her memory back.

After choosing my clothes carefully, I got dressed and walked out into the hall and found Harry waiting for me.

"Okay, let's go." He said, looking at his waych again, and we apparated.

Adrianna's POV

I couldn't get over how much I missed Draco. I assumed that it had something to do with the news I had to tell him. I laughed to myself, he would be upset that I couldn't make love properly once my belly started getting big. That, hopefully, wouldn't be for another two months. That got me thinking about if Draco and I kept making love to each other, would I just keep getting pregnant? How many kids would be our max? I wouldn't be able to stand abstainance!

I was outside helping Ginny with her garden, I did this with her every afternoon at around 3:00. Then, I heard the huge cracking noise that I dreamed of at night. Draco had come back!

I got up and looked around for the source of the noise, and within miliseconds, I saw his white blonde head shining in the sun above his beaming face. I ran to him and when I got there, he picked me up in his arms and twirled me around. I laughed the whole time! I couldn't believe he had come at a time when I most needed to talk to him.

"Hey guess what?" I asked him when he set me down on the ground again. I saw a smile slowly creep up in his face, but he hid it and tried to look serious.

"What's up?" He answered with another question.

"I'm pregnant!" I told him, and he let his smile show and he picked me up again and twirled me around again. It was just like the time when I was pregnant with Craig...but I tried not to think about that. Now it was time to celebrate new life, the new life that was growing inside my belly at this very moment. It was important to remember Craig, but it was also important to think about the future, and the joys it will bring!