Seeing Double


A short while passed, as I found a light jacket, pulling it on, and snatching my keys off of the dresser. I was going to lock the door, so I wanted a way back into the house later tonight. I knew that I wouldn't have to worry about Gabby. There was a high likeliness that she wouldn't even be home tonight. If she did come home, I'd already be back.

Maybe for once she took her key with her.

I laughed at that thought, and made my way out the door, and thought for a few minutes on where the club was. After a few moments, I realized that I could probably walk there, and wouldn't be putting my car at risk of... drunks.

They could be very clumsy, destructive, and... pee everywhere. A terrible combination. All things that my car didn't need to tolerate.

Plus, if I had a few drinks, I was not driving.

It took me only a few minutes to reach the club, however, the boys weren't there. Sighing, I stood near the entrance, a man near the door giving me an odd look.

"Can I help you with something?" he spoke up, and saw me shake my head, "then why are you standing out here? Are you lost?"

I sighed. Would I really have to talk to him? "No. I'm waiting for my... friends," I shifted the weight on my feet.

"What do they look like?" he smiled, taking a step toward me. This made me counter his step by slipping one foot back.

I bit my lip, "uhm... a group of guys, one with black hair that's either down or puffy," I made a quick motion with my hands to exaggerate Bill's hair, "one with blonde dreads... uhm... I think a brown haired guy and a.. another blonde," I shifted, "but with shorter hair."

All the pictures of Gustav that I had seen online had short hair, so I'd assume it didn't just suddenly grow out to reach his lower back or something.

"Well, I.." the guy started, then paused.

"Hi, Bella!" a voice suddenly lurched into the air, as I spun around, seeing four young men standing behind me, Bill being closest to me. "Who's that guy?" he motioned toward the man that had been talking to me, and I shrugged.

Turning a little, I watched the guy eye Bill, and turn away, mumbling about something.

Tom smiled, walking passed his brother, "let's go. The club isn't going to come outside for us... Georg scares them too much."

To this, Bill smirked, and Georg opened his mouth as if he were going to say something, but then closed it, as if not bothering to comment.

Bill walked passed me, and to the door, waiting for us to begin forward. After I had passed him, I felt him on my heels, navigating around small groups of people in the halls to the main room. I came to two big, glass double-doors, where I could easily see flashing lights inside. Pulling one of the doors open, I waited until I felt another hand holding it back, before advancing, and stepping off to the side.

The young men filled into the room, and looked around. I saw a smirk flit across Tom's lips, and Georg was examining everything - and everyone - very carefully. Gustav didn't say a word. Bill, however, mumbled something inaudible over the music, and made his way towards the bar.

He came back a moment later with a chocolaty colored liquid in a cup, taking a drink from it while staring at us. "They have the drink I like!" he smiled, speaking over the music. Seeing me staring at the strange colored liquid, he held out the cup, making a motion that made me think that he wanted me to try it.

"What is it?" I eyed the cup nervously, taking it from his hand.

"It's a toffee liqueur drink that I like," he smiled a warm smile, watching me put the drink to my lips, and took a small sip of it. It wasn't too bad. Especially since I rarely drank. After a second I offered the cup back to Bill. "Do you like it?"

I nodded a little, and glanced back to see Georg walking off with Gustav. I gave Tom a questioning glance, but he merely shrugged in response.

Bill made a quick motion, taking the cup and hopping back to the bar, returning with another drink that looked like his, and held it out for me. "Here!" he smiled.

Tom snickered, as he brought his mouth near my ear, "he's trying to get you nice and drunk already? But you guys haven't even known each other for twenty minutes," I heard him chuckle, and I shivered a little, looking at the drink. Only a moment later, I saw him eying a girl that was dancing, and waved, making his way toward her.


A short while passed, and Bill and I had taken a seat at a small table, talking while every few minutes I would take a sip of the liquid in the cup. He had already drank his, and had obtained another.

A long silence came between us, as Bill set the glass down on the table, and looked around, "I see Gustav," he announced, "hold on, I've got to go tell him something." With that, he stood up and walked away towards the young man.

Moments later, Tom was standing beside the table, staring at me. A faint smell of alcohol drifted from him, and I scrunched my nose at the smell. Was he drunk already?

