He Loves Me?

First Words

As the months past, surprisingly quickly, I noticed the twins grew very close to the Zabini girls. The new baby was named Anastasia Minette. Her and Riley became considerably close as playmates.

One day, when Riley and Krystal were about seven months old, they said their first words.

These past few months, Draco and I had been calling each other 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' to get the kids inot the habit of calling us that when they learned to talk. It would be embarassing to hae kids that called us by our first names! Well, if they were 20, that was fine, but not as toddlers.

Draco and I were sitting in the kitchen, neither of us felt up to making supper, we were both so exhausted with raising the twins and we had no energy left. Riley and Krystal were playing with some blocks on the floor, happy as can be.

Krystal crawled over to Draco and held her arms out, wanting to be picked up. Riley saw what she was doing and did the same, but to me. We picked our kids up and held them on our laps.

"Mommy!" Riley screeched in my ear.

"Daddy!" Krystal screeched. Draco and I were both bewildered, but happily so! They had just said their first words! We were both honoured that they were mommy and daddy! '

That was all the energy we needed, so with that, I got up with Riley in my arms and started making a pizza for supper. Draco got up with Krystal in his arms and got the high chairs out and the baby food. He plunked Krystal down in her chair and walked over to me and took Riley. I smiled at him and kissed him. He was taken by surprise, but he kissed back after a few moments.

"I love it when you do that, just take me by surprise." He said when we broke apart.

"I love everything you do." I answered.

"Even when I went to get toilet paper when you were in labor?" He asked, laughing.

"Well....." You teased, then I laughed. That question really didn't need an answer.

I finished making supper and Draco fed both of the twins. Finally at around 10:00pm, both of the twins were sleeping like rocks and Draco and I crawled into bed for another wild night. Little did the both of us know, that was the night I got pregnant again.