"Do you want to dance?" he questioned, sounding unusually sober for the smell drifting around him.

"You're drunk," I retorted, eying him carefully.

A smirk slipped onto Tom's face, "no, I'm not at all. I'm still standing," he held out his hand, "if you were having any fun, maybe you would be drinking more than just that little bit of liqueur that Bill gave you." Almost as if on que, he held out a drink that I hadn't noticed he'd been holding. Half of the contents was missing, and when he saw me staring at it as if it were poison, I heard him laugh. "I didn't do anything to it, and if you're willing to drink from Bill's glass, why not mine?"

"Who knows what disease you have that he doesn't," I teased, and he leaned back, laughing a little more.

The dread-haired man shrugged, "fine, have it you're way. I'll get you one - if," he held up his free hand to point a finger at me, "you go and dance with me."

"I can't dance," I retorted.

Tom smirked widely, seeming to think for a few minutes, "that's a lie," he responded, "I'll show you. Just one minute."

Before I could complain, he walked off towards the bar. What was with the twins getting me drinks?

Shifting, I looked around, and realized that I couldn't see Bill anymore, and Gustav was out of sight. Coming to mind, where had Georg gone off to? I couldn't see him, either.

Only seconds passed when Tom returned, offering me a glass with the same looking liquid that had been in his cup - which seemed lower than when he had been here moments before. I wasn't much for drinking, but I felt bad turning down someone that would buy me a drink.

I wasn't going to let him take me into a hotel room, no matter how many drinks he gave me. Talk about diseases there.

I sighed, taking the drink from his hand, instantly realizing that this was strong enough that a bottle or two of it could probably make an lion think that it could Tango. Then again... I wasn't really sure how alcohol-tolerant lions were, though.

Tom was going to get me drunk. Very, very drunk... if I drank enough of these.

How wasn't he drunk? Was he really able to only get a buzz off of this?

I smiled uneasily, taking a small drink of the liquid, and gasped lightly at the overwhelming taste. I definitely preferred what Bill had been drinking. It didn't taste as... toxic.

He was still looking at me expectantly, "do you like it?"

"It's... different," I mumbled. Yeah, very different. I didn't exactly care for it. But I wasn't going to only take one drink. I took a small breath, and swallowed more of the toxic-tasting drink.

Tom shifted, and looked towards the people dancing, an upbeat song lifting into the air. "Now, the other part of the deal," he smirked, lightly gripping onto my wrist, and tugging me up to my feet.

Sighing, I placed the glass down, and followed him. I didn't know how to dance! What did he really expect me to do? Stare at him? Was that some sort of dance now?

He held onto my wrists for a moment, pulling me a little closer, and began moving around a little, motioning for me to do the same. I really felt like an idiot while doing this, I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks.

After a moment, apparently he thought that I was willing to dance differently, as he stepped behind me, pressing his body against mine, and I felt myself become rigid. Especially with the new language that lifted into the air, as I felt somebody tug on my arm, pulling me away from the white gangster.

"Tom!" a familiar voice snapped, "was ist.." was all I caught in the other language before I looked up to see Bill shouting something in German at his friend. The music died down, and I could hear a new flurry of words come from his lips, "Was denken Sie, dass Sie tun? Ich lud sie hier nicht ein, Sie zu beobachten, überall in ihr reibend! Sind Sie dumm?"

I had no idea what they were saying, but the tone that took Tom's voice was protesting, and a few quick motions, before Bill huffed something, and looked at me carefully. He almost looked hurt.

"I thought you were going to wait at the table for me?" he shifted his hand from my wrist to my shoulder, and I saw Tom back away from us, saying something in the unknown tongue, before disappearing into the crowd.

I looked to where Tom had disappeared, then to Bill, "well... I couldn't see you any more, and Tom wanted me to dance," I mumbled, the music picking up again as the man pulled me out of the group of people, and back to our table, looking uneasily at the second drink.

It wasn't even half gone.

"Tom?" he questioned, lifting the glass. Seeing me nod, he lifted it - probably high enough to smell it - made a face, then pushed it to the side of the table. "Are you feeling okay?"

I thought about the question for a few minutes, "yeah... I think so. Why?"

"Figuring Tom, he gave you something super-alcoholic that he thinks is good, and you think is going to put you in a coma," the black haired man shifted. "Do you want to go outside?" he motioned for the door.

Seeing me nod, he lightly grasped my hand, pulling me behind him in order to get around a group of people, and made our way out the doors, down the hallway that had almost emptied itself out, and pushed open doors where a cool breeze met my face instantly.

I watched him release my hand, then walk alongside the building - just out of reach of the door - and dig around in his pocket, pulling out a cigarette, and lighting it. "I don't smoke much, but... I don't know," he shrugged, "I don't need an excuse."

"Did I do something wrong?" I stared at him nervously. By the way he had reacted, I assumed that something had gone wrong. Of course, second assumption was that I had done something wrong.

To this, he shook his head rapidly, letting a small stream of smoke slip from his mouth, "no, no! Tom was just..." he groaned a little, and put out the cigarette. "You really need to just ignore him sometimes. He's not bad..." he countered what he was saying, and stared at me, seeming to have an argument in his head.

"He's just Tom," I finished, and Bill pointed at me, nodding, mumbling, 'ja, that...' and going back to his own little world.

A few minutes passed, and I realized that he was looking around as if paranoid, "I... am tired," he announced.

"Do you want me to help you find everyone so you can go home?"

To this, he shook his head, "nein. Georg and Gustav already left, I think. Georg left earlier, and Gustav said he was going back to see if Georg went to his room or not... and... I don't want to go in to see Tom," at this point, I began noticing a faint slur in his voice.

"Now it's my turn to ask - are you okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder, and he looked at me tiredly.

"Ja, ja," Bill smiled, "I'm standing, so I'm alright," he looked down the street both ways, "I have to go... that way," he motioned one way, then thought about it, shaking his head, "never mind. Wrong way. Or.. was it?" with that, his voice shifted a little, and he began speaking in another language, and sighed. "What do you think?"

This caught me off guard, "think about what?

"I was just telling you!"

"You weren't speaking English..." I shifted uneasily.

He stared at me in disbelief, "really?" I nodded, and he rubbed his head.

"Do you have a cell phone? Maybe you should call someone to pick you up..."

To this, he nodded, "good idea," he fumbled with his pockets, and pulled a small black phone out, pressing a couple buttons, and waited. "Gustav? Ja, ist es Bill..." he began mumbling something, and shut the phone. "Gustav said Georg will be picking me up... apparently Gustav had too much to drink..." he smiled.

I waited with him for a few minutes, until a vehicle pulled up, and Georg poked his head out the window. "Hi Bella! Have good time?" he smiled when I nodded and waved, and waited for Bill to get in the car.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Bill smiled, walking to the passenger side of the car and sitting down, slamming the door shut. "Bye!" he waved from behind the driver.

"Bye," I smiled, waving to the two, and Georg waved before driving away.

I then proceeded to making my way down the street toward my house. A few seconds later, I heard someone shouting to me in a very familiar tone. "Bell! Hey! Bell!" the voice chimed.

Dare I turn to look?

Soon, I felt someone holding themselves up with my arm, and giggling madly, "what are you doing out, Sister?" the voice spoke again.

I looked down to see Gabby smiling and giggling to herself, before making herself stand upright.

"More like, what were you doing out with all those boys? They were all boys, right? I couldn't tell really with that black haired kid... it looked like a guy... but.. not!" she smiled.

"They invited me out..." I continued walking, "and they were all guys," I sighed. Great. I wouldn't hear the end of this.

"Oooh!" she squealed, following me, "I almost went over to talk to you, but some guy with dreads went over and I didn't dare steal your chance! I mean, really, Bell, how long has it been since you were out with a guy late at night?

To this, I did not - and would not - answer. Luckily, we were already at the house, and she would have to stop questioning me soon. Sleep would call her to bed quickly.

I shifted around, digging the key out of my pocket and sliding the door open, shutting it and locking it behind Gabby, and followed her to our rooms, ignoring her rambling for the remainder of the night.

Sighing, I made my way into my room to drift into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Translation to what Bill was saying to Tom when he was dancing: "What do you think you're doing? I didn't invite her here to watch you rubbing all over her! Are you stupid?